The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
“Decoy” Targets

Duck hunters understand the word “decoy.” Decoys are artificial ducks usually made of a light material that floats easily on water. At a distance, they look exactly like ducks. Hunters place them on water in areas where wild ducks are known to fly over to entice the ducks to land.
The remote attackers use the same tactic.
Most of the targets are decoys, which deceives both targets and the public about the real targets. Most of those “decoy” targets are just plain citizens, but among those citizens are certain groups. The targeting of homosexuals, for example, is probably a result of the powerbrokers’ false target, or decoy, tactic. That makes it look like homosexuals as a group are being targeted. The underlings who carry out the orders do indeed loathe homosexuals, and they carry out their tasks gleefully. They do not know the true targets.
That does not mean that homosexuals are always decoys. Iconoclasts can be heterosexual, homosexual, or asexual. Thus, doubtlessly some homosexuals are true targets.
The hodge-podge of targets is cleverly intentional, as it keeps researchers from identifying the real targets – the social, economic, religious, and political non-conformists. Their targeting is designed to throw researchers off track. And it does.
The major targets are the politically incorrect citizens, or non-conformists, who threaten the status quo, represented by the powerbrokers. Those political liabilities include whistleblowers, political and social activists, the militias, the survivalists, anti-government “subversives,” some arch-conservatives and some arch-liberals, anti-government writers and journalists, and others who “rock the boat.” In other words, they are non- conformists who threaten the status quo. Probably only one out of ten targets is a true target. The others are decoys.
The distinction between the real targets and the decoy targets does not affect at all how the two groups are treated. Both groups are subjected to the same degree of organized stalking and electronic and neurological torture. Likewise, both true targets and decoy targets are subjects of experimentation. All targets are expected to spend the rest of their lives targeted.
The powerbrokers want to eliminate their intended targets while at the same time obtaining valuable research data from both the true targets and the decoy victims. Using decoy targets to confuse the issue is a brilliant part of the attack plan.

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