Record the following values for this path in the table below.
Topographic Parameter – Path 1
Distance (km)
Elevation Gain (m)
Elevation Loss (m)
Minimum Elevation (m)
Average Elevation (m)
Maximum Elevation (m)
Max positive Slope (%)
Max negative Slope (%)
Average positive Slope (%)
Average negative Slope (%)
Do the same for another path but this time connect the start and end directly and use a different color. Record the following values in the table below
Topographic Parameter – Path 2
Distance (km)
Elevation Gain (m)
Elevation Loss (m)
Minimum Elevation (m)
Average Elevation (m)
Maximum Elevation (m)
Max positive Slope (%)
Max negative Slope (%)
Average positive Slope (%)
Average negative Slope (%)
SHOW YOUR TEACHER THAT YOU HAVE THE MADE THE TWO PATHS AND RECORDED THE VALUES. Explore 3: Using the SandBox to build a map and profiles [10 mins] Here you will be as a group aiming to build your topographic map in the SandBox Augmented Reality toolbox. You will as a group plan out how to make the same topography as seen in your printed map. Go to the page for your group. First go online and view the following YouTube video so you are able to movie the Sand to match the topography.
Work with the teacher to start using the SandBox. The tool, see example view below, will change its topographic map to match the levels of the sand.
Figure A:GINA Sandbox, showing landscape as browns and greens and water as blue’s and white.