The Rosary hour archives are currently (June 2011) in a state of transition. Part of the building is under reconstruction to make a retirement home for elderly friars. Some of the materials will be moved to St

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  1. Headline: Hopes Dim For Palka: Buffalonian doomed to die Tuesday. A note to Father Figas from Roy L. Albertson, Radio Station WBNY. A note penciled in reading, “Scrapbook 1938-1939” “Compiled by Fr. Justin Figas.

  2. Headline: Two Lives for Fifty Dollars: One tiny clue tripped Connecticut’s fugitive dual killer!

  3. Inside Detective: Photographs with three photographs dealing with theft by Frank Palka.

  4. Ibid.

  5. Ibid.

  6. Photograph: men searching for gun connected with robbery.

  7. Ibid.

  8. Headline: Two Lives for Fifty Dollars.

  9. Headline: Hopes Gone for Saving Life of Son. Palka Asks Buffalo Priest To Help Him in Final Walk

  10. Headline: Palka doomed to Die tonight for Slaying. Palka Buried in Hartford; Paid With Life for Murder.

  11. Headline: Palka, Slayer of Policemen, Pays with Life: Father Figas visits Buffalonian before execution; last hours spent playing cards.

  12. Headline: Palka Zapłacił Swem Życiem w Krzesle Elektrycznem w Connecticut: Ojcienc Justyn Figas Odwiedził młodzieńca Buffaloskiego Przed Straceniem – Ostatnie Chwile Spedzil Palka Na Grze w Karty.

  13. Headline: Palka To Die Tonight; Sees Mother Last Time: Police Slayer Receives Kin in Prison Cell. Photograph: Robert G. Elliott, official executioner for six states. A penned note from Fr. Justin written on a notepaper with Hotel Schroeder head.

  14. Headline: Mother Visits Palka on Eve of Execution: Police killer dies in Electric Chair at Prison Tonight

  15. Headline: Chronology of Palka Period.

  16. The Times – Star; Bridgeport, Connecticut, Tuesday Evening, April 12, 1938. Banner Headline: PALKA MOVED TO DEATH CELL: Mother Weeps As She Leaves Doomed slayer.

  17. Headline: Palka Dies; Murderer Calm in Face of Death.

  18. Ibid.


  20. BLANK

  21. The Bridgeport Telegram, Bridgeport, Conn. Wednesday, April 13, 1938: Banner Headline: PALKA EXECUTED IN ELECTRIC CHAIR.

  22. IBID.

  23. Headline: Radio Theft Started Palka On Road Leading to Chair.

  24. Ibid.

  25. Double Page spread of photographs on the Palka story including one of his mother.

  26. Ibid.

  27. A letter from Frank Palka to Fr. Justin Figas.


  29. IBID.

  30. IBID.

  31. IBID.

  32. IBID.

  33. IBID.

  34. IBID.

  35. IBID.

  36. IBID.

  37. IBID.

  38. IBID.

  39. IBID.

  40. IBID.

  41. IBID.

  42. IBID.

  43. IBID.

  44. IBID.

  45. A photograph of an electric chair.

  46. Headline: Larkman-Skowroński Skazany Został do Więzienia Na termin Od 20 do 40 Lat. A commentary by Fr, Justin accompanies article.

  47. A typewritten credit list from The St. John Cantius Catholic Club.

  48. A double page spread entitled “Connecticut” by Edwin V. Burkholder

  49. Ibid.

  50. Ibid.

Insert: Several Newspaper articles. A full length book complete printed in a newspaper and entitled “I Killed for the Law: the Story of Robert Elliott, executioner. A series of typewritten pages of reflections of Fr. Justin Figas entitled,




  1. Headline: Polish Envoy praises U.S. Friendliness: Buffalo Honors Ambassador at Physicians’ and Dentists’ society Banquet. Polish Envoy Praises U.S.: Lauds citizens for Interest in Fight for Freedom, Aid Given.

  2. Headline: City Host to European Statesman. Szczególny Program Pobytu w Buffalo Jego Ekscelencji Ambasadora Tytusa Filipowicza. Photograph: Ambassador Filipowicz, Dr. Francis E. Fronczak, Mrs. Tadeus Bunowski and Rt. Rev. Francis Kasprzak.

  3. Headline: Erie County Delegation Frolics at Kansas City. Photograph: Group picture of participants in the event.

  4. Headline: Delegates from Buffalo Split on Candidates. (June 11, 1928) Buffalo Man Asks Liquor Referendum: Joseph C. Ruszkiewicz Wants Republicans to Promise People Chance to Vote on Issue. (June 11,1928) Erie County Delegates for Hoover (June 11, 1928.

