the Oolite; while ants, representing the highly specialised Hymenoptera,
have occurred in the Purbeck and Lias.
This remarkable identity of the families of very ancient with those of
existing insects is quite comparable with the apparently sudden
appearance of existing genera of trees in the Cretaceous epoch. In both
cases we feel certain that we must go very much farther back in order to
find the ancestral forms from which they were developed, and that at any
moment some fresh discovery may revolutionise our ideas as to the
antiquity of certain groups. Such a discovery was made while Mr.
Scudder's work was passing through the press. Up to that date all the
existing orders of true insects appeared to have originated in the
Trias, the alleged moth and beetle of the Coal formation having been
incorrectly determined. But now, undoubted remains of beetles have been
found in the Coal measures of Silesia, thus supporting the
interpretation of the borings in carboniferous trees as having been made
by insects of this order, and carrying back this highly specialised form
of insect life well into Palaeozoic times. Such a discovery renders all
speculation as to the origin of true insects premature, because we may
feel sure that all the other orders of insects, except perhaps
hymenoptera and lepidoptera, were contemporaneous with the highly
specialised beetles.
The less highly organised terrestrial arthropoda--the Arachnida and
Myriapoda--are, as might be expected, much more ancient. A fossil spider
has been found in the Carboniferous, and scorpions in the Upper Silurian
rocks of Scotland, Sweden, and the United States. Myriapoda have been
found abundantly in the Carboniferous and Devonian formations; but all
are of extinct orders, exhibiting a more generalised structure than
living forms.
Much more extraordinary, however, is the presence in the Palaeozoic
formations of ancestral forms of true insects, termed by Mr. Scudder
Palaeodictyoptera. They consist of generalised cockroaches and
walking-stick insects (Orthopteroidea); ancient mayflies and allied
forms, of which there are six families and more than thirty genera
(Neuropteroidea); three genera of Hemipteroidea resembling various
Homoptera and Hemiptera, mostly from the Carboniferous formation, a few
from the Devonian, and one ancestral cockroach (Palaeoblattina) from
the Middle Silurian sandstone of France. If this occurrence of a true
hexapod insect from the Middle Silurian be really established, taken in
connection with the well-defined Coleoptera from the Carboniferous, the
origin of the entire group of terrestrial arthropoda is necessarily
thrown back into the Cambrian epoch, if not earlier. And this cannot be
considered improbable in view of the highly differentiated land
plants--ferns, equisetums, and lycopods--in the Middle or Lower
Silurian, and even a conifer (Cordaites Robbii) in the Upper Silurian;
while the beds of graphite in the Laurentian were probably formed from
terrestrial vegetation.
On the whole, then, we may affirm that, although the geological record
of the insect life of the earth is exceptionally imperfect, it yet
decidedly supports the evolution hypothesis. The most specialised order,
Lepidoptera, is the most recent, only dating back to the Oolite; the
Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Homoptera go as far as the Lias; while the
Orthoptera and Neuroptera extend to the Trias. The recent discovery of
Coleoptera in the Carboniferous shows, however, that the preceding
limits are not absolute, and will probably soon be overpassed. Only the
more generalised ancestral forms of winged insects have been traced back
to Silurian time, and along with them the less highly organised
scorpions; facts which serve to show us the extreme imperfection of our
knowledge, and indicate possibilities of a world of terrestrial life in
the remotest Palaeozoic times.
_Geological Succession of Vertebrata._
The lowest forms of vertebrates are the fishes, and these appear first
in the geological record in the Upper Silurian formation. The most
ancient known fish is a Pteraspis, one of the bucklered ganoids or
plated fishes--by no means a very low type--allied to the sturgeon
(Accipenser) and alligator-gar (Lepidosteus), but, as a group, now
nearly extinct. Almost equally ancient are the sharks, which under
various forms still abound in our seas. We cannot suppose these to be
nearly the earliest fishes, especially as the two lowest orders, now
represented by the Amphioxus or lancelet and the lampreys, have not yet
been found fossil. The ganoids were greatly developed in the Devonian
era, and continued till the Cretaceous, when they gave way to the true
osseous fishes, which had first appeared in the Jurassic period, and
have continued to increase till the present day. This much later
appearance of the higher osseous fishes is quite in accordance with
evolution, although some of the very lowest forms, the lancelet and the
lampreys, together with the archaic ceratodus, have survived to our
The Amphibia, represented by the extinct labyrinthodons, appear first in
the Carboniferous rocks, and these peculiar forms became extinct early
in the Secondary period. The labyrinthodons were, however, highly
specialised, and do not at all indicate the origin of the class, which
may be as ancient as the lower forms of fishes. Hardly any recognisable
remains of our existing groups--the frogs, toads, and salamanders--are
found before the Tertiary period, a fact which indicates the extreme
imperfection of the record as regards this class of animals.
