The silent massacre

Why the U. S. Government Would Permit Experiments on Americans

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Why the U. S. Government Would Permit Experiments on Americans
Why would the United States Government allow those inventors and military contractors to experiment on Americans on American soil? Think about it. Here are several plausible reasons:
Human resources to serve as experiment testers, or attackers, are readily available in the
United States to carry out the experiments on selected human targets. Consider some of the possibilities for attackers: active and retired military personnel, active and retired law enforcement officers, highly trained technicians in labs, manufacturing businesses, and other

industries who have been laid off from work due to the current economic conditions, recent college graduates looking for a job when few jobs are available, and other personnel who do not work or who are retired. It is little wonder then that the attackers know the regional accents and vernacular to use with targets in particular locations in the country, for the attackers, just like the targets, represent a profile of the American population. They are from all parts of the country.
Targets in the United States abound. Naturally, the power brokers who sponsor the experiments probably first looked for targets in the more vulnerable people and among those citizens who might be considered by many as “expendable.” These include older people, especially those in rest homes and other institutions, single men and women who live alone, drug addicts and pushers, those who have been diagnosed with mental conditions, and others. However, eventually the powerbrokers saw the feasibility and the desirability of targeting individuals who might somehow pose political and other threats to the establishment. Thus, when guinea pigs live in the immediate surroundings, why go halfway around the world to find the guinea pigs?
Targets for experimentation probably represent all ethnic, racial, gender, socio-economic, political, and age groups, life styles, philosophies, educational levels, trades and occupations, and many religious groups. Should local attackers have a hand in selecting targets, those targets may include co-workers whom the attackers do not like, neighbors with whom they don’t get along, merchants or businesspersons with whom they have had difficulties, and even family members from whom they are estranged. Most of targets with whom I have communicated appear “typical” Americans that cut across every stratum of society. Other correspondents are ex-convicts (non-violent offenses) and past drug users.
Security is much better in the U. S. than it would be abroad. With the protection and non- interference of law enforcement, the cooperation of psychiatrists who label TIs schizophrenic, and the ability to tap phones and hack computers, secrecy can be ensured in the United
States much more easily than it could abroad. Moreover, attackers in the United States will not be subject to capture as spies, jailed, and forced to reveal the operations. Detection of
United States experiments in other countries and the exposure of those secrets could seriously damage the development of U. S. neurological warfare projects and set the research back for years, as most of the American people would probably oppose those activities once they were known.
The United States population is extremely diverse and includes almost every ethnic group in the world. Why go to China to target Chinese when they can be targeted in the United States?
I have corresponded with targets in the United States who are Oriental, Caucasian, Negroid, and Native American.
Just how targets are selected is not precisely known; however, we can use logic in exploring that method. Emphasis is probably given to what many people consider “expendable” elements of the population, i.e., prisoners and ex-cons; old people in rest homes; homosexuals and lesbians; gang members; anti-government activists and suspected subversives; drug dealers and addicts; political dissidents, and other “troublemakers.” Those people, however, do not possess all the qualifications required for valid experiments. Thus,
“non-expendable” citizens such as schoolteachers, small businesspeople, scientists (including social scientists), students, and others may also be targeted if they possess the

characteristics that the experimenters seek.
English is the dominant language for all computers. Thus, English is the preferred language for the attackers. The data base on the experiments is kept in the English language although the computers can also translate the data into other languages. are also used by attackers and translated simultaneously by computers for the data processing centers (more on them later).
Logistics for managing teams, training personnel as attackers, and maintaining and securing the data obtained are far easier within the United States than they would be abroad; thus, the experimenters can exercise greater control over the experiments in the United States.
Managers of the teams and data collected have to operate in only four time zones in the
United States, as opposed to operating many hours away in foreign countries.
The experiments can be carried out much more easily and economically in the United States.
Imagine having to recruit attackers covertly in a foreign country, ensure their loyalty and secrecy, provide them the necessary equipment and training, and pay them (probably in hundreds of off-shore foreign accounts in countries such as Switzerland and the Bahamas).
Although the government’s financing is limitless, it has to use its “secret” money (those funds that the American public does not know about) wisely.
The turn-around time between testing, analyzing, and making corrections can be greatly reduced if the experiments are conducted in the U. S.
U. S. military bases, the Pentagon, and other well-guarded installations provide secret sites for use by trainers and data collection and processing.
Many self-righteous United States leaders undoubtedly espouse a sick philosophy that embraces “social cleansing.” In other words, “expendable” elements of the population are deemed suitable for a Final Solution. Does that ring familiar? The military-business establishment knows that it will have no problem getting assistance from sickos who will participate in that scheme.
At the same time, I believe that pro-Israel factions in the government see in the experiments an opportunity to eliminate Israel’s enemies within the United States. I have corresponded with several individuals who believed that they had been targeted because of their views toward Israel and Israel’s policies. What better way to dispose of your enemies than by ensuring that they be selected as targets for experimentation, which often effectively eliminates those people as functional beings? Other “friendly” countries may also be able to nominate targets within the United States.
Satellite imagery pinpoints every house and temporary building, road or lane, and every stream in the United States. That as well as the easier logistics and communications of operating within the country’s borders, aids surveillance and neurological assault immensely.
By Googling, internet users can pull up images of their own dwellings. Oftentimes, the occupants will be shown in the yards when the images were taken. If the average citizen can do that, imagine what secret government technicians and computer experts can do through satellites.

Some writers state that science has not yet reached a point at which it can develop satellites capable of focusing on an individual in his house and following that target. I totally disagree.
Secret scientific capabilities are eons ahead of known scientific capabilities. If scientists can send unmanned rocket ships to the moon and mars, land those crafts, send out smaller remote-operated vehicles to gather rock samples and other materials, bring them back to the ship, and then return the space ship to earth, all by remote, they can most certainly contrive a method for targets on planet earth to be handled by satellite by remote. The use of satellites along with GPS appears to me not only possible but very likely. If satellites do figure in the
REA, the range could be thousands of miles.
In my case, it is not highly likely that my neurological assailants live very close, for I live in a very rural area with no really close neighbors. That, of course, depends upon the range of the neurological devices, which remains largely unknown. My nearest neighbor lives about a quarter of a mile away. The next closest neighbor lives almost a mile farther. Yet, others neighbors who live a short distance farther within the 360 degrees that radiate from my house and surrounding area could possibly be attackers.
Moreover, when I visit family almost 200 miles away and travel to other places, even abroad, I am subjected to the usual electronic and mind control activities both while mobile on the road
(usually voices only) and at the destinations (electronic assault as well as voices and other mind control activities). Unless the attackers, knowing my thoughts and my plans, notify other local attackers of my travels and locations, the REA would have to come from quite a distance. That argues that satellites may indeed be utilized for that purpose.
We know that satellites using GPS can find locations using geographical coordinates.
However, satellites would be useless if they could find a site and not be able to zero in on a target. All TIs know that they are subjected to electronic torture and mind control regardless of their geographic locations. Moreover, they can be singled out for torture in a crowd or sitting with friends and family members.
Thus, logically targets must have something on or in their bodies that allows some device or force to locate and focus on them. The scope of this paper does not include a discussion of that method; however, I’ll simply mention that possibilities include an implant (such as a microchip), an injection (in the form of a shot or inoculation), by detecting targets’ voices or their particular DNA found on their skin, and perhaps other methods.
Readers can probably supply other reasons why the United States government experiments in the United States on its own people. Whether the testing is done in a religious, political, economic, or social context makes no difference. They all have military and human mind enslavement applications. Its end purpose represents maintaining the status quo that revolves around the U. S. military-industrial machine.

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