The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
The Attackers’ Strategy
What happens when a victim is targeted for electronic stalking and mind control? Logic and experience tell me that the person or organization that orders the targeting will provide the attackers the target’s FBI files, which include his military and employment records, and any other data they may possess. The FBI or other organizations will have “watched” that individual for years before he is officially targeted. They will have generated a massive amount of data on the target. In addition to that data, either the initiator of the targeting or the attackers will hire accomplices to work up a personal background on the target.
Those accomplices will probably be professional private investigators, ex-law enforcement officers, ex-military, or ex-government employees. Sometimes they will pose as law enforcement officers and other times as old friends of the family. Oftentimes they will manage to run into people “accidentally” who know the victim or the victim’s family members, particularly those who have known several generations of that family, to collect anecdotes and stories about the victim and his family members. They probably wear a hidden tape recorder when they talk with those persons.
At the same time, the attackers will begin “mining” the target’s thoughts and communications to obtain the names of people, places, actions, and dates that figure in the target’s life, particularly searching for foibles of the target upon which they later capitalize in their mind control activities. Thus, a target’s memories contribute to the data that the attackers amass.
Finally, all the accumulated data on the target is gathered into a comprehensive file on that person, computerized, and studied by a group composed mainly of psychiatrists, psychologists, professional interrogators, computer and media personnel, and propagandists.
The team members look for certain weaknesses in the individual to form a suggested strategy for “handling” the target based on what they know about the target. That is almost everything about that individual. Effectively, that strategy seeks to eliminate the target as a functional human being; elimination sometimes means death by slow torture or the suicide of the target.
Finally, a representative of the group will discuss the strategy with a spokesperson of the attackers, and the attackers begin using that strategy in a 24/7 attack on the target’s body and brain.
The strategy will include the following actions. (1) Attack the target’s reputation and credibility.
The investigation into the victim’s background by private investigators and persons posing as law enforcement officials first arouses suspicions those friends and neighbors who are interviewed. The attackers will appoint various accomplices to let drop certain knowledge about the targets to his friends and family members. That will be done in a very casual, natural-appearing manner. (2) Isolate the victim by casting suspicions, spreading rumors, interfering with his postal and email communications, causing problems between the target and his friends and family members, and making him look crazy.

(3) Ruin the target financially by causing him to make bad financial decisions, spend money on items to reduce the effects of the REA, lose his job or business due to the REA, and by using other tactics. (4) Create a level of frustration and helplessness that cause the target to become a recluse or even commit suicide. The strategy is not considered finished until the target is dead or incarcerated in a mental institution for the remainder of his life. (5) Determine through experimentation what electronic torture methods might be most effective in re- enforcing their mind control methods.

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