The Phonetic Analysis of Speech Corpora

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9.9 Support vector machines

Or are we? One of the real difficulties in classifying velar stops is that they are highly context-dependent, i.e. the place of articulation with which /k, ɡ/ is produced shifts with the frontness of the vowel, often ranging between a palatal, or post-palatal articulation before front vowels like /i/ to a post-velar production before /u/. Moreover, as theoretical models of articulatory-acoustic relationships show, this shift has a marked effect on the acoustic signal such that the front and back velar allophones can be acoustically more similar to alveolar and labial stops (e.g., Halle, Hughes & Radley, 1957) respectively rather than to each other.

This wide allophonic variation of /ɡ/ becomes evident in inspecting them on two of the previously calculated parameters. In Fig. 9.15, the display on the left shows the distribution of /ɡ/ in the plane of parameters 4 and 7 as a function of the following vowel context. On the right are ellipse plots of the other two stops on the same parameters. The plot was created as follows:

par(mfrow=c(1,2)); xlim = c(-5, 35); ylim = c(-15, 10)

temp = stops.l=="g"; xlab="Mean of the slope"; ylab="Mean of the curvature"

plot(d[temp,c(4, 7)], type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, bty="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

text(d[temp,4], d[temp,7], stopsvow.l[temp])

eplot(d[!temp,c(4,7)], stops.l[!temp], col=c("black", "slategray"), dopoints=T, xlab=xlab, ylab="", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

Fig. 9.15 about here
It is evident from the right panel of Fig. 9.15 that, although /b, d/ are likely to be quite well separated on these two parameters in a classification model, the distribution for /ɡ/ shown in the left panel of the same figure is more or less determined by the vowel context (and follows the distribution in the familiar F2 × F1 vowel formant plane). Moreover, fitting a Gaussian model to these /ɡ/ data is likely to be inappropriate for at least two reasons. Firstly, they are not normally distributed: they do not cluster around a mean and they are not distributed along a principal component in the way that /b, d/ are. Secondly, the mean of /ɡ/ falls pretty much in the same region as the means of /b, d/ in the right panel of Fig. 9.15. Thus the ellipse for /ɡ/ would encompass almost all of /b, d/, perhaps resulting in large number of misclassifications. Given that a Gaussian distribution may be inappropriate for these data, we will consider another way of classifying the data using a support vector machine (SVM) that makes no assumptions about normality.

The development of SVMs can be traced back to the late 1970s, but in recent years they have been used for a variety of classification problems, including the recognition of handwriting, digits, speakers, and faces (Burges, 1998) and they have also been used in automatic speech recognition (Ganapathiraju et al, 2004). The following provides a very brief and non-technical overview of SVMs - for more mathematical details, see Duda et al. (2001).

Consider firstly the distribution of two classes, the filled and open circles, in a two-parameter space in Fig. 9.16. It is evident that the two classes could be separated by a drawing a line between them. In fact, as the left panel shows, there is not just one line but an infinite number of lines that could be used to separate them. But is there any principled way of choosing the line that optimally separates these categories? In SVM this optimal line is defined in terms of finding the widest so-called margin of parallel lines that can be created before hitting a data point from either class, as shown in the right panel of Fig. 9.16. These data points through which the margin passes are called the support vectors.
Fig. 9.16 about here

The right panel in Fig. 9.16 is a schematic example of a linear SVM classifier in which the categories are separated by a straight line. But there will, of course, be many instances in which this type of linear separation cannot be made. For example, it is not possible to separate linearly the two categories displayed in one dimension in the left panel of Fig. 9.17, nor can any single line be drawn to categorise the exclusive-OR example in the left panel of Fig. 9.18 in which the points from the two categories are in opposite corners of the plane. Now it can be shown (see e.g., Duda et al, 2001) that two categories can be separated by applying a non-linear transformation that projects the points into a higher dimensional space. The function that does this mapping to the higher dimensional space is called the kernel: although there are many different kinds of kernel functions that could be used for this purpose, a few have been to found to work especially well as far as category separation is concerned including the radial basis function which is a type of Gaussian transformation (and the default kernel for svm() in library(e1071) in R). This is also the same as the sigmoid kernel that is used in feedforward neural networks.

A schematic example, taken from Moore (2003), of how projection into a higher dimensional space enables classes to be separated using the same sort of margin as in Fig. 9.16 is shown for the data in Fig. 9.17. As already stated, it is not possible to separate completely the classes on the left in Fig. 9.17 with a straight line. However, when these data are projected into a two-dimensional space by applying a second order polynomial transformation, xx2, or informally by plotting the squared values as a function of the original values, then the two classes can be separated by the same kind of wide margin as considered earlier.
Fig. 9.17 about here
For the X-OR data in the left panel of Fig. 9.18, the separation with a margin can be made by applying a kernel function to transform the data to a six-dimensional space (Duda et al, 2001). It is of course not possible to draw this in the same way as for Fig. 9.17, but it is possible to make a classification plot to show how svm() classifies the regions in the vicinity of these points. This is shown in the right panel of Fig. 9.18. In order to create this plot, the first step is to train the data as follows69:
# The four points and their hypothetical labels.

x = c(-1, -1, 1, 1); y = c(-1, 1, -1, 1)

lab = c("d", "g", "g", "d")
# Bundle all of this into a data-frame and attach the data-frame.

d.df = data.frame(phonetic=factor(lab), X=x, Y=y)

# Train the labels on these four points.

m = svm(phonetic ~ X+Y)

A closed test (i.e., a classification of these four points) can then be carried out using the generic predict() function in the same way that was done with the Gaussian classification:

1 2 3 4

d g g d

Levels: d g

Thus the four points have been correctly classified on this closed test. A classification plot could be produced with the same function used on the Gaussian data, i.e. classplot(m, xlim=c(-1, 1), ylim=c(-1, 1)). Alternatively, there is a simpler (and prettier) way of achieving the same result with the generic plot() function which takes the SVM-model as the first argument and the data-frame as the second:
plot(m, d.df)
Fig. 9.18 about here
After training on these four data points, the support vector machine has partitioned the space into four quadrants so that all points in the bottom left and top right quadrants are classified as /d/ and the other two quadrants as /ɡ/. It would certainly be beyond the capabilities of any Gaussian classifier to achieve this kind of (entirely appropriate) classification and separation over this space from such a small number of data points!

We can now compare the classifications using an SVM and Gaussian classification on the same two-parameter space as in Fig. 9.15. A support vector machine is a two-category classificatory system, but it can be extended to the case when there are more than two classes using a so-called ‘one-against-one’ approach by training k(k-1)/2 binary SVM classifiers, where k is the number of classes (see Duda et al, 2001 for some further details).

We begin by comparing classification plots to see how the Gaussian and SVM models divide up the two-parameter space:


# Train using SVM on parameters 4 and 7

p47.svm = svm(bdg[,c(4, 7)], phonetic)

# Train using a Gaussian model on the same parameters

p47.qda = qda(bdg[,c(4, 7)], phonetic)

# SVM and Gaussian classification plots over the range of Fig. 9.15

xlim = c(-10, 40); ylim = c(-15, 10); col=c("black", "lightblue", "slategray")

ylab = "Parameter 7"; xlab="Parameter 4"


classplot(p47.svm, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, col=col, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab)

text(c(25, 5, 15, -5), c(0, 0, -10, -8), c("b", "d", "g", "b"), col=c("white", "black", "black", "white"))

classplot(p47.qda, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, col=col, xlab=xlab, ylab="")

text(c(25, 5, 15), c(0, 0, -10), c("b", "d", "g"), col=c("white", "black", "black"))

Fig. 9.19 about here
There are similarities in the way that the two classification techniques have partitioned the plane: the regions for /b, d, ɡ / are broadly similar and in particular /ɡ/ engulfs the /b, d/ territories in both cases. But there are also obvious differences. The /b, d/ shapes from the Gaussian classifier are much more ellipsoidal whereas the SVM has carved out boundaries more in line with the way that the tokens are actually distributed in Fig. 9.15. For this reason, a separate small region for /b/ is produced with SVM classification, presumably because of the handful of /b/-outliers at coordinates [0, -5] in the right panel of Fig. 9.15.

The reader can manipulate the commands below by selecting columns 4 and 7 to see which approach actually gives the higher classification performance in an open-test. In the commands below, training and testing are carried out on all 9 dimensions. Moreover, in the training stage, training is done on only 6 of the 7 speakers; then the data values for the speaker who is left out of the training stage are classified. This is done iteratively for all speakers. In this way, a maximum amount of data is submitted to the training algorithm while at the same time, the training and testing are always done on different speakers. (If not already done, enter attach(bdg)).

# A vector in which the classificatory labels will be stored.

svm.res = qda.res = rep("", length(phonetic))

# Loop over each speaker separately

for(j in unique(stops.sp)){

# Logical vector to identify the speaker

temp = stops.sp == j

# Train on the other speakers

train.qda = qda(bdg[!temp,1:9], phonetic[!temp])

# Test on this speaker

pred.qda = predict(train.qda, bdg[temp,1:9])

# Store the classificatory label

qda.res[temp] = as.character(pred.qda$class)

# As above but for the SVM

train.svm = svm(bdg[!temp,1:9], phonetic[!temp])

pred.svm = predict(train.svm, bdg[temp,1:9])

svm.res[temp] = as.character(pred.svm)

# Confusion matrix from the Gaussian classifier.

tab.qda = table(phonetic, qda.res); tab.qda


phonetic b d g

b 116 16 23

d 8 133 16

g 23 22 113
# And from the SVM

tab.svm = table(phonetic, svm.res); tab.svm


phonetic b d g

b 120 15 20

d 8 131 18

g 16 21 121
# Total hit rates for the Gaussian and SVM classifiers

n = length(phonetic); sum(diag(tab.qda)/n); sum(diag(tab.svm)/n)



So in fact the scores (77% and 79%) are quite similar from both techniques and this is an example of just how robust the Gaussian model can be, even though the data for /ɡ / are so obviously not normally distributed on at least two parameters, as the left panel of Fig. 9.15 shows. However, the confusion matrices also show that while /b, d/ are quite similarly classified in both techniques, the hit-rate for /ɡ/ is slightly higher with the SVM (79.6%) than with the Gaussian classifier (71.5%).
9.10 Summary

Classification in speech involves assigning a label or category given one or more parameters such as formant frequencies, parameters derived from spectra or even physiological data. In order for classification to be possible, there must have been a prior training stage (also known as supervised learning) that establishes a relationship between categories and parameters from an annotated database. One of the well-established ways of carrying out training is by using a Gaussian model in which a normal distribution is fitted separately to each category. If there is only one parameter, then the fitting is done using the category's mean and standard-deviation; otherwise a multidimensional normal distribution is established using the parameter means, or centroid, and the so-called covariance matrix that incorporates the standard deviation of the parameters and the correlation between them. Once Gaussian models have been fitted in this way, then Bayes' theorem can be used to calculate the probability that any point in a parameter space is a member of that category: specifically, it is the combination of supervised training and Bayes' theorem that allows a question to be answered such as: given an observed formant pattern, what is the probability that it could be a particular vowel?

The same question can be asked for each category in the training model and the point is then classified, i.e., labelled as one of the categories based on whichever probability is the greatest. This can be done for every point in a chosen parameter space resulting in a 'categorical map' marking the borders between categories (e.g., Fig. 9.19) from which a confusion matrix quantifying the extent of category overlap can be derived.

An important consideration in multi-dimensional classification is the extent to which the parameters are correlated with each other: the greater the correlation between them, the less likely they are to make independent contributions to the separation between categories. The technique of principal components analysis can be used to rotate a multi-parameter space and thereby derive new parameters that are uncorrelated with each other. Moreover classification accuracy in a so-called open-test, in which training and testing are carried out on separate sets of data, is often improved using a smaller set of PCA-rotated parameters than the original high-dimensional space from which they were derived. Independently of these considerations, an open-test validation of classifications is always important in order to discount the possibility of over-fitting: this comes about when a high classification accuracy is specific only to the training data so that the probability model established from training does not generalise to other sets of data.

Two further issues were discussed in this Chapter. The first is classification based on support vector machines which have not yet been rigorously tested on speech data, but which may enable a greater separation between categories to be made than using Gaussian techniques, especially if the data do not follow a normal distribution. The second is to do with classifications in time: in this Chapter, time-based classifications were carried out by fitting the equivalent of a 2nd order polynomial to successive, auditorily-scaled and data-reduced spectra. Time-based classifications are important in speech research given that speech is an inherently dynamic activity and that the cues for a given speech category are very often distributed in time.
9.11 Questions

1. This exercise makes use of the vowel monophthong and diphthong formants in the dataset stops that were described in some detail at the beginning of section 9.8 and also analysed in this Chapter. The vowels/diphthongs occur in the first syllable of German trochaic words with initial C = /b, d, g/. There are 7 speakers, 3 male (gam, lbo, sbo) 4 female (agr, gbr, rlo, tjo). The relevant objects for this exercise are given below: enter table(stops.l, stopsvow.l, stops.sp) to see the distribution of stops × vowel/diphthongs × speaker).