True reptiles have not been found till we reach the Permian where
Prohatteria and Proterosaurus occur, the former closely allied to the
lizard-like Sphenodon of New Zealand, the latter having its nearest
allies in the same group of reptiles--Rhyncocephala, other forms of
which occur in the Trias. In this last-named formation the earliest
crocodiles--Phytosaurus (Belodon) and Stagonolepis occur, as well as the
earliest tortoises--Chelytherium, Proganochelys, and Psephoderma.[195]
Fossil serpents have been first found in the Cretaceous formation, but
the conditions for the preservation of these forms have evidently been
unfavourable, and the record is correspondingly incomplete. The marine
Plesiosauri and Ichthyosauri, the flying Pterodactyles, the terrestrial
Iguanodon of Europe, and the huge Atlantosaurus of Colorado--the largest
land animal that has ever lived upon the earth[196]--all belong to
special developments of the reptilian type which flourished during the
Secondary epoch, and then became extinct.
Birds are among the rarest of fossils, due, no doubt, to their aerial
habits removing them from the ordinary dangers of flood, bog, or ice
which overwhelm mammals and reptiles, and also to their small specific
gravity which keeps them floating on the surface of water till devoured.
Their remains were long confined to Tertiary deposits, where many living
genera and a few extinct forms have been found. The only birds yet known
from the older rocks are the toothed birds (Odontornithes) of the
Cretaceous beds of the United States, belonging to two distinct families
and many genera; a penguin-like form (Enaliornis) from the Upper
Greensand of Cambridge; and the well-known long-tailed Archaeopteryx
from the Upper Oolite of Bavaria. The record is thus imperfect and
fragmentary in the extreme; but it yet shows us, in the few birds
discovered in the older rocks, more primitive and generalised types,
while the Tertiary birds had already become specialised like those
living, and had lost both the teeth and the long vertebral tail, which
indicate reptilian affinities in the earlier Mammalia have been found,
as already stated, as far back as the Trias formation, in Europe in the
United States and in South Africa, all being very small, and belonging
either to the Marsupial order, or to some still lower and more
generalised type, out of which both Marsupials and Insectivora were
developed. Other allied forms have been found in the Lower and Upper
Oolite both of Europe and the United States. But there is then a great
gap in the whole Cretaceous formation, from which no mammal has been
obtained, although both in the Wealden and the Upper Chalk in Europe,
and in the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the United States an abundant
and well-preserved terrestrial flora has been discovered. Why no mammals
have left their remains here it is impossible to say. We can only
suppose that the limited areas in which land plants have been so
abundantly preserved, did not present the conditions which are needed
for the fossilisation and preservation of mammalian remains.
When we come to the Tertiary formation, we find mammals in abundance;
but a wonderful change has taken place. The obscure early types have
disappeared, and we discover in their place a whole series of forms
belonging to existing orders, and even sometimes to existing families.
Thus, in the Eocene we have remains of the opossum family; bats
apparently belonging to living genera; rodents allied to the South
American cavies and to dormice and squirrels; hoofed animals belonging
to the odd-toed and even-toed groups; and ancestral forms of cats,
civets, dogs, with a number of more generalised forms of carnivora.
Besides these there are whales, lemurs, and many strange ancestral forms
of proboscidea.[197]
The great diversity of forms and structures at so remote an epoch would
require for their development an amount of time, which, judging by the
changes that have occurred in other groups, would carry us back far into
the Mesozoic period. In order to understand why we have no record of
these changes in any part of the world, we must fall back upon some such
supposition as we made in the case of the dicotyledonous plants.
Perhaps, indeed, the two cases are really connected, and the upland
regions of the primeval world, which saw the development of our higher
vegetation, may have also afforded the theatre for the gradual
development of the varied mammalian types which surprise us by their
sudden appearance in Tertiary times.
Notwithstanding these irregularities and gaps in the record, the
accompanying table, summarising our actual knowledge of the geological
distribution of the five classes of vertebrata, exhibits a steady
progression from lower to higher types, excepting only the deficiency in
the bird record which is easily explained. The comparative perfection of
type in which each of these classes first appears, renders it certain
that the origin of each and all of them must be sought much farther back
than any records which have yet been discovered. The researches of
palaeontologists and embryologists indicate a reptilian origin for birds
and mammals, while reptiles and amphibia arose, perhaps independently,
from fishes.
