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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Targets Versus Targets
I believe that the attackers may create targets and pit them against other targets. What better way of getting rid of their enemies? Law enforcement, for example, does nothing for the targets and often forces targets to submit to psychological evaluations. Could key members of law enforcement or indeed all law enforcement officers also be targets who have been programmed to operate against other targets? Such an action is clearly within the realm of possibility. By programming the law enforcement officers, the powerbrokers have strengthened their attack capabilities and support mechanism.
Look still further. I am told that medical students undergo training in their last year of med school about “delusional” patients and how to deal with them. Med students are told, I understand, that some of their patients will complain that they are victims of remote-delivered electronic torture, and the med students are instructed to treat them as delusional and refer them to psychiatrists. The psychiatrists in turn prescribe anti-depressants that do nothing to alleviate the patient’s symptoms.

Whether law enforcement officers and medical doctors, including psychiatrists, are true targets is not really significant. They may have been programmed by authority figures to act against the interests of targets.
Remember that targeting is a well thought-out plan that covers all aspects of human thought and behavior and contemplates every advantage and disadvantage of the targets. That plan was developed, analyzed, and evaluated by scientists in think tank situations for years before it was placed into effect. But the “best made plans of mice and men” often fail. This plan will also ultimately fail. Time is on the side of the targets, not the attackers.
What Targets Can Do
All targeted individuals are subjected to a barrage of criminal acts, some of which they may not be fully aware. If targets are true TIs, their phones WILL be tapped, their computers WILL be hacked, and their mail WILL be monitored. What can victims do to defend themselves, halt electronic stalking and mind control activities, apprehend the cowardly attackers who carry it out, and punish them and their accomplices?
-- Remember that THEY, the perpetrators of your REA, are the criminals, not you. If the victim receives V2K, the attackers will bring up occurrences from the past to attempt to make the victim feel guilty. Then, they play upon that guilt. Do not let them convince you that you are beneath them. They are breaking dozens of laws. You are not.
Certainly, the total loss of privacy, even in the case of your most intimate thoughts, is frustrating. That common criminals whom you probably do not know have knowledge of your thoughts that even family members and friends do not know is unconscionable. However, keep in mind that whatever the criminals know about you and your thoughts, they cannot publish them in the New York Times. I continually laugh at my perverted attackers and tell them that I really don’t care what they see, hear, know, or think that they know, or do. I tell them through our synthetic telepathy to publish those thoughts in the newspapers and expose them on national TV. It does not matter to me.
-- Remain positive. Despite the unsettling nature of the REA activities, targets must make a special effort to maintain a positive attitude, especially when around others. Remember that the perpetrators of REA are trying to ruin your lives. Do not let them. I start each day by stating to myself how great the day is, whether it is rainy or sunny or cold or hot.
-- Resist depression. One of the attackers’ ploys is to cause a target to commit suicide. Keep your life bright. Surround yourself with uplifting and cheerful décor. Let plenty of light into your house. Targets have a tendency to keep their houses dark, with the windows perpetually covered. A dark house encourages depression. Open those windows. I do not even have curtains on my windows. And also use your good mind. Tell yourself how fortunate you are despite your electronic and mind control assault. Think about things that make you happy and that calm your mind.
-- Maintain your physical health. This is very important, as the perpetrators of the REA seek to make you a couch potato. They will whisper to your subconscious to binge eat, to watch more TV than usual, and to eat the wrong kinds of food. They will also whisper to you that

