The silent massacre

The Experimentation Process

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
The Experimentation Process
If indeed experimentation is one of the causes of electronic stalking and mind control, it must be carried out through several sequential steps.
-- First of all, teams of psychiatrists, psychologists, electrical and other engineers, radio experts, physicists, medical personnel, propagandists, and others representing scientific equipment manufacturers, research institutes, and universities must gather information on and conduct research into the most efficient, quickest, and most cost-effective form of neurological enslavement. The teams work independently on specific segments of neurological forms of capturing the brain. The purpose is that few scientists involved will know the entire process.
-- Then, the many research results must be packaged into a useable method for application

by an ultra-secret group of professionals in every field. Although the private sector has the means to perform the research and produce the devices and other results of the research, only an apparatus such as a government, with its wide range of authority, unlimited financial resources, and cover of secrecy can turn those efforts into a combined and viable product.
That product is a mind control method for capturing the minds of humans for their total manipulation and control.
The method had to first be spelled out in narrative, probably in the form of a user-type manual, much like instructions for using a machine or assembling an object. Those manuals are so highly classified and protected that only the highest government officials can access them. Most government officials do not know of their existence. The manual is probably recorded on a thumb-drive type device that cannot be copied and probably fewer than a half dozen of them exist.
-- The product, or the neurological blueprint for conquering human minds, however, is meaningless without a delivery system that links the research results with the targets. Thus, a means must be developed to “hook” the human brain through some process. That process must be remote, as targets will not voluntarily submit to mental castration, and it must be silent and secret, so that targets will not realize that their minds have been “hooked.” We do not yet know what device or method is used to snare the human mind but we shall in the future.
-- Once the delivery system is in place and the targets’ brains hooked, personnel must be trained to test the device(s)/method(s). The original trainers had to have been the scientists and others described in Number 2 above working directly under top governmental authorities.
Those trainers at first probably trained only a small group who would serve as “attackers” to carry out the testing, or experiments, on human targets. Once those attackers learned the techniques of mind control and the device/method for applying them, they in turn trained others. The training was carried out using no written instructions and thus leaving no evidence. Trained attackers now doubtlessly number into the thousands or tens of thousands.
-- The results of the research and the delivery system must then be tested. Every neurological objective must be tested on all of the targets, who serve as experimental control groups for that purpose. The mind control components tested represent thousands of individual experiments ranging from simple to very complex. That testing began in the 1950’s, perhaps still earlier, and continues today. The testing is carried out in prolonged and ongoing experiments on selected targets and groups of targets. We shall discuss those experiments in the following text.
-- The data is collected and categorized, examined, and graded on the extent of accomplishment of the desired neurological effects. The overall effect is analyzed by experts.
Data processing centers with super computers are established to record all experimental results. The super computers use a series of key words to extract all meaningful information, categorize it under certain topics, provide racial, gender, and other statistics, and otherwise refine and edit that information in useable form.
-- The analyses lead to continual ongoing corrections and readjustments of the neurological methods and the delivery system. Teams of experts continually work on perfecting the system.

-- Then, the methods and device(s) are retested, which means that attackers must receive occasional on-site instruction from representatives whose jobs are to update and retrain the attackers. The instructors also doubtlessly communicate with the attackers continually through secure email sites and telephone calls.
The neurological experimentation activities required years of preparation. Many very intelligent people worked on the plan, doubtlessly including psychiatrists and psychologists, behavioral scientists and other scientists in all areas of research, very high level government bureaucrats, representatives of the U. S. intelligence community, top level military leaders, scientific and government liaison personnel employed by big business, top medical brains, probably selected religious leaders, and perhaps even representatives of selected foreign
“allies.” At first, the planners worked on the device(s) for carrying out mind control, what they wanted those devices to accomplish, and the techniques and methods of plying the mind control activities. The training and testing would come later.
Inventions of countless devices and techniques have been patented, ostensibly for humane medical interventions; however, one needs only little imagination to recognize that many of those inventions are suitable for and probably actually intended for more sinister purposes. I shall not attempt to discuss those inventions. One can search for those patents on the internet. There are scores of them. Many of those items and methods were clearly intended to be used for neurological warfare. Once those inventions could be operated by remote, they were ready to be tested on human subjects.
We still do not know the criteria that the experimenters used in choosing their human guinea pigs. Nor do we know, once the targets were identified, how their minds were seized for the experiments and the results monitored and recorded. Did the Government provide a list of people, or types of people, for experimentation that it considered “expendable?” Or did it insist on approving the targets used for experimentation? The scientists who conducted the experiments hid behind innocuous research titles and often argued that their devices and methods could improve the lives of human beings. Yet, any perceptive reader could read between the lines in imagining the military applications of those neurological inventions.
Experimenters must meticulously record their activities and show the results of those activities. The guinea pigs used in those activities had to be identified through a name, number, and probably some other symbol for purposes of documentation, discussion, and retesting. Thus, the real names of the targets and their backgrounds and personal data must be recorded in some classified files.

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