The silent massacre

To Dialogue or Not to Dialogue (with Your Attackers)

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
To Dialogue or Not to Dialogue (with Your Attackers)
Many targets who receive the V2K, or the voices, and have the ability to respond to the attackers do not do so. They believe that communicating with the attackers somehow makes it easier for the attackers to access their thoughts and manipulate those thoughts. That may be true; however, no proof exists for that idea. Each target who gets the V2K must decide whether he should dialogue with the attackers or not.
I do communicate with the attackers using synthetic telepathy, as I want to encourage them to talk so that I can pick up clues about their identity. In addition, I get a large amount of satisfaction in vilifying the attackers in language that would embarrass Howard Stern.
Although the attackers employ continual deception, they still leave hints about their locations and identities. I often record their remarks in my journal and study them for clues to their

identity and location.
By verbally sparring with the attackers, I have gleaned much information by remembering and recording what they say and analyzing it. I may have misinterpreted some of that information; nevertheless, I feel that most of my conclusions are correct. I have learned that the attackers
-- are truly inherently evil;
-- have Deep South roots, although I am not fooled by their fake Gomer Pyle and Minnie Pearl accents; I listen closely to how the attackers pronounce words, the grammar that they use, and how they say something. On various occasions, my attackers have misused past participles (for example, have drank) and pronounced the word sheriff as shurf (typically
Southern and perhaps Mid-Western rural)..
-- probably come from or are only one generation away from rural USA;
-- have a familiarity with the various trades;
-- are augmented by others on weekends (perhaps for their entertainment);
-- possess software that allows them to make one of those persons or recordings of a person appear to be talking at a distance (although that person is not distant);
-- use their V2K voices on both the conscious and subconscious levels (I caveat this statement by admitting that some of the subconscious voices may be pre-recorded and played from a distance);
-- seek to induce anxiety as a very high priority;
-- have access to my various personnel files, including my military record;
-- pretend to portray the U. S., Israel, and Judeo-Christianity in the most favorable light;
-- have been in contact with friends and relatives that knew my family years ago or with accomplices who knew them;
-- are funded and sponsored by an organization, most probably from the Radical Right, that probably works for a foreign country. They do NOT represent the United States Government although leaders in the government appear to know about them and protect them by not investigating;
-- use their physical harassment to trigger responses and enhance their neurological objectives;
-- must manipulate some type of device during their physical harassment (for as they talk, they sound distracted, as if they are adjusting or controlling some type of instrument);
-- are not quick witted;

-- work in shifts;
-- work in teams of from one to three persons, using prerecorded voices and loop-play tapes in addition to their own real-time simulated voices;
-- have received basic training in the application of psychology although they perform poorly;
-- follow an agenda that is probably political rather than socio-religious and financial;
-- have only very limited influence among the middle- and high-income strata of society;
-- procure their accomplices primarily from the low income and the very low income strata of society;
-- have limited formal education and most of their education is technical in nature;
-- possess poorly developed verbal skills;
-- are mainly middle-aged although there are younger and older members of the group and accomplices;
-- know each other well and are perhaps in some cases husband and wife teams;
-- are not in the I. Q. range of rocket engineers (smile);
-- are highly frustrated by their inability to exploit what they doubtlessly believe to be my vulnerable points;
-- are awed by my prowess in turning their elementary psychology back on them;
-- attempt to destroy my belief in and reliance on The Great Spirit and instead make me conform to the Christians’ Jesus Christ and their version of God;
-- seek to achieve a sick version of behavior modification;
-- lie consistently about everything (even when they know that I will soon find out the truth) to distract, deceive, and induce anxiety.
Thus, although some targets disagree with me, I would encourage targets to dialogue with their attackers. Targets have little to lose, as the attackers know what they think anyway.
Targets can play the same game that the attackers play by drawing them into conversational topics that reveal information about themselves. Yes, the attackers will attempt deception at every turn, but they are only human. They often let down their guard and divulge information unwittingly.
I not only dialogue with the attackers to gather clues to their identity but I also use it to turn their use of basic psychology back upon them. Here is an example. They often ask me how old I am. That question is designed to make me very conscious of my age, seventy-three, which they believe will remind me of my date with mortality. By doing so, they seek to induce

anxiety. It does not happen. Instead, I ask them the same question followed by a statement such as, “At your ages, your shitty health conditions, and your frustration at not being able to control me, you could have a fatal heart attack or a debilitating stroke at just any moment.” I continue with, “See what I mean? Time is on my side. I get healthier, stronger, and keener minded every day while you (censored) suffer every ailment known to sub-humans.”
My targeting has led me to develop a very colorful vocabulary, which I use only with the attackers, whom I refer to as “the attackers,” or “the pervs.” They sometimes tell me, “You didn’t used to use that dirty language.” I reply, “I didn’t used to know you rotten sacks of s—t, either.” They are correct. My language used to be gentlemanly. I was often referred to as the true Southern gentleman. My new expanded vocabulary probably comes as a result of (1) the attackers’ computerized neurological programs that cause me to think in negative terms as well as (2) my conscious attempt to express my utter contempt for the attackers and what they do.
In the English language, expressions such as “Leave me alone” simply do not send the same message as, “F—k off, you pools of buzzard puke.” Some targets may believe that in using such language I have allowed the attackers to bring out the worst in me. On the contrary, I call it an effective psychological defense mechanism. As I often tell the attackers, “I don’t know why you m----- f------s have targeted me and it probably doesn’t matter. The Great Spirit accepts me exactly the way I am – language, character defects, political and social views, and all. So, f—k yourselves.”
I am the youngest of four children in my family. The oldest child, my brother, died in 1997 at seventy-four. My older sister is eighty-six and the younger sister, seventy-eight. The attackers continually whisper that my eighty-six year old sister “wants” me. Naturally they are suggesting sex. They also tell me that my son “wants” me. That could be nothing but sexual in content. There is little defense against vile, warped, cowardly, remote-delivered V2K whispers like those except retorts such as I have mentioned.

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