_Concluding Remarks._
The brief review we have now taken of the more suggestive facts
presented by the geological succession of organic forms, is sufficient
to show that most, if not all, of the supposed difficulties which it
presents in the way of evolution, are due either to imperfections in the
geological record itself, or to our still very incomplete knowledge of
what is really recorded in the earth's crust. We learn, however, that
just as discovery progresses, gaps are filled up and difficulties
disappear; while, in the case of many individual groups, we have already
obtained all the evidence of progressive development that can reasonably
be expected. We conclude, therefore, that the geological difficulty has
now disappeared; and that this noble science, when properly understood,
affords clear and weighty evidence of evolution.
[Footnote 183: The reader who desires to understand this subject more
fully, should study chap. x. of the _Origin of Species_, and chap. xiv.
of Sir Charles Lyell's _Principles of Geology_.]
[Footnote 184: On "Stagonolepis Robertsoni and on the Evolution of the
Crocodilia," in _Q.J. of Geological Society_, 1875; and abstract in
_Nature_, vol. xii. p. 38.]
[Footnote 185: From a paper by Messrs. Scott and Osborne, "On the Origin
and Development of the Rhinoceros Group," read before the British
Association in 1883.]
[Footnote 186: American Addresses, pp. 73-76.]
[Footnote 187: Lecture on the Introduction and Succession of Vertebrate
Life in America, _Nature_, vol. xvi. p. 471.]
[Footnote 188: _Nature_, vol. xxv. p. 84.]
[Footnote 189: See _The Mammalia in their Relation to Primeval Times_,
p. 102.]
[Footnote 190: For a brief enumeration and description of these fossils,
see the author's _Geographical Distribution of Animals_, vol. i. p.
[Footnote 191: Sketch of Palaeobotany in Fifth Annual Report of U.S.
Geological Survey, 1883-84, pp. 363-452, with diagrams. Sir J. William
Dawson, speaking of the value of leaves for the determination of fossil
plants, says: "In my own experience I have often found determinations of
the leaves of trees confirmed by the discovery of their fruits or of the
structure of their stems. Thus, in the rich cretaceous plant-beds of the
Dunvegan series, we have beech-nuts associated in the same bed with
leaves referred to _Fagus_. In the Laramie beds I determined many years
ago nuts of the _Trapa_ or water-chestnut, and subsequently Lesquereux
found in beds in the United States leaves which he referred to the same
genus. Later, I found in collections made on the Red Deer River of
Canada my fruits and Lesquereux's leaves on the same slab. The presence
of trees of the genera _Carya_ and _Juglans_ in the same formation was
inferred from their leaves, and specimens have since been obtained of
silicified wood with the microscopic structure of the modern butternut.
Still we are willing to admit that determinations from leaves alone are
liable to doubt."--_The Geological History of Plants_, p. 196.]
[Footnote 192: Sir J. William Dawson's _Geological History of Plants_,
p. 18.]
[Footnote 193: "On the Origin of the Flora of the European Alps," _Proc.
of Roy. Geog. Society_, vol. i. (1879), pp. 564-588.]
[Footnote 194: Systematic Review of our Present Knowledge of Fossil
Insects, including Myriapods and Arachnids (_Bull. of U.S. Geol.
Survey_, No. 31, Washington, 1886).]
[Footnote 195: For the facts as to the early appearance of the above
named groups of reptiles I am indebted to Mr. E. Lydekker of the
Geological Department of the Natural History Museum.]
[Footnote 196: According to Professor Marsh this creature was 50 or 60
feet long, and when erect, at least 30 feet in height. It fed upon the
foliage of the mountain forests of the Cretaceous epoch, the remains of
which are preserved with it.]
[Footnote 197: For fuller details, see the author's _Geographical
Distribution of Animals_, and Heilprin's _Geographical and Geological
Distribution of Animals_.]
Fundamental difficulties and objections--Mr. Herbert Spencer's
factors of organic evolution--Disuse and effects of withdrawal
of natural selection--Supposed effects of disuse among wild
animals--Difficulty as to co-adaptation of parts by variation
and selection--Direct action of the environment--The American
school of evolutionists--Origin of the feet of the
ungulates--Supposed action of animal intelligence--Semper on the
direct influence of the environment--Professor Geddes's theory
of variation in plants--Objections to the theory--On the origin
of spines--Variation and selection overpower the effects of use
and disuse--Supposed action of the environment in imitating
variations--Weismann's theory of heredity--The cause of
variation--The non-heredity of acquired characters--The theory
of instinct--Concluding remarks.
Having now set forth and illustrated at some length the most important
of the applications of the development hypothesis in the explanation of
the broader and more generally interesting phenomena presented by the
organic world, we propose to discuss some of the more fundamental
problems and difficulties which have recently been adduced by eminent
naturalists. It is the more necessary to do this, because there is now a
tendency to minimise the action of natural selection in the production
of organic forms, and to set up in its place certain fundamental
principles of variation or laws of growth, which it is urged are the
real originators of the several lines of development, and of most of the
variety of form and structure in the vegetable and animal kingdoms.