  5. Headline: Prominent Buffalo Republicans at Convention. Photograph: Picture of the group of Republicans.

  6. Headline: Buffalo News, June 15, 1928: Ruszkiewicz Scores Attack on Hoover. Photograph: Joseph C. Ruszkiewicz.

  7. Headline: Today’s Convention Developments (June 12,1928) Buffalo Party May Fly Home: Delegates to National convention Become Aero Enthusiasts. (June 14, 1928)

  8. Buffalo News: Prohibition Plank May Cause Trouble: Wadsworth, Ruszkiewicz and Borah Determined that Question Will be settled. (June 12, 1928. Buffalo Courier Express: Erie Delegate Has Wet Plank for Convention.

  9. Buffalo Courier-Express: July 7, 1928: New York Editors Hosts to Hoover at Luncheon: Buffalo and other Western New York Men among 25 at Unannounced Function.

  10. Buffalo Courier-Express, July 31, 1928: Gives Hoover Polish Vote. Buffalo Evening News, July 31, 1928: Hoover Hears W. N.Y. Victory Now Assured: Buffalo Publisher Calls at Headquarters to Promise Vast Polish Vote for G.O.P. Candidate – Oklahoma and Mid-West Also counted as Won.

  11. Two unheadlined articles from the New York Herald Tribune: July 21, 1928 and The New York Times: July 31, 1928 concerning political matters. A short article from the Washington Star, headlined: Sees Poles for Hoover: Publisher Predicts that Majority will Support G.O.P. Nominee.

  12. New York World, July 7, 1928: Unheadlined political news article.

  13. Headline: Polish Publishers to Honor Hoover: Bust of President Ordered to Be Placed in Pavilion at Poznan Exposition.

  14. Bullalo Evening News, Monday, March 4, 1919: Photograph: A group of prominent members of the Polish Publishers’ association of America. The photograph is captioned: Publishers Discuss foreign Language Newspaper’s Problem

  15. Large article from Dziennik Dla Wszyskich, Sobota, 26-go kwietnia, 1930 headlined: W Poniedziałek Powitanie Ambasadora Tytusa Filopowicza: Wszystkie Komiteti i Delegacya Stawić się Mają na Powitanie Doxtojnego Goscia na Nowej Stacji Kolei New York Central o g. 8:25 Zrana na Nowy Czas. Photographs: P. Tytys Filipowicz, Charles E. Roesch, Dr. F. E. Fronczak, Wice-Konsul T. Buynowski , Dr. J.J Urbański, O. Prowincjał Justyn Figas. (Two unidentified photographs because of newspaper rip.

  16. Buffalo Evening News: September 30, 1929: Publishers to Refinance: Nearly every Polish Newpspaper in Country Invited in Plan.

  17. Everybody’s Daily: June 7,1928: ;Sprawą Markietów w Buffalo Zajmie Się Stanowe Biuro

  18. Buffalo Courier-Express, June 7, 1928: Distribution Plan sought at Albany for City Markets: final study of Buffalo’s system to Be Made Next Month by State Expert.

  19. Everybody’s Daily, June 7, 1928: Markiety Ciężarem Dla Obywatelstwa – Lud Opłaca Wysokie Podatki Na Ich Utrzymanie, a Za to Dostaje Podły Towar – Wówią Grosernicy. – Stowarzyszenie Polskich Gorserników Rozpoczęło Działanie...

  20. Everybody’s Daily, June 7, 1928: Władze Stanowe Przeciw Detalicznym Markietom.

  21. Buffalo Courier-Express, June 14,1929: May Sue to Collect Market Rent: Black rock, South Buffalo Merchants Warned to Pay Stall Assessments by February 1st: $25,000 Owed to City.

  22. Large article from The Buffalo Sunday Times, Sunday, December 23, 1928 with Banner Headline: Buffalo Poles Spending $5,000,000 on Memorial Program: 5 Churches, 2 Schools, convent and Home in Construction Project. Photographs: Architects picture of St. Casimir Church on Weimer and Casimir Streets; Inset: Fr. Anthony Majewski, pastor. Photographs: Rev. Stanislaus Fimowicz, Rev. Stanislaus M. Pawłowski, John A. Stachowiak, and Fr. Justyn Figas

  23. Headline: Leaders Welcome News to East Side: Nearly 200 Prominent Men of Polish Section Gather at New Flower-decked Branch Newspaper Office.

