The silent massacre

Coordination between the Powerbrokers and the Attackers

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Coordination between the Powerbrokers and the Attackers
No stalking activity, whether conventional or electronic, can be carried out without a conspiracy. That conspiracy probably includes the following elements: (1) The powerbrokers, or masterminds. (2) Go-betweens, or liaison agents, representing the masterminds. Those go-betweens are probably heads of the FBI field offices, who probably coordinate with the
Infragard and Fusion Centers. (3) Attackers, who actually carry out the electronic and mind control activities. (4) Accomplices, who play only support roles as ground stalkers and who may not even be aware of the electronic and mind control functions. Some of them are opportunity accomplices who may make certain signs and gestures to targets that they run into in stores. Others actually follow the targets in vehicles and harass them in other ways.
Few of those accomplices are permanent members of the team. They come and go.
The relentless remote-operated electronic assault and mind control activities, often accompanied and re-enforced by gang stalking, are enormously labor intensive and costly. It is not likely that a company or a business would spend those funds on a single individual.
However, the company or group may receive secret funding from the federal government that is not kept on their regular books. Some PACs and religious groups, working under government protection and with government funding would provide excellent cover for state- sponsored domestic terrorism.
In addition to hooking the minds of the targets, attackers also invade the minds of the targets’ family members and close friends. Only the target is permanently monitored. The family members and friends are only sporadically monitored to fill in information about the target.
The major organization, or the masterminds, probably allow the handler groups also to identify additional targets.
Secondary Targets
In almost every case of targeting, members of the target’s family will also be victimized. Very

often, those secondary targets are innocent children. In my case, my grown son has also been subjected to electronic torture and mind control since no later than 2001 although he is still unaware of it. Here are some of his symptoms, which targets will readily recognize.
-- His hands often cramp so badly that he cannot open his fist. Cramping is one of the favorite tools of the attackers.
-- He has developed psoriasis, which targets often mention as an induced symptom. In
2001, his entire body was covered with psoriasis sores.
-- He has itching spots on his feet, a very common handler symptom though there is no evidence of a mosquito or other insect bite. He has scratched those places so hard that they have bled and later formed sores.
-- He is distracted and does not hear certain sounds.
-- He has also developed an insatiable appetite that has led to an out-of-control eating disorder due to the subconscious voices of the attackers urging him to eat. That in turn has resulted in an enormous weight gain.
-- He has short-term memory loss. While performing home improvement projects, he very often cannot remember the measures that he has taken.
– He has sudden striking pains in his back that appear to have no physical origin.
– He sometimes has to fight going to sleep as he drives.
All of those symptoms are similar to those caused in targets by the attackers. My attackers often make threats concerning my son and attempt to make me believe things about him that
I know are false. They have also told me telepathically on many occasions that he is in the
“hospital” or the “emergency room.” Those terms are simply code employed by the attackers.
I have not yet determined the precise meanings of those particular codes unless the attackers mean that he is under their surveillance and control.
It is increasingly clear that the targeting covers two or more generations of targets either simultaneously or in succession. In looking back, I now also know that my aged mother was targeted. In addition, I believe that my little eight year-old granddaughter has been a target for at least the last three years. I visited my son and his family when she was about five. I slept at night in a bedroom adjoining hers. One night I heard her talking. I got up and peeked in the room several times when I heard her talking to make sure that she was okay. I thought at first that perhaps she had been talking in her sleep. Now I believe that she was talking with the perps through their subliminal voices to her subconscious while she slept. Of course, her talking could have been attacker deception playing her prerecorded taIking into my consciousness. However, if it is true that she is targeted, four generations of my family have been targeted within a period of not longer than ten or fifteen years, as my mother was almost certainly a target for her last ten years or so. Many other targets have reported similar situations.
Targets suffer from brutal physical and psychological torture. Yet, they can get some small satisfaction out of the fact that the attackers, who are obviously already seriously disturbed individuals, gradually become more psychologically ill and socially maladjusted the longer they ply their evil work. They are psychopaths in the strictest terms. The attackers become consumed with the power that they think that they possess.
Over the years the torture and voyeurism that the attackers employ weighs upon their degenerate minds. I enjoy telling my psycho attackers that I have complete freedom of

movement and action but, on the contrary, they have to spend their time focusing on me!
Although the attackers obviously enjoy making people suffer and although they doubtlessly receive handsome salaries for their efforts, they become victims of their own sick activities, and their evil handiwork eventually leaves them as mentally affected as their targets. I often tell my attackers, “I hope to hell that you bastards don’t have children and grandchildren. If you do, they’re probably either in prison or the asylum or will shortly be there.”

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