The silent massacre

Experiments and the Government

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Experiments and the Government
In the Cold War that followed upon World War II, the oligarchies that ruled the world’s governments saw the usefulness of mind control as a weapon. Although leaders at first probably perceived mind control as a neurological weapon to be used only on foreign

populations, they also recognized its value in quelling civil uprisings and controlling the domestic population. In the United States of America, although the CIA and other intelligence- gathering and law enforcement agencies have intentionally destroyed most of the records that incriminate them, shreds of remaining evidence show that the Government has conducted mind control experiments on U. S. citizens on American soil since the 1940’s.
If the aim of the Federal Government is only surveillance of possible terrorists, there would be absolutely no need for the use of directed energy weaponry and mind control. Thus, there must be another explanation for the electronic effects and mind control activities. That explanation is doubtlessly experimentation. Some targets believe that the government is past the experimentation stage and is now employing the results of that experimentation. While the latter is probably true, there is no end to experimentation. Experiments are ongoing and never ending, as they lead to still more spin-off experiments.
The government has the keenest interest in two principal areas, the genes and the brain. The former includes DNA studies. The government finances countless projects in research institutes and university labs to map every molecule of the human brain and determine its function. To do so requires experimentation. Much of that experimentation must be performed on unknowing and involuntary human subjects to be accurate.
The Government as a whole does not conduct experiments. The U. S. Government consists of three branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. The latter two can be eliminated as experimenters based on pure logic. Thus, if the Government is indeed involved in REA, it must be through the executive branch, which includes the Department of Defense,
Department of Homeland Security, and all intelligence and law enforcement organizations.
Fusion Centers, Neighborhood Watches, Infraguard, and other watchdog-type entities also fall under the executive branch of government. That the electronic stalking and mind control activities might emanate from the executive branch of the U. S. Government helps explain why the intelligence and law enforcement offices under that branch refuse to take action on targets’ complaints.
That may also help to explain the experiments. The DOD continually searches within the business/manufacturing complex, including pharmaceutical companies, as well as academia for inventions that are applicable or adaptable for use in neurological warfare. Thus, those inventions have become very lucrative, as the DOD not only funds many of the research projects but also buys the resulting devices and methods, paying millions of dollars for the patents and copyrights or for the development of those patents and copyrights under defense contractors. From the 1950’s to the 1970’s, more than eighty U. S. institutions, both public and private, participated in developing devices and methods for controlling the human mind using public funding. The irony is that victims of electronic stalking and mind control are paying for their own torture.
Each section of the brain and many tiny nuclei and cells of the brain determine all of the person's thoughts and bodily functions. The U.S., Russia, China, Israel, and other countries compete with each other in mapping the human brain. That purpose is not purely humanitarian but a competition for neurological dominance over the remainder of the world.
Scientists work tirelessly toward that end, for knowing how the brain functions and malfunctions provides the basis of mind control.

The study of intelligence is important for brain mapping and thus mind control. An online article by Amanda Gardner, a Healthday Reporter, on February 26, 2010, describes what scientists have determined about “intelligence.” She quotes Jan Glascher, a postdoctoral fellow in the department of humanities and social sciences at the California Institute of
Technology in Pasadena and lead author of a paper appearing in that week's issue of the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, as saying that their studies show that "general intelligence relies on the connection between the frontal and the parietal [situated behind the frontal] parts of the brain. Those are "connections between the gray matter, or cell bodies, and the white matter, or connecting fibers between neurons. . . ."
Paul Sanberg, professor of neurosurgery and director of the University of South Florida
Center for Aging and Brain Repair in Tampa, states that studies such as those ". . . allows them to systemize [sic] and pinpoint areas important to intelligence." Learning those
“pinpoints” is what the experiments are all about.
To sell the software, devices, or methods to the U. S. Government for its neurological warfare and domestic control programs, the inventors must present credible evidence that they work.
To do so requires that every patent or copyright be tested and re-tested in experiments to be deemed functional and useable. Those tests can only be carried out on human beings, and for the tests to be valid, the test subjects must be completely unaware of the testing. When proof of the successful testing is presented to the government, the inventors have to reveal the names of those targets who are tested and present a profile of those persons. Thus, some government agency probably retains the names of those victims in its files.
Interest in brain mapping makes a good case that experimentation is one of the causes of electronic stalking and mind control assault. In addition to specific persons chosen for testