The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
The Use of Hypnotism
Hypnotic suggestions definitely play a role in the mind control portion of REA. The CIA and
FBI have long been interested in the use of hypnotism for mind control purposes. We know that hypnotism can be performed by indirect means such as television and music and can also be administered while a target sleeps. It is very likely that early in the surveillance stage the attackers or somebody working with them perform hypnotism on the target that causes the target to react in a predetermined manner to certain post-hypnotic codes. The attackers then later use those codes through their subliminal talking to the target’s subconscious that trigger the target’s post-hypnotic actions and reactions.
Probably from 50% to 75% of the communication from the attackers in my case involves some form of code. For code to function as intended, the target has to have been instructed beforehand about how the code is supposed to affect him. The post-hypnotic codes will be contained within normal-sounding statements and words spoken through V2K to targets. In my case, for example, the attackers through synthetic telepathy make code statements such as “I see you,” which is intended to open up my mind to the attackers’ questions and mind control activities.

Without hypnosis, or some similar hypnosis-type method, the attackers’ functions and effectiveness would be greatly reduced, for they could only listen to a target’s thoughts and not be able to “mine” those thoughts. Certain “trigger” words and expressions represent post- hypnotic commands to the target. When he hears those trigger words, he knows to cooperate with the attackers’ questioning and interrogations. He had to have been previously conditioned about the meanings of those trigger words; otherwise, those command codes would fall meaningless on the target’s consciousness and sub-consciousness.
Here is my idea about how hypnotism works. Early in a victim’s targeting, a hypnotist will convince the target’s subconscious to make him respond to the attackers’ questions in the future. The hypnotist will make up a story that sounds plausible to the target’s psyche. For example, he will tell the target that he is a storehouse of knowledge that could be used to save mankind. The target believes himself to be the savior of the human species, and he is convinced that he must impart that knowledge for the good of the world. Thus, whenever a target hears a question, regardless of the nature of that question, he responds as if his answer were critical for a waiting desperate world.
The target will have been previously instructed through hypnosis to answer truthfully to any questions asked by the attackers. He will have also been told to visualize his thoughts. Thus, whenever he thinks of a person, he visualizes that person’s face. The attackers then record that face and ask the target, “Who’s that?” The target will normally answer with only a given name, let us say, “Joe.” The attackers next ask him, “Joe who?” The target answers, “Joe
Jones.” Such is the tactic of the handler interrogators.
Simply listening to a target’s thoughts may not reveal the information that the attackers seek.
However, using hypnosis, the attackers are able to “mine” the target’s thoughts. Hypnotism is re-enforced by computer software, normally used by intelligence agencies, that determines whether a target is lying or being purposely vague, evasive, or deceitful.
By asking the target questions, attackers not only extract information about the target but also about people whom the target knows. Intelligence officers use that technique on Moslem captives in the so-called War of Terrorism. Expert interrogators can extract an astonishing amount of information from a hypnotized target on his friends and acquaintances. Water boarding is used as only a tool to frighten prisoners. Indeed today water boarding is a useless torture method used by only the sadistic. The real information comes from the interrogators’ neurological gadgets and methods.
The attackers can not only extract information from targets but they can also delete information in targets’ minds. My attackers often do that. They will often steer my mind to a particular scenario in which there are certain people whom I know. Yet, I cannot remember the name of one of them. After I try for several seconds to recall the name, the attackers supply the name. The idea is to establish a dependency on the attackers’ information. It also re-enforces the concept that the attackers possess all of the power and that the targets are helpless.
My attackers often play mind games for those purposes and perhaps out of boredom--what could be more boring than monitoring somebody in the same setting day after day? They recently took my mind to the geography of Scandinavia. Geography is one of my favorite topics, and I know the countries and their capitals. Yet, as I thought about the countries of

Norway, Finland, and Sweden, they blanked out the capital of Sweden. Then, they asked me the capital. Later, by going through the alphabet, I remembered, that it was Stockholm. The attackers tried to make me believe that they had provided me the answer, which they will often do to attempt to establish your dependency on their input.
Hypnotism is also used to make a target believe that he cannot hear or see well. To cause a target to become hard of hearing, the hypnotist will instruct the target that he will not hear certain common sounds, such as the th sound, the sh sound, or the shun (tion, cion, sion) sound. He will also tell the target’s mind that it will not hear a particular vowel or that the vowel o will sound like the vowel a. He will even command the target to hear certain “trigger” words or planted words instead of the actual words. For example, “first” will sound like “dirt,”
“constitution” like “prostitution,” and “cyanide” like “suicide.” The words substituted will normally have the same number of syllables.
Likewise, the hypnotist will instruct the target that when he sees a lamp post light, it will look orange instead of white or that it will have three concentric rings around it. This naturally interferes with the target’s eyesight. It causes the victim to believe that he is losing his sight or that he has an astigmatism or cataracts.

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