you have no energy, that you feel extremely tired, and that you must rest.
Take vitamins and eat correct foods. Force yourself to get exercise and be active. They will discourage you from making improvements in and around your home. Despite your listless feelings, go about your activities and make a point of getting plenty of exercise. A clear correlation exists between physical health and mental health. Defy the attackers.
Make an effort not only to maintain your health but even to strengthen it.
-- Be receptive to making new friends. After a time, many targets become their own worst enemies. They have suffered so many frustrations and disappointments because of their
REA that they have become suspicious of everybody. That appears to psychiatrists as paranoia. Moreover, that is exactly what your attackers want, as it further isolates you from society. Do NOT think that every person you meet is an accomplice of the attackers.
There are still many uncorrupted people with whom you can become friends. However, remember that to have a friend, you must be a friend. Keep an open mind about people’s intentions.
-- Do not engage private investigators. They are often a part of the problem. Private investigators cannot ply their trade without the assistance of law enforcement. First, they have to register and get permission to operate from a state law enforcement office, usually the attorney general. Then, they have to be tied into the state police and other law enforcement agencies’ data systems to look up license numbers and auto license tags, search backgrounds, and even look for missing persons.
Moreover, many of the private investigators are shady characters who operate just inside the law, and they often even cross over that line. I believe that private investigators are part of the law enforcement network that probably participates in actual electronic stalking and mind control. Getting private investigators to look for a bug in your car is like sending the fox to the hen house. Even if they discover a bug, they will not inform you, for they would believe that it was placed there by law enforcement. In fact, they will have probably already been informed by law enforcement of the bug.
-- Do not discuss your REA harassment with every friend, family member, and acquaintance.
Such is the nature of electronic stalking that they simply do not understand and cannot understand. However, if you have a perceptive, intelligent, trusted friend or family member who is open minded enough to believe hard-to-believe circumstances, let that person know what is happening. A confidant who truly believes you can be very supportive.
-- Do NOT visit a psychiatrist. The REA assailants want targets to go to psychiatrists, knowing that the doctors will diagnose targets as schizophrenic or paranoid. Once targets see a psychiatrist, their credibility is compromised.
The REA assailants will do everything they can to convince targets that the targets are mentally incompetent, including continually whispering to their subconscious “you are crazy.” Indeed, the attackers’ activities will often cause targets to exhibit the very symptoms that psychiatrists associate with schizophrenic and paranoia in attempting to defend themselves against forces that they cannot see and do not understand. However, the general public is increasingly becoming aware of REA, and friends and family members of targets who have been designated “demented” are beginning to see that

those targets are not truly mentally unstable. In only a few more years, the psychiatric community will have to redefine schizophrenia, paranoia, and other mental disorders because of the unnatural electronic and mind control assaults that cause those symptoms.
This will not occur, however, without a great deal of pressure from the outside, as psychiatrists have no way of treating remote-induced symptoms of schizophrenia and paranoia resulting from REA.
Resist any effort on the part of law enforcement to make you submit to a psychiatric evaluation. In our system of justice, targets should not have to prove that they are sane.
Indeed, the burden of proof falls on law enforcement to prove that targets are mentally deranged. That is why authorities want to send you to a psychiatrist whom they customarily use and can depend on to render a verdict that is in keeping with their accusations. If you are forcefully made to see a psychiatrist, remember that it is your right to refuse treatment.
Know that mental incompetence cannot be proved by your words and actions alone, and that the state and local law enforcement have no power to act unless your actions have the potential of harming yourself and others. If authorities do insist on your seeing a shrink, demand that the psychiatrist also possess knowledge of directed energy, electrical and radio theory, high tech communications, organized stalking, and even electronic stalking and mind control. That will, of course, limit the possibilities to only a few psychiatrists. Notwithstanding, targets should make every effort NOT to look insane by falling into the attackers’ well laid traps. Despite your frustrations and the attackers’ drivel through V2K, do not act irrationally.
-- Remember that if you are made to undergo a psychiatric evaluation, you have the right to refuse treatment. As early as 1973, the American Hospital Association established patients’ rights known at the HICA Act. Of those twelve rights of the AHA, the fourth one gives the patient the right to refuse treatment. Today Federal and state laws reaffirm that right.
-- De-emphasize “self.” Many targets become obsessed with what the attackers do to their minds and bodies. That is quite natural and understandable. However, targets should train their minds to think beyond themselves and instead reach out to their pastimes, hobbies, and to others. Reducing the attention to “self” is a very important defense tool for targets.
-- Make special efforts to stay in contact with family members and friends, for the attackers concentrate on isolating you from society. Maintaining contact will not be easy. The attackers will fill your minds with negative thoughts about those people. Moreover, the attackers will have hacked your computer and tapped your phone lines. I recently got a call on my cell phone that showed the phone number of good friends, a man and woman couple. The person who called pretended to be the woman; however, the female speaker spoke with an accent and the voice was most certainly not that of my friend. Moreover, she ended with an exaggerated “good-byeeeeee,” which would have been totally out of character for my friend. That meant that the caller had used my friends’ telephone service provider to be able to make the call through my friends' account; otherwise, the real number of the impostor would have appeared on my phone. The caller probably wanted me to say something later to my friends about the call to make me appear crazy. I did not mention the call to them.