  24. Buffalo Evening News, Monday, November 26, 1928: Leaders Welcome News to East Side. Rety! Polacy Się łączą z Kuklusklanem!

  25. Headline: Polish Professional Groups Will Merge: Representatives of Physicians’ and Dentists’ Societies will Meet Friday. Mayor Favors Store Fronts at Market site: Will Ask Council to replace Old Sheds in Broadway with Modern Fixtures.

  26. Headline: Immigrants found to Excel Natives: Irish Women in Buffalo Have Greater Probabilities for Office Advancement: German Foremen Rank High: Poles Said to Lead all Groups of Skilled Workers, Including Native Parentage Whites.

  27. Dziennik Dla Wszyskich: W Przemysle w Buffalo Panuje Uprzedzenie na Punkcie Rasy i Narodowosci Robotników,

  28. Headline: Niespodziwna Licytacya „Telegramu” Wstzymana. Dzis Posiedzenie Instalcyjne Klubu na Wojciechowie.

  29. Headline: Adoption of Street Proposal Is Urged.

  30. Headline: 300 Tysięczna Krowa Broadway Finance Na Ostatnich Nogach

  31. Headline: Stockholder starts Auction to Save Firm

  32. Headline: Bitter Recriminations Mark Hearing on Polish Telegram: directors of Newspaper corporation Trying to Forestall Public Sale of Cartels to Satisfy $650 Judgment.

  33. Photograph: Voters casting their ballots in annual election of directors of Chamber of Commerce.

  34. Buffalo Evening News: Friday, January 11, 1929: Polish Newspaper Directors Plan to Dissolve Business.

  35. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich: Koniec Dojnej Krowy Buffalo Telegram Corp.


  37. BLANK

  38. Buffalo Times, August 1, 1929: Buffalo Attorney Assists with Story: Alexander Ruszkiewicz Writes Ending to Napoleon Manuscript.

  39. Courier-Express, October 14, 1929: Double Page story headlined: pay Honor to Polish Revolutionary Hero: Buffalonians in Tribute to count Pulaski: revere memory in Parade Through Polish Section, Broadway Auditorium Meeting; Band of Queen’s Own Rifles from Canada Serenades assemblage as symbol of good will. Photograph: American Legion posts in Pulaski Parade; Troop E cavalry in Parade.

  40. Ibid.

  41. BLANK

  42. Courier-Express, October 14, 1929: Pulaski, Hero of Revolution, Honored Here. City Joins in Tribute to General Pulaski. Waclaw Sieroszewski, Polish Novelist Pens Message of good Will to Buffalo. Photographs: Member of 106th Infantry, N.Y.N.G. Dignitaries who participated in the event.

  43. Buffalo Evening News: Monday, October 14, 1929: City and State Join in Pulaski Tribute

  44. Headline: Buffalo and State Join to Pay Honor to Memory of Pulaski: Parade of 5000 and Addresses by Col Donavan and Other Notables Mark Anniversary of Hero’s Death.

  45. Double page article in Dziennik Dla Wszyskich: Monday, October 14, 1929: Obchód Pulakiego był Swietną Manifestacyą Amerykańsko-Polską: Tysiące Osób w Pochodzie formacyj wojskowych I Cywilnych.

  46. Ibid.

  47. Full page attached concerned with tribute to Pulaski

  48. A full page of photographs dealing with the tribute to Pulaski

  49. Headline: Canadians Aid in Tribute to Pulaski here.

  50. Headline: Polonia Oburzona Na Zaklady w Sródmesciu.

  51. Headline: Klub Alumnów Protestuje Przeciw Zlekceważeniu Rocznicy Pułaskiego Przez Zakłady w Miescie.

  52. BLANK

  53. BLANK

  54. Headline: Co Wieziałem W Polsce?

  55. Headline: Kłamcy i Kuglarze Polityczni

  56. Headline: Propozycja Polskiego Naukowego Instytuta Emigracyjnego.

  57. Headline: Wrażenia z Polski

  58. Headline: Znowu Mylna Informacja

  59. Headline: Uwadze Rodaków, Jadących Do Polski

  60. Polska Agencja Telegraiczna: biuletyn z powszechnej wystawy drajowej.

  61. Headline: Rozwój Ekonomiczny Polski – a Stany Zjednoczone.

  62. Headline: Adwokat Sitko o Obecnej sytuacji Gospodarczej w Polsce

  63. An unidentifiable clipping from newspaper: first word: Przybyłem

  64. Photograph: John Giminski. Photo has upper caption: When in Rome. Headline: All They Do Abroad Is Eat, Says Giminski.

