There are no Water Management Act withdrawals or NPDES permitted discharges in this segment.
Use Assessment
Shellfish Harvesting
The DMF Shellfish Status Report of July 2000 indicates that Area MB11.0 (which contains this entire segment) is prohibited (MA DFG 2000 and Appendix G, Table G3). MassDEP used bacterial data collected by Camp, Dresser & McKee in 1999 and by the Division of Marine Fisheries between 1986 and 1995 to develop the TMDL for Little Harbor (MassDEP 2002). According to the TMDL, the DMF data identified violations of water quality standards for shellfish harvesting along the perimeter of the harbor and fecal coliform bacteria were consistently high around Gammons Road. The TMDL also stated that the CDM wet-weather sampling event, on September 30, 1999, “shows clearly that fecal coliform is high in the stormwater entering Little Harbor and results in water quality violations.” In addition to stormwater, possible sources of fecal coliform bacteria were identified as failing or inadequate septic systems, domestic animals or wildlife (MassDEP 2002).
Based on the DMF shellfish growing area status, the Shellfish Harvesting Use is assessed as impaired because of elevated bacteria. Likely sources of bacteria include wet weather discharges from non-point sources as well as municipal separate storm sewer systems. Other potential sources include failed or inadequate septic systems and domestic animals or wildlife.
Primary and Secondary Contact RECREATION and aesthetics
Weekly testing for Enterococci bacteria during the swimming season was conducted at the Little Harbor public beach near Atlantic Ave, Cohasset. No postings were reported in either the 2002 or 2003 beach seasons (MDPH 2003 and 2004b). This beach is located near the outlet of Little Harbor and is not considered to be representative of the water quality in the harbor overall.
The Primary and Secondary Contact Recreational and Aesthetics uses are not assessed for Little Harbor because too limited data are available.
Little Harbor (MA94-20) Use Summary Table