The silent massacre

The Use of Sex as a Mind Control Tool

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
The Use of Sex as a Mind Control Tool
Out of the hundreds of targets with whom I have communicated who can “hear” the voices and suffer from electronic and neurological torture, most of them reported that their targeting involved sex in some manner. That is for good reason, for sexuality is one of the most easily exploited human characteristics. Although targets may not have well-formed political, social, religious, and other ideas, they all have longstanding and ever-present sexual ideas. The attackers look for foibles, and the one foible that every human being has in common is sex.
The psychiatrists and psychologists who helped write the user manual knew that well, and the

manual exploits that human feature. Remember the graphic sexual photos of Arab prisoners in Abu Garaib who were humiliated in that manner? Being stripped of their clothing and forced to pose in lewd ways was very purposeful.
Sex is big business. If you do not think so, watch the frequency of Cialis, Viagra, birth control medicine and devices, and condom ads on TV. Moreover, notice that many ads show scantily-clad, good-looking young men and women when their appearance has little or nothing to do with the item being advertised. Many of the stand-up comedians use sex jokes and make innuendos about sex as parts of their acts.
Thus, sexual thoughts, libido, and sexual activities are important reasons to pursue brain mapping, which means huge profits for pharmaceutical companies and researchers. Even more important to the powerbrokers, the information derived provides the intelligence community another weapon in its neurological warfare arsenal, as sex has been used for hundreds of years in espionage. It has brought down many powerful people, including many
Congresspersons, Governors, religious leaders, and other public figures. It is also used as blackmail to force compliance from those individuals.
Attackers find out a target’s sexual thoughts and preferences, and they fully exploit that knowledge. However, although they are born voyeurs and get much pleasure out of harassing a target with induced sexual thoughts and images, sex is not their real objective. They know that their intimate knowledge of a target’s sexual thoughts shatters a target’s self-esteem, instills guilt, and forces him into silence and compliance. They use that as a tool to induce anxiety, confusion, fright, frustration, and humiliation in the target.
A common thread often used by the attackers, particularly those who are obsessed with sex, suggests that the attackers are engaging in a sick version of behavior modification. What behavior can be more vile, harmful, and unlawful than that of the attackers? I have not heard from one single target whose behavior has been modified to the extent that he has been freed from his electronic and mind control assault. Moreover, if the attackers are supposed to be the models that targets become through behavior modification, that theme is a ridiculously treacherous, twisted, warped deception.
Sexual thought wafts through the target’s ideas on politics, religion, social problems, economics, and every other phase of human life. That is what makes sex a very important part of the attackers’ neurological assault protocol. Loop play tapes making sexual suggestions to a target’s subconscious and sexual stimulation of the target by using computer software greatly influence the target’s sexual thoughts. In my case, the “You’re horny” loop play tape is supposed to heighten any sexual thought. I have no idea how long that tape has played to my subconscious, but it has doubtlessly affected my sexual thoughts for years.
Those actions are carefully and cleverly manipulated for their effect on the target.
The perpetrators sometimes go to amazing lengths to ensnare their victims, sometimes even sending paid predators to seduce those victims. Many targets trace their targeting back to brief romantic encounters. Some targets even claim that the people who became their spouses were sent by the perpetrators. Although their allegations cannot be proved, espionage has been conducted during trysts and feigned romantic liaisons for hundreds, probably thousands of years.