  65. Headline: Moje Wrażenia I SpostrzeZenia z Podrózy po Polsce (St. Zaklikiewicz)

  66. Ibid.

  67. Ibid.

  68. Ibid.

  69. Ibid.

  70. Headline: Polish Colonization of Pacific Coast Is Projected by Priest: Plans Already are Underway, Says Father Przybysz, Here on visit.


  72. Ibid.

  73. Headline: Says Newspaper Program Was Inferior: Affidavit of William Fay, former WMAK director, tells of dealing with news.

  74. Full page Story with Headline: City’s Latest Triumph in Art: St. Casimir’s Church, finest Example of Byzantine Architecture in America.

  75. Buffalo Sunday Times, November 17, 1929: Buffalo’s Busy Marts

  76. Ibid.

  77. Buffalo Evening News, November 17, 1929: Champion Polish Horsemen to Be City’s Guests 4 Days.

  78. Headline: Kawelerzysci Polscy Przybędą do Buffalo Czwartek

  79. Buffalo Times, November 18, 1929: Polish Riding Team to visits City This Week.

  80. Dziennik dla Wszystkich, Sroda, 20-go Listopaday, 1929: Polscy Kawalerzysci Jutro Przyjeżdzają. Photograph entitled, „ZDOBOWCY „PUHARA NARODÓW” SZZMPIONI SWIATA.

  81. Headline: Objazd Osiedli Polskich Przez Zwycięską Ekipę Kawalerzystów Polskich Zacznie Się Od Buffalo.

  82. Buffalo Evening Times, November 21, 1929: Star Horsemen of World Guests of City Today.

  83. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich,Thursday, November 21, 1929: 2,000 Osób Powitało Zwyciąską Ekipę Polską na Stacji Kolejowej! Photographic collage of Cavalry Members and greeters.

  84. Ibid.

  85. Dziennik dla Wszystkich, Thursday, November 21, 1929: Dzis Powitalny Bankiet W Statler Dal Oficerów. Photograph: Four Horsemen. Caption: Buffalo Applauds Peerless Polish Cavalry Quartet.

Headlines: Captors of World Trophy Honor Guests at Banquet. 3,000 See Horsemen.

  1. Headlines: Polish Riders Give Jumping Exhibition. Poraz Pierwszy w Historji Ekipa Polskich Kawalerzystów Na Filmie Dżwiękowym w Stanie New York.

  2. Headlines: Braterstwo Polko-Amerykańskie Na Przyjęskiej Ekipy Polskich Oficerów w Hotelu Statler.

  3. Headlines: Program Przyjącia Kawelrzystów Polskich w Buffalo. Dala Uczczenia Polskich Kawalerzystów. Photograph: Polish Cavalry Members and American Officers.

  4. Double page spread with headlines: W Niedzielę Wszyscy Na Bal Zwycięstwa. Wszyscy Idziemy do Domu Polskiego. Photograph: Polska Ekipa w Towarzystwie Dwu Czloków Komitetu Przyjęcia

  5. Ibid.

  6. Double page spread with headlines: Jutro Wszyscy Na Bal Zwycięstwa Do Domu Polkiego. Polską Ekipę Powitano Owacyjnie w Klubie Bridle and Saddle. Photograph: A group of Polish and American Officers.

  7. Ibid.

  8. Headline: Polska Ekipa w Ujeżcżalni Buffaloskiej Pokazała Jak Brać Przeszkody Na Niewytrenowanych Koniach. Buffalo Courier Express: November 25, 1929: Polish Riders are Guests at Victory Dance.

  9. Headline: Poland’s Riding Champs Thrill Crowds at Meet. Photographs: Champion Horsemen from Poland. An action shot of horse jumping.

  10. Buffalo Evening News, November 23, 1929: Polish Team Thrills Throng by Marvelous Riding Feats.

  11. Buffalo Evening News, November 25, 1929: Farewell Banquet Given Polish “Four Horsemen” Buffalo Courier-Express, November 25, 1929: Star Horsemen End Visit Here

  12. Headline: Wspaniały Bal Zwycięstwa Zgromadził Tysiączne Tłumy do domu Polskiego w Niedzielę Wieczorem.

  13. Two photographs of the reception of the Cavalry Officers at Clark Street and Dom Polski

  1. Headlines: Piękny Upominek Od Polonii w Buffalo Dla Naszej Slawnej Kawaleryji. Podziekowanie.

  2. Two photographs of Calvary.

  3. Buffalo Evening News, November 22, 1929: Champion Polish Horsemen Acclaimed at Banquet Here. Polish Riders Exhibit Skill

  4. Buffalo Evening News, November 21, 1929: Buffalo Gives Polish Army Riders Noisy Welcome

  5. Buffalo Evening News, November 21,1929: Throng Hails Polish Riding Champions on Arrival Here. Crowd Greets Polish Army’s Star Horsemen.

  6. Buffalo Evening times, November 21, 1929: World’s Champion Riders Welcomed to Buffalo.

  7. Headline: Bal Zwycięstwa w Domu Polskim Przy Broadway dla Zdobywców Puhara Narodów, Którzy Imię Polski I Wychodżtwa Okryli Chwałą.

  8. Headline: Dwa Komitety Zorganizowane Na Przyjęcie Polskich Kawalerzystów.

  9. Headline: W Detroit Entuzjastycznie Powitała Polonia Zwycięzka Ekipę: Tysiace Osób Przybyło Oddać Hold. Dar Polonii Amerykańskiej Dla Zwycięskiej Ekipy.

  10. Headline: Polonja New Yorska, Serdecznie Pożegnała Polskich Kawalerzystów, Którzy Już Odjechali do Europy

  11. Buffalo Evening News, January 2, 1930: Brig. Gen. School Organizes Ancient Artillery Company. Photography: Brig. Gen. William F. Scholl.

  12. A pictorial look at Buffalo.

  13. Double page pictorial: Headline: Record Crowd Attends Polish Mask Ball in Broadway Auditorium

  14. Ibid.

  15. Courier-Express, April 28, 1930: Blames High Tax rate for Small Increase in Buffalo’s Population: Census shows Population of 572,217 Here. Buffalo Population is listed at 572,217

  16. BLANK

  17. Buffalo Evening News, Wednesday, February 19, 1930: Polish Annual Charity Masque Is Most colorful in History

  18. Buffalo Times, February 19, 1930: Huge throng In Attendance At charity Ball.

  19. Two page pictorial: Buffalo Times: Gala Festivities Mark Annual Polish Charity Ball Here.

  20. Ibid.

  21. Buffalo Times, February 17, 1930: Annual Polish Ball Proves big Success.

  22. Earliest History of Poland

  23. Double page spread: Wielki Sukcws Maskarady Dobroczynnej

  24. News Story and pictures of Masked Ball.

  25. News Story and pictures of Masked Ball

  26. Ibid.

  27. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich – April 3, 1930: Polonia Oburzona Za Wysłanie Przez Rząd Niezdolnych Osób a Nawet Murzynki Do Spisu Polaków.

  28. Buffalo Times, April 4, 1930: Ask Transfer of Non-Polish Census Taker: Rev Justin Figas claims Negro Woman Enumerator Confused on Language. Buffalo Courier-Express, April 4, 1930: To Assign New Enumerators To Polish Section. Enumeratorzy, Rozumiejący po Polsku Zostali Posłani do Polskiej Dzielnicy.

  29. Buffalo Evening News, April 3, 1930: Protests Bring Changes Here in Ranks of Census Takers. Changes are Made in Census Ranks. Andrews Explains Enumerator Error.

  30. Headlines: 40 Persons to Face Census Prosecution. Census Takers Find Buffalo Warm Hearted.

  31. Headlines: Report Census Quiz Protests. List Dyrektora Cenzusu do Ks. Prowincjała Justyna Figasa.

  32. Buffalo Times, April 28, 1930: Crowd Greets Polish Envoy On visit Here.

  33. Headlines: Girls at Villa Marie Present Roses to Poland’s Ambassador Ambassador to Honor Polish War Dead today.

  34. Double page spread headlined: Buffalo Welcomes Polish Ambassador to U.S. (BuffaloTimes, Monday April 28, 1930

  35. Ibid.

  36. Headlines: Poland’s Rapid Strides Cited by New Envoy. Civil, Military Officials Greet Polish Ambassador.

  37. Buffalo Evening News, April 27, 1930: Filipowicz Tours Niagara Frontier. Photograph: Polish Ambassador Is Honored: Ambassador plus dignitaries.

  38. Ibid.

  39. Ibid.

  40. Ibid.

  41. Ibid.

  42. Double Page spread with Headline: We Wtorek Spieszcie Rodacy Wieczorem Na Rewię Do Zbrojowni 106 Pułku. Laminated Story from The Buffalo Times, July 21, 1936 headlined: East Side Builders of Buffalo: Rise of Ruskiewicz Family contained Elements of Drama.

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