stops.l A vector of stops labels preceding the vowels/diphthongs

stopsvow Segment list of the vowels/diphthongs following the stop burst

stopsvow.l A vector of labels of the vowels/diphthongs

stops.sp A vector of labels for the speaker Trackdata object, first four formants for the vowels/diphthongs

(derived from emu.track(stopsvow, "fm") )

The question is concerned with the F1 and F2 change as a function of time in distinguishing between [a: aʊ ɔʏ] (MRPA/SAMPA a: au oy).
(a) Sketch possible F1 and F2 trajectories for these three segments. Why might the parameterisation of these formants with the third moment (see Chapter 8) be a useful way of distinguishing between these three classes? Why might speaker normalization not be necessary in classifying speech data with this parameter?

(b) Use trapply() on the trackdata object in order to calculate spectral moments in each segment separately for F1 and F2.

(c) Produce ellipse plots in the plane of F1m3 × F2m3 (the third moment of F1 × the third moment of F2) for the three classes [a: aʊ ɔʏ] in the manner shown in the left panel of Fig. 9.20.
Fig. 9.20 about here
(d) Establish a training model using quadratic discriminant analysis in order to produce the classification plot for these three classes shown in the right panel of Fig. 9.20.
(e) Calculate the third moment for the diphthong aI (German diphthong [aɪ], one male, one female speaker, read speech) separately for F1 and F2 in the diphthong dataset: Trackdata object, F1-F4

dip.l Vector of phonetic labels

(f) Use points() to superimpose on the right panel of Fig. 9.20 the F1m3 × F2m3 values for these [aɪ] diphthongs.
(g) As the right panel of Fig. 9.20 shows, the values for [aɪ] are around the border between [aʊ] and [ɔʏ] and do not overlap very much with [a:]. How can this result be explained in terms of the relative phonetic similarity between [aɪ] and the three classes on which the model was trained in (d)?
2. The object of this exercise is to test the effectiveness of some of the shape parameters derived from a DCT-analysis for vowel classification.
(a) Calculate the first three DCT-coefficients firstly for F1 and then for F2 between the acoustic onset and offset of the vowels/diphthongs in the trackdata object described in question 1. above. (You should end up with two 3-columned matrices: the first matrix has k0, k1, k2 calculated on F1 in columns 1-3; and the second matrix also contains the first three DCT-coefficients, but calculated on F2. The number of rows in each matrix is equal to the number of segments in the trackdata object).
(b) The following function can be used to carry out an open-test classification using a 'leave-one-out' procedure similar to the one presented at the end of 9.9.
cfun <- function(d, labs, speaker)


# The next three lines allow the function to be applied when d is one-dimensional


d = as.matrix(d)

dimnames(d) = NULL

qda.res = rep("", length(labs))

for(j in unique(speaker)){

temp = speaker == j

# Train on all the other speakers

train.qda = qda(as.matrix(d[!temp,]), labs[!temp])

# Test on this speaker

pred.qda = predict(train.qda, as.matrix(d[temp,]))

# Store the classificatory label

qda.res[temp] = pred.qda$class


# The confusion matrix

table(labs, qda.res)

In this function, training is carried out on k -1 speakers and testing on the speaker that was left out of the training. This is done iteratively for all speakers. The results of the classifications from all speakers are summed and presented as a confusion matrix. The arguments to the function are:

d a matrix or vector of data

labs a parallel vector of vowel labels

speaker a parallel vector of speaker labels
Use the function to carry out a classification on a four-parameter model using k0 and k2 (i.e., the mean and curvature of each formant) of F1 and of F2 calculated in (a) above. What is the hit-rate (proportion of correctly classified vowels/diphthongs)?
(c) To what extent are the confusions that you see in (b) explicable in terms of the phonetic similarity between the vowel/diphthong classes?
(d) In what way might including the third moment calculated on F1 reduce the confusions? Test this hypothesis by carrying out the same classification as in (b) but with a five-parameter model that includes the third moment of F1.
(e) Some of the remaining confusions may come about because of training and testing on male and female speakers together. Test whether the misclassifications are reduced further by classifying on the same 5-parameter model as in (d), but on the 4 female speakers (agr, gbr, rlo, tjo) only.
9.11 Answers

1 (a) The three vowel classes are likely to differ in the time at which their F1- and F2-peaks occur. In particular, F1 for [aʊ] is likely to show an early prominent peak centered on the first phonetically open diphthong component, while [ɔʏ] should result in a relatively late F2-peak due to movement towards the phonetically front [ʏ]. Thus the vowel classes should show some differences on the skew of the formants which is quantified by the third moment. The reason why speaker normalization may be unnecessary is both because skew parameterizes the global shape of the formant trajectory but in particular because skew is dimensionless.