The attackers will cause problems with your computer and will intercept your emails to others and also those that come from others. They will also suddenly cut off phone conversations, create static that makes talking impossible, cause your voice to echo (only you will be able to hear those echoes), and sometimes divert the calls so that their accomplices answer. Manipulation of your communications system is ultra important to the attackers’ plan to isolate and frustrate you.
-- Record the attackers’ actions and your thoughts about them in a diary, or journal. Those thoughts will change over time as you learn increasingly more about your attackers. Their
REA tactics will also change, becoming increasingly more complex as they go through their repertory of capabilities. It is very important for you to describe the attackers’ electronic and mind control actions accurately and to record in great detail the sensations that you feel and your reactions to those actions. Record the day, date, and hour that particular actions occur. You may see a pattern in the timing. Their actions will normally occur in the evening while you sleep, as you present an immobile target for them and there is less electromagnetic atmospheric interference. Keep a flashlight, watch, notepad, and pen underneath your pillow or nearby to record those actions.
-- Be observant. The attackers, of course, count on your not having proof of their electronic stalk and mind control activities. Watch people, places, and objects carefully. Record your reactions when you see anything that looks even slightly odd. Videotape anything that happens out of the ordinary: blinking lights, anomalies in your emails, etc. Record any unusual sounds: loud noises that occur in or around the house, etc. However, do not let yourself develop paranoia over those events. Also, check out the law in your state. Some states make videotaping others a crime.
-- Do not constantly look for perps and perp signals. Although you should be observant, do not fall into the trap of seeing perps wherever you go and looking for well known signals that perps are supposed to use. Some targets who used to be perfectly sane now have all of the markings of a paranoid schizophrenic because they imagine that everything they see or hear is perp-related. The real perps want that to happen.
-- Remember precedents. Think back over previous events and actions. You had to have been targeted at some point in time. By recalling people, occasions, and incidents, you will probably get a very good idea about when, by whom, and even how you were targeted.
Particularly think about any medical procedures, shots, and inoculations that you had prior to your electronic stalking and mind control experiences.
-- Thwart the efforts of the attackers and defy them. As time goes on, you will see that certain actions on your part affect the capabilities of the attackers. You will also learn things that annoy the attackers. I enjoy singing monotonous ditties and repeating a phrase or a sentence for hours at a time (silently, through thought) as I work and putter. That action incenses them. Laugh at your attackers and try to make their lives as miserable and difficult as they attempt to make yours. It works. Remember that behind the REA lie humans (I call them sub-humans). As vile, evil, and hard as they might be, those humans can be affected by your thoughts and actions against them.
-- Stay alert. The attackers will attempt to make you do irrational things by whispering instructions and suggestions into your brains. Know this. Give much thought to your

