The International Correspondence Chess Federation 2014 Congress Sydney, Australia Table of Contents

Congress Participants - World Champions

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Congress Participants - World Champions

WC #



First Name







President’s Report to Congress

International Correspondence Chess Federation
President’s Report to Congress

August 2014


Dear Delegates, ICCF Officials, Chess Friends,
Next month we will meet for the annual ICCF Congress held for the first time in Australia to celebrate the 85th anniversary of the Correspondence Chess League of Australia (CCLA).
The CCLA welcomes all Delegates and ICCF officials to attend the 43rd ICCF Congress in Sydney, which will be held between 12 October and 18 October.
Much information about travel and accommodations can be found on the congress website
I hope that many of you will be able to join us in Sydney despite the long and expensive trip for our American and European friends, but the congress in Australia will also offer us the chance to welcome some of our Asian friends from India.
In Sydney, I will have the pleasure to congratulate the new Correspondence Chess World Champion Aleksandr Dronov (RUS) the winner of the 27th World Championship (his second crown after the title of the 22nd World Championship). It will also be a great pleasure for me to award the gold medals of the 16th Olympiads to some of the members of the winning team of the Czech Republic and the gold medals of the 8th European Team Championship to the members of the Swedish team who will be present in Sydney.
At the end of last year, we have released a major update of the webserver including all the new features and rules decided last year in Poland. The Services Committee has met in Bolton in June to work on the next year’s plan and the proposals are presented in the Services Director’s report. If adopted by the Congress, they will help us to improve the services offered to the players and the efficiency of the officials, tournament organizers, and tournament directors.
In my report, I will focus on two subjects. The first one reflects the popularity of the ICCF tournaments and the second one the result of the player’s survey that we will have a chance to discuss in Sydney.
I wish to see you many of you next month in Australia.
Amici Sumus
Eric Ruch

ICCF President

ICCF Activity in 2013
2013 has been another record year for ICCF! The year 2013 has concluded with 1,817 entries, an average of almost five entries per day, which is the highest total in the history of the Direct Entry programme.
This year’s total of entries is 44.2% higher than in 2012 and 32.8% higher than the previous highest figure in 2011.
The introduction of the NAPZ Promotion tournaments clearly increased participation in the Direct Entry programme, but the general trend was an increase in participation in events, which is good to see.









DE Applications








Average Applications per day








2013 has also been a record year for ICCF players’ activity: the number of players who have at least played a game has increased by 7% with respect to 2012 and the number of registered players by 17%.

The overall trend is very positive with an increase of 26% of the active players since 2009.

However, the number of registered players has increased by 70% over the same period, which is probably a sign of numbers of new players registered on the server, but do not actually play (or leave ICCF and the MF after a year or two).
It is more than likely that this trend will continue in 2014, boosted by the reduction of the tournament entry fees decided last year in Krakow and effective since January 1. For instance, the number of Direct Entries (1,555 entries after the first seven month of the year) is already on the way to breaking last year’s record and the 6th edition of the Webchess Open has attracted almost 1,000 entries— in excess of about 50% compared to the previous open.

Player Survey
For the first time in the ICCF history, a player survey has been conducted beginning of 2014 and more than 2,500 answers have been received, much more than I had expected. About 50% of the ICCF active players have provided many useful suggestions for future improvements.

A few “closed question” were part of the survey:

  1. More than 90% of the players are satisfied with the services that the ICCF provides to the players (and more than 50% are very satisfied leaving only 2% that are dissatisfied).

  2. About 84% of the players who have answered to the survey are members of their National Federation. 85% of the players belonging to a Federation are satisfied or very satisfied by the services provided by their Federation.

  3. Only about 20% are interested in playing in postal tournaments and more than 88% consider that ICCF provides a wide enough offer of postal tournaments.

  4. 95% of the players are interested to play on the webserver and about 90% consider that the offer of server tournaments is wide enough.

  5. More than 90% of the players are satisfied with the ICCF webserver (about 57% are very satisfied and only a little more than 2% are dissatisfied).

I consider these results very encouraging for all ICCF officials, Tournament Organizers, Tournament Directors, National Federation Delegates, Officials, and all volunteers who give their free time to promote CC worldwide.

In conjunction with the continuous increase of number of active CC players on the server during the last few years, the strong and active support of the players is a positive sign that we are leading ICCF into the right direction. The player’s survey and the ICCF official‘s survey will be used to direct our actions for the future developments of ICCF.

As you can imagine, most of the “open answers” were related to the server and how it can be improved. The answers have been analysed by the Executive Board and discussed during the Services Committee meeting in Bolton in June. A significant number of these suggestions have been analysed and the most interesting are part of the Server Development Plan that you will find in the Services Director’s report. If accepted by the Congress, the implementation of these suggestions will help to improve the players’ satisfaction.

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