1 (b)

f1.m3 = trapply([,1], moments, simplify=T)[,3]

f2.m3 = trapply([,2], moments, simplify=T)[,3]
1 (c)

m3= cbind(f1.m3, f2.m3)

temp = stopsvow.l %in% c("a:", "au", "oy")

xlim = c(-.2, .6); ylim=c(-.6, .6)

eplot(m3[temp,], stopsvow.l[temp], centroid=T, xlab= "Third moment (F1)", ylab= "Third moment (F2)", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
1 (d)

m3.qda = qda(m3[temp,], stopsvow.l[temp])

xlim = c(-.2, .6); ylim=c(-.6, .6)

classplot(m3.qda, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

1 (e)

m.f1 = trapply(dip.fdat[,1], moments, simplify=T)

m.f2 = trapply(dip.fdat[,2], moments, simplify=T)
1 (f)

points(m.f1[,3], m.f2[,3], col="gray100")

1 (g)

[aɪ] shares in common with [aʊ, ɔʏ] that it is a diphthong. For this reason, its formants are likely to be skewed away from the temporal midpoint. Consequently (and in contrast to [a:]) the third moment of the formants will have values that are not centered on [0, 0]. [aɪ] falls roughly on the border between the other two diphthongs because it shares phonetic characteristics with both of them: like [aʊ], the peak in F1 is likely to be early, and like [ɔʏ] the F2-peak is comparatively late.


f1.dct = trapply([,1], dct, 2, simplify=T)

f2.dct = trapply([,2], dct, 2, simplify=T)

d = cbind(f1.dct[,c(1, 3)], f2.dct[,c(1, 3)])

result = cfun(d, stopsvow.l, stops.sp)

labs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

a: 50 8 0 0 0 0 0 0

au 10 47 0 0 1 0 3 0

e: 0 0 48 8 0 3 0 0

i: 0 0 4 54 0 0 0 0

o: 0 1 0 0 48 0 0 10

oe 0 0 2 0 0 52 5 0

oy 0 11 0 0 0 4 42 0

u: 0 1 0 0 6 0 4 48

# Hit-rate


2(c) Most of the confusions arise between phonetically similar classes. In particular the following pairs of phonetically similar vowels/diphthongs are misclassified as each other:

  • 18 (8 + 10) misclassifications of [a:]/[aʊ]

  • 12 (8 + 4) misclassifications of [e:]/[i:]

  • 16 (10+6) misclassifications of [o:]/[u:]

  • 14 (11+3) misclassifications of [aʊ]/[ɔʏ]

2(d) Based on the answers to question 1, including the third moment of F1 might reduce the diphthong misclassifications in particular [a:]/[aʊ] and [aʊ]/[ɔʏ].

# Third moment of F1

m3.f1 = trapply([,1], moments, simplify=T)[,3]

d = cbind(d, m3.f1)

result = cfun(d, stopsvow.l, stops.sp)



labs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

a: 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

au 1 57 0 0 0 0 3 0

e: 0 0 51 7 0 1 0 0

i: 0 0 4 54 0 0 0 0

o: 0 1 0 0 48 0 0 10

oe 0 0 2 1 0 53 3 0

oy 3 1 0 0 0 3 50 0

u: 0 1 0 0 6 0 4 48
# Hit-rate


[1] 0.8914894
Yes, the diphthong misclassifications have been reduced.

temp = stops.sp %in% c("agr", "gbr", "rlo", "tjo")

result = cfun(d[temp,], stopsvow.l[temp], stops.sp[temp])



labs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

a: 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

au 0 31 0 0 1 0 1 0

e: 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0

i: 0 0 1 30 0 0 0 0

o: 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 3

oe 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 0

oy 0 1 0 0 0 1 29 0

u: 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 28


[1] 0.952756

Yes, training and testing on female speakers has reduced misclassifications further: there is now close to 100% correct classification on an open test.
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