Consideration should be given to the specific communications—to internal and/or external audiences— required before, during and after implementation is completed. Example school audiences to consider include:
Teachers and certificated district staff
Support Staff
School Councils
Local media
Implementation Planning Agenda Sample: School Authority Leadership
Learning and Technology Policy Framework:
This sample agenda is provided to assist members of a school authority leadership team with implementation of the Learning and Technology Policy Framework. It is anticipated that this team would include Superintendents and system leaders such as Directors of Technology, Learning, Professional Development, and those in similar system level positions. Please note that the elements, sequence and time allotments below are intended to be flexible. This sample agenda should be revised and adapted to suit the complexity, current readiness and local circumstances particular to each jurisdiction.
Core questions to consider:
Where are we now with Learning and Technology?
What is the readiness of our school authority for implementation?
What specific steps do we need to identify to achieve implementation?
Suggested Time Frame: 1 day
Required Documents:
Alberta Education Learning and Technology Framework 2013 (LPTF)
Implementation Readiness Assessment: LTPF
LTPF School Authority Actions Summary
Implementation Planning Guide: LTPF
LTPF Outcomes Matrix
The above documents may be accessed at:
Understand the requirements of the LTPF
Determine the current status of Learning and Technology within the school authority with respect to the outcomes of the LTPF
Identify specific requirements and next steps to achieve implementation of the LTPF
Draft an implementation plan
Sample Agenda
Review the Learning and Technology Framework Outcomes
(.5 hours)
Read the Executive Summary pages 4-7 Alberta Education Learning and Technology Framework 2013
Note: This step may be a brief review if participants have read this material in advance
Complete the Leadership Comparative Case Study Exercise:
(.5 hours)
Learning and Technology Policy Framework: POLICY DIRECTION 4: LEADERSHIP
What similarities or differences to your current situation did you note in this comparison?
What elements of this case comparison may apply to you?
Complete the Learning and Technology Classroom Scenarios
(.5 hours)
What similarities or differences to your current situation did you note in this scenario?
What elements of this scenario may apply to you?
Complete the Implementation Readiness Assessment: Learning and Technology Policy Framework
(.5 hours)
This assessment provides an overview of a school authority’s readiness to implement the Learning and Technology Framework by identifying current areas of strength as well as those that may require attention.
Based upon your knowledge of technology use in your authority, begin by completing the assessment individually. Choose the descriptor that best describes the current status of technology implementation for each of the Policy Directions.
Use the spaces provided to note examples of supporting evidence for your choices and possible next steps. Please be specific.
Determine implementation readiness for each policy framework outcome.
(1.0 hours)
As a group, share your assessments and supporting evidence. Through collaborative discussion, reach consensus on an assessment of current practice and performance for each of the five policy areas.
Review the LTPF Outcomes Matrices: A detailed matrix for each of the 5 policy outcomes has been developed to provide sample descriptions of each outcome. For each policy element, descriptions are provided at four levels ranging from Rarely Evident to Consistently Evident. Images of practices range from those that would not meet the Learning and Technology Policy standard, to those that illustrate developing understanding, those that approach standards, and those that meet them.
Review your readiness assessments and identify specific gaps in current performance as compared to the outcomes stated in the policy framework. List these gaps as Low Readiness areas.
Prioritize low readiness areas as High Priority
Review the LTPF School Authority Actions Document
(1.0 hours)
This document summarizes all of the outcomes of the Learning and Technology Policy Framework and recommended actions for school authorities.
Map these actions to the readiness assessment completed above
Consider rephrasing specific action statements as questions.
Example: Student Centered Learning, action “b”:
To what extent have we developed a coherent alignment for the use of technology across curriculum (i.e., programs of study, assessment, learning and teaching resources), instruction and online and digital learning?
Example: Professional Learning, action “a”:
To what extent do we use data and research to inform the design of professional programs and to ascertain and increase the effectiveness of such programs in making progress toward local goals and priorities?
Example: Access, Infrastructure and Digital
Learning Environments, action “e”:
To what extent do we provide students, teachers, administrators and other education professionals with access to high-quality digital learning environments?
Plan for Implementation
(3.0 hours)
Review the Implementation Planning Guide: Learning and Technology Policy Framework (LTPF). This document is intended to support implementation for school authority and school level planners. It is expected that it will be adapted and revised to suit local circumstances.
Construct the school authority’s implementation plan.