Attackers instruct the target subliminally through hypnotic pre-suggestions that when he hears certain trigger words and phrases, he is to experience an arousal. In my case, the attackers use corny code words and expressions such as “crazy,” “barbeque,” “go git ‘im,” and “please don’t do that to me” to induce erections. Those trigger words and phrases are often used in conjunction with slight vibrations on the sexual organ to cause an arousal. The vibrations may also be partially psychologically induced.
Targets glean information about targeting in strange ways. One evening in November 2011,
Jay Leno on his nightly show made reference to the Israelis discovering that a very slight electrical charge on a man’s penis helped cure impotency. He, of course, made a joke of it.
The attackers also use an electrical charge to cause erections in concert with the attackers’
“inaudible” whisperings. I am very sensitive, and occasionally I can feel a very slight vibration on my penis as the attackers talk. By using my mind, I can prevent an erection. Also, in the evening before going to bed, I take a couple of aspirins, which are known to prevent erections.
Causing unwanted erections in men and unwanted orgasms in women are a favorite tactic of the attackers. Loss of sexual control is demeaning to the victims and creates a feeling in them of utter helplessness. I know one targeted woman who has endured forced orgasms for thirty- five years. It is a way for the attackers to assert psychological control over the victims by showing them their power.
The attackers appear to be classic degenerate voyeurs, but their actions are very purposeful.
They are following the attack protocol. I use my own brand of psychology against theirs. I often tell my attackers through our form of synthetic telepathy communication system, “Learn some f—king psychology, you turds, to know why you psychos are sitting there feeling like s
—t while doing the warped crap that you’re doing.”
Because of the importance of sex in electronic targeting and in everyday life, sex is the focus of many experiments. I believe that many of the cases of sexual attacks on minors and infants are caused by attackers whose intentions are both to experiment on and to inflict harm on the target. In addition, it also appears that the experimenters are interested in transgender phenomena. In recent years, many people have undergone transgender transformations.
Although some of those cases are probably natural, I believe that others are perhaps due to the influence of attackers, who have convinced them subliminally that they are “in the wrong body.” Farfetched? Hardly. Experimenters have carried out truly barbaric and inhuman sexual experiments on targets and captives, particularly since WWII. Today, neurological sexual experimentation has taken the place of physical sexual experimentation.
Recently (March, 2010), in one of the online communication venues for targeted individuals, targets discussed whether or not their attackers could see them in the bathroom when they bathed and performed their bodily functions. Whether it is true or not, attackers convince targets that they can be seen while bathing and showering. They use that tool to humiliate the target and keep him from bathing regularly. Once again, sexuality enters the picture.
The attackers use sex as a tool to isolate the target. They seek out the people with whom the target is closest and then use sexual innuendo and blatant lies to estrange the target from those persons. In my case, they often tell me that my son is molesting his daughter. I tended my little granddaughter the first year of her life while her mother finished her college studies,

and thus there is a very strong bond between us. The attackers know that. They hoped that I would discuss their accusation with my son and that that action would strain or end our relationship. I tell the attackers daily that they have failed miserably to convince me of their evil lies. As the attackers hammer away at my family relationships, I work just as hard to strengthen them.
Humiliation of targets using sex causes a feeling of helplessness in targets. Male targets experience involuntary erections and female targets, artificially-induced orgasms. Both males and females are sodomized. Again, this is accomplished through a combination of psychology and electronic manipulation. Here is an example: I began experiencing a partial erection throughout the day and night, and I knew that that was not natural. Then, one day while washing my hair I brushed the small hairs at the entrance of the ear canal, and each time I did
I heard, “You’re horny.” The subliminal voices were toned so low in volume that my conscious could not pick them up.
While watching TV, I often feel the sensation of half-erection during programs and ads.
That induced sensation appears to have no particular trigger and thus it could be pre- programmed to occur at certain times. Moreover, the images that are portrayed when the urges commence are varied and not even always suggestive topics and scenes. Whenever I feel those artificial urges, I also hear the attackers whispering the names of family members and friends. They are trying psychologically to associate those people with sex and thus embarrass me into avoiding them or acting strangely while around them. Their elementary psychology does not work! I often tell them, “You scudsballs know no psychology; you can’t associate or disassociate.”
In addition, attackers tell targets through their V2K to the subconscious that targets have to defecate or urinate. This causes them to lose control of their bowels and bladders. That condition, along with the partial erections, is clearly intended to humiliate the target and instill a feeling of despair and helplessness.
In addition to using induced erections and orgasms as weapons, attackers also cause impotence in male targets. They accomplish that through the subconscious layer of synthetic telepathy, whispering to the targets that they cannot achieve an erection, that the object of their affection is diseased and ugly, that their lovers are their sisters or mothers or brothers or fathers, and a variety of other statements that cause targets not to be able to perform.
Constant loop play tapes making those same suggestions enhance the attackers’ objective.
The induced impotency causes frustration, humiliation, and anxiety in the target and leads to marital problems that often end in broken relationships and divorce.
Many targeted correspondents tell me that their electronic stalking and mind control began after a brief romantic relationship. I believe that some type of device exists, perhaps a nano- microchip, that can be introduced vaginally, anally, and perhaps through the male urethra.
The instances of sexual interaction and later targeting are too numerous to be coincidental.
The psychologists and others who devised the attackers’ user manual seized upon sex as a major tool in their neurological program, for sex can somehow be applied to any person, place, or object. Sex particularly lends itself to adaptation to the inaudible voices that permeate the target’s thoughts. However, once a target knows about the sadistic use of sex in his targeting, he can use the same psychology that the attackers employ to weaken and

sometimes completely offset its effects.

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