actions because of that. Remember that one of the major objectives of the attackers is to make you look crazy. Be very careful of their deception.
-- Work to change the narrow mindset of the medical community about REA. I am quite certain that at least some psychiatrists recognize the reality of REA without admitting it.
-- Submit written complaints to local law enforcement. Get the complete name of the officer to whom you submit your report. It is very important that the reports be presented in writing so that YOU can word the complaint like you wish. Otherwise, the person with whom you are talking will write it the way he wants to, probably noting that you are nuts.
Ask the officer to whom you submit your complaint to sign it. Others have done this and the officers have refused. If the officer refuses to sign, record that in your notes and let him see you doing it. Your complaints will probably never be entered by law enforcement in their crime statistics. Mine were not and neither were those of other targets with whom I have corresponded. Law enforcement wants no record of your complaints about REA.
-- Contact your Representatives and Senators in writing. Petitions are meaningless. Write individual letters. It is important that your correspondence be done in writing (emails or letters), as their employees may include an accomplice “plant” who will not record and advise higher-up authorities of telephone calls. This will of course reveal your real name. It is time for victims to stop hiding and let the public know what is actually going on in this country. Our reluctance to do so has allowed electronic torture and mind control to go unchallenged probably for decades.
In addition, send copies of your letters to local and state officials, particularly the sheriff’s office and the attorney general’s office. Do not expect answers or acknowledgements of receipt. Unless overwhelming pressure is laid on the backs of leadership, nothing will be done. Congresspersons, themselves being protected, are probably blithely unaware of electronic stalking and mind control and the possibility of national and local law enforcement in that activity. However, they cannot ignore thousands of letters of complaint. There is strength in numbers, and the number of victims is growing every day.
Seek out other victims of REA and network with those victims in comparing your symptoms, your thoughts, and information that you have found on REA. That organization can also become a meaningful support system for you. In the United States, Derrick C.
Robinson, a TI and also a U. S. Armed Forces veteran, heads a pro-active organization called
Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS) whose address is
. There are other similar organizations worth joining.
Maintain the life style that is normal to you to the extent possible. Targets often let their targeting become their way of life. They relocate from place to place. They continually look for and experiment with shielding. They spend every waking moment on the computer communicating with other targets and writing to forums, phoning other targets, and thinking about their particular problem. They come to believe that every person and every action somehow relates to their targeting. When targets’ allow their situations to consume their total time, they sacrifice family and friend relationships, give up their hobbies and pastimes, and often neglect their appearance and their health. Indeed, no target asks for the electronic stalking and mind control activities that he receives. Yet, targets must try to balance their life to include activities other than those related to REA. Remember that every person with whom

you are in contact is not a perp. There are still wonderful people out there.
Do not consider suicide an option. Your attackers, through sleep deprivation, electronic torture, mind control, social isolation, induced anxiety, and other ways will attempt to make you take your own life. That is a part of the script. Do not oblige them. The FFCHS has recently begun collecting notarized statements from members who swear that they will never take their own lives. We call it a No-Suicide-Ever pact. This was considered necessary because some targets die under very mysterious circumstances that are recorded as suicides.
Do not act kooky. Because of their targeting, many victims dress with several layers of clothes, even in summertime. Others will wear tin foil on their heads and underneath their caps. I know of one target who actually wears a large metal pot over her head when she goes out in public. No wonder people think that targets are crazy. Dress and act normally. Do not call attention to yourself by dressing and acting like an escapee from a mental institution.
-- Do NOT allow the attackers to force you to move. They will often try to force targets to leave their houses and even their hometowns. I have never known a target who improved his situation by moving. Targets who do move will normally end up drifting from location to location, getting out of touch with friends and relatives along the way, and ending up alone in shelters or on the street. Stand your ground.
-- Do not spend money on devices/methods that are supposed to shield against or neutralize the electronic attacks unless you are wealthy. They simply do not work on a sustained basis. The intelligence community and the Secret Service must necessarily know a way to guard against or neutralize the attacks, but that defensive device/method is still a closely guarded secret, which they are unwilling to share with the general public. In other words, the powerbrokers are protected; you are not..

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