Supporting Resources:
Learning and Technology Policy Framework Toolkit:
To assist in the assessment and planning process, a Toolkit of resources for school authority leaders has been developed to inform planning discussions and to guide implementation. The Toolkit includes the following:
Implementation Readiness Assessment: Learning and Technology Policy Framework
Sample Implementation meeting Agenda
LTPF School Authority Actions Summary
Learning and Technology Policy Framework 2013
Learning and Technology Policy Framework Outcomes Matrices
Case Comparisons and Scenarios for discussion
Implementation Planning Agenda Sample: Technology Leaders
Learning and Technology Policy Framework
This sample agenda is provided to assist school authority technology leaders with implementation of the Learning and Technology Policy Framework (LTPF). Given the nature of the LTPF it is anticipated that Superintendents and system leaders such as Directors of Instruction, Learning, Professional Development, and those in similar system level positions will be involved. Please note that the elements, sequence and time allotments below are intended to be flexible. This sample agenda should be revised and adapted to suit the complexity, current readiness and local circumstances particular to each jurisdiction.
Core questions to consider:
Where are we now with Learning and Technology?
What is the readiness of our school authority for implementation?
What specific steps do we need to identify to achieve implementation?
Suggested Time Frame: 1 day
Required Documents:
Alberta Education Learning and Technology Framework 2013 (LPTF)
Implementation Readiness Assessment: LTPF
LTPF School Authority Actions Summary
Implementation Planning Guide: LTPF
LTPF Outcomes Matrix
The above documents will be posted at:
Understand the requirements of the LTPF
Determine the current status of Learning and Technology within the school authority with respect to the outcomes of the LTPF
Identify specific requirements and next steps to achieve implementation of the LTPF
Draft an implementation plan
Sample Agenda
Review the Learning and Technology Framework Outcomes
(.5 hours)
Read the Executive Summary pages 4-7 Alberta Education Learning and Technology Framework 2013
Note: This step may be a brief review if participants have read this material in advance.
Complete the Comparative Case Exercise:
(.5 hours)
Learning and Technology Policy Framework: POLICY DIRECTION 4: LEADERSHIP
What similarities or differences to your current situation did you note in this comparison?
What elements of this case comparison may apply to you?
Complete the Learning and Technology Classroom Scenario
(.5 hours)
What similarities or differences to your current situation did you note in this scenario?
What elements of this scenario may apply to you?
Complete the Access, Infrastructure, And Digital Learning Environments
Situated Scenario
(.5 hours)
What similarities or differences to your current situation did you note in this scenario?
What elements of this scenario may apply to you?
Complete the Implementation Readiness Assessment: Learning and Technology Policy Framework
(.5 hours)
This assessment provides an overview of a school authority’s readiness to implement the Learning and Technology Framework by identifying current areas of strength as well as those that may require attention.
Based upon your knowledge of technology use in your authority, begin by completing the assessment individually. Choose the descriptor that best describes the current status of technology implementation for each of the Policy Directions.
Use the spaces provided to note examples of supporting evidence for your choices and possible next steps. Please be specific.
Determine implementation readiness for each policy framework outcome.
(1.0 hours)
As a group, share your assessments and supporting evidence. Through collaborative discussion, reach consensus on an assessment of current practice and performance for each of the five policy areas.
Review the LTPF Outcomes Matrices: A detailed matrix for each of the 5 policy outcomes has been developed to provide sample descriptions of each outcome. For each policy element, descriptions are provided at four levels ranging from Rarely Evident to Consistently Evident. Images of practices range from those that would not meet the Learning and Technology Policy standard, to those that illustrate developing understanding, those that approach standards, and those that meet them.
Review your readiness assessments and identify specific gaps in current performance as compared to the outcomes stated in the policy framework. List these gaps as Low Readiness areas.
Prioritize low readiness areas as High Priority
Review the LTPF School Authority Actions Document
(1.0 hours)
This document summarizes all of the outcomes of the Learning and Technology Policy Framework and recommended actions for school authorities.
Map these actions to the readiness assessment completed above
Note the specific actions in this document that relate to the High Priority areas you have identified
Consider rephrasing specific action statements as questions.
Example: Student Centered Learning, action “b”:
To what extent have we developed a coherent alignment for the use of technology across curriculum (i.e., programs of study, assessment, learning and teaching resources), instruction and online and digital learning?
Example: Professional Learning, action “a”:
To what extent do we use data and research to inform the design of professional programs and to ascertain and increase the effectiveness of such programs in making progress toward local goals and priorities?
Example: Access, Infrastructure and Digital
Learning Environments, action “e”:
To what extent do we provide students, teachers, administrators and other education professionals with access to high-quality digital learning environments?
Plan for Implementation
(3.0 hours)
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Determine goals that will close identified gaps to achieving policy implementation
Review the Implementation Planning Guide: Learning and Technology Policy Framework (LTPF). This document is intended to support implementation for school authority and school level planners. It is expected that it will be adapted and revised to suit local circumstances.
Construct the school authority’s implementation plan.
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