The silent massacre

Summation of Capabilities

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Summation of Capabilities
Of those fifteen capabilities discussed above, Number 14, mind reading, and Number 15, voices, loom above the others in conquering the victim’s mind and spirit. In fact, hearing voices and having minds read sound so incredible that most victims do not talk about their experiences. Those who do so are usually believed to be delusional. After all, if one hears voices and believes that people can read his thoughts, he must be crazy. And that is exactly what psychiatrists tell victims, that they suffer from dementia or paranoia-schizophrenia.
Several targets with whom I have corresponded claim that their attackers can inject mind- altering and body-function drugs into their bodies. While that may be possible, it presupposes that those drugs have already been deposited somewhere in their bodies and poised for release at some point. That probably can actually be done. However, I suspect that the targets’ attackers deceive them into believing that those drugs are being administered by playing with their minds. Again, post-hypnotic suggestions may figure in that belief.
I consider myself very fortunate to know that I am targeted and to be able to hear both the audible and the inaudible voices. Once a target realizes that he is targeted, he can counter many of the attackers’ induced actions and symptoms. It is far better for a victim to know that he is targeted than for him to suffer strange symptoms and act in a bizarre manner that causes him and others to question his sanity without knowing the reason.
Remote-Induced Ailments and Conditions
Through the use of unknown and unseen instruments employed by remote and also the use of neurological assault, conducted mainly with the voices, the attackers can induce a variety of ailments, diseases, and conditions in targets. Many of the symptoms of electronic stalking and mind control have already been listed. Some of the induced effects are physical and can either be visibly seen, detected by medical instruments, or measured. Other effects are purely psychological and cannot be detected. Several conditions have both physical and psychological origins. I discuss below some of those handler-induced effects under three headings: (1) physical, (2) psychological, and (3) a combination of both physical and psychological.
Using unknown and unseen instruments by remote, the attackers can slowly debilitate a target physically. One of their instruments acts as a type of “laser.” By continually lasering

certain parts and organs of the target’s body, the attackers can induce various kinds of cancer, including pancreatic, lung, and skin cancer. The tactic involves repeated assault so that the cells do not have time to repair themselves, thus causing cancer.
The attackers induced basal cell carcinoma on my right nostril in that manner. Night after night after I retired and lay still in bed, I felt a laser-like beam passing over my face. The laser felt like it was perhaps a quarter of an inch in diameter. After exploring my face for a while, it would focus on my right nostril and remain there for several seconds. Sometimes I felt a pin prick sensation when it focused on that spot.
After feeling the laser on my nostril for several months, a small mole-like knot somewhat darker in color than the remaining skin appeared there. I knew of course that the attackers had caused the small knot. I visited a dermatologist to see if my suspicions were correct.
Surely enough, a biopsy found that the spot was cancerous. In looking back in my journal, I found fifty-two references to the “lasering” before the dermatologist diagnosed the spot as cancerous.
One target with whom I communicate had his intestines perforated by probably the same laser-like instrument. As a result, doctors had to perform a very serious operation on the target to remove most of those intestines. Afterward, he could no longer work and make a living for himself. Attackers can also cause appendicitis, fibromyalgia, hiatal hernias, herniated disks, arthritis, poor eyesight, poor hearing, and other detectable ailments and conditions. There is a wide pattern of physical assaults on targets’ bodies by remote. Targets are virtually helpless against those attacks.
The attackers’ neurological weaponry also causes many ailments, diseases, and conditions of a psychological nature that are not detectable. One of the main psychologically-induced conditions is what doctors refer to as Alzheimer’s disease. The attackers induce that condition in a methodical fashion. They first begin working on the target by blanking out the names of certain persons, places, or objects in the target’s mind. Thus, when talking with others the victim will often pause and search for a word. The attackers gradually blank out more and more words, causing the victim to become increasingly less functional. Then they blank out familiar locations. Those victims often forget where their houses are located while driving and end up having to be rescued and taken home. They later even forget the locations of the bathroom and how to perform their bodily functions. They forget the names of family members and friends. Many of those people who today are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s are victims, not patients.
Many targets know for a fact that their attackers can blank out thoughts in their minds. That has frequently happened to me although I have learned largely to override the attackers’ effects. The attackers use a computer to enter words, places, objects, people, and many thoughts familiar to the victim into their data system, and they then program their software to blank out those thoughts in a slow manner that makes the victim look like a sufferer of dementia. The blanked-out thoughts gradually destroy the victim’s mind, resulting in the disease commonly called Alzheimer’s. The attackers’ subliminal suggestions and commands to the victim augment the effect of the computer software.

Someday scientists will know that many, if not most of the Alzheimer sufferers are instead victims of electronic stalking and mind control. And they will know that the disease is not natural but is induced by remote. Scientists will know, but will the powerbrokers and their controlled media allow that knowledge to be revealed?
Just as targets know about the attackers’ ability to blank out thought, they also know that the attackers’ directed energy weapons can sap the energy of targets and cause complete lethargy. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a fairly recent phenomenon that first appeared in the 1970’s. I would be willing to bet my last dollar that it is an induced condition. Likewise, dermatitis, another relatively recent condition, is probably also a result of the attackers’
The attackers’ neurological assault, mainly through the “hidden” voices, can also cause targets to exhibit signs of behavior usually associated with schizophrenia and paranoia.
Psychiatrists will someday realize, if they do not already, that schizophrenic and paranoid conditions can be and are regularly induced by the attackers’ remote subliminal voices.
Some conditions appear to be caused by a combination of the attackers’ directed energy weapons as well as psychological suggestions delivered through the attackers’ telepathic voices to the victims’ brains. One such condition is commonly called a “pinched nerve.” The attackers can use their instruments to locate a victim’s sciatic nerve, fix that location on the computer software, and relentlessly strike that nerve, causing the victim great pain and debilitation. In addition to the attackers’ using their instruments to cause a “pinched nerve,” they re-enforce the condition by continually telling the victim subliminally that he is experiencing great pain. Many patients who are told by doctors that they have a “pinched nerve” are instead only victims of electronic stalking and mind control. Other conditions such as “restless legs” also have both a physical and psychological origin. The attackers can touch the spine in a particular location in such a way that it causes the sensation of restless legs. At the same time, the attackers tell the victim through synthetic telepathy that he is feeling the
“restless legs” sensation.

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