These views have, moreover, been seized upon by popular writers to throw
doubt and discredit on the whole theory of evolution, and especially on
Darwin's presentation of that theory, to the bewilderment of the general
public, who are quite unable to decide how far the new views, even if
well established, tend to subvert the Darwinian theory, or whether they
are really more than subsidiary parts of it, and quite powerless without
it to produce any effect whatever.
The writers whose special views we now propose to consider are: (1) Mr.
Herbert Spencer, on modification of structures arising from modification
of functions, as set forth in his _Factors of Organic Evolution_. (2)
Dr. E.D. Cope, who advocates similar views in detail, in his work
entitled _The Origin of the Fittest_, and may be considered the head of
a school of American naturalists who minimise the agency of natural
selection. (3) Dr. Karl Semper, who has especially studied the direct
influence of the environment in the whole animal kingdom, and has set
forth his views in a volume on _The Natural Conditions of Existence as
they Affect Animal Life_. (4) Mr. Patrick Geddes, who urges that
fundamental laws of growth, and the antagonism of vegetative and
reproductive forces, account for much that has been imputed to natural
We will now endeavour to ascertain what are the more important facts and
arguments adduced by each of the above writers, and how far they offer a
substitute for the action of natural selection; having done which, a
brief account will be given of the views of Dr. Aug. Weismann, whose
theory of heredity will, if established, strike at the very root of the
arguments of the first three of the writers above referred to.
_Mr. Herbert Spencer's Factors of Organic Evolution._
Mr. Spencer, while fully recognising the importance and wide range of
the principle of natural selection, thinks that sufficient weight has
not been given to the effects of use and disuse as a factor in
evolution, or to the direct action of the environment in determining or
modifying organic structures. As examples of the former class of
actions, he adduces the decreased size of the jaws in the civilised
races of mankind, the inheritance of nervous disease produced by
overwork, the great and inherited development of the udders in cows and
goats, and the shortened legs, jaws, and snout in improved races of
pigs--the two latter examples being quoted from Mr. Darwin,--and other
cases of like nature. As examples of the latter, Mr. Darwin is again
quoted as admitting that there are many cases in which the action of
similar conditions appears to have produced corresponding changes in
different species; and we have a very elaborate discussion of the direct
action of the medium in modifying the protoplasm of simple organisms, so
as to bring about the difference between the outer surface and the inner
part that characterises the cells or other units of which they are
Now, although this essay did little more than bring together facts which
had been already adduced by Mr. Darwin or by Mr. Spencer himself, and
lay stress upon their importance, its publication in a popular review
was immediately seized upon as "an avowed and definite declaration
against some of the leading ideas on which the Mechanical Philosophy
depends," and as being "fatal to the adequacy of the Mechanical
Philosophy as any explanation of organic evolution,"[198]--an expression
of opinion which would be repudiated by every Darwinian. For, even
admitting the interpretation which Mr. Spencer puts on the facts he
adduces, they are all included in the causes which Darwin himself
recognised as having acted in bringing about the infinitude of forms in
the organic world. In the concluding chapter of the _Origin of Species_
he says: "I have now recapitulated the facts and considerations which
have thoroughly convinced me that species have been modified during a
long course of descent. This has been effected chiefly through the
natural selection of numerous successive, slight, favourable variations;
aided in an important manner by the inherited effects of the use and
disuse of parts; and in an unimportant manner--that is, in relation to
adaptive structures whether past or present, by the direct action of
external conditions, and by variations which seem to us, in our
ignorance, to arise spontaneously." This passage, summarising Darwin's
whole inquiry, and explaining his final point of view, shows how very
inaccurate may be the popular notion, as expressed by the Duke of
Argyll, of any supposed additions to the causes of change of species as
recognised by Darwin.
But, as we shall see presently, there is now much reason to believe
that the supposed inheritance of acquired modifications--that is, of the
effects of use and disuse, or of the direct influence of the
environment--is not a fact; and if so, the very foundation is taken away
from the whole class of objections on which so much stress is now laid.
It therefore becomes important to inquire whether the facts adduced by
Darwin, Spencer, and others, do really necessitate such inheritance, or
whether any other interpretation of them is possible. I believe there is
such an interpretation; and we will first consider the cases of disuse
on which Mr. Spencer lays most stress.
The cases Mr. Spencer adduces as demonstrating the effects of disuse in
diminishing the size and strength of organs are, the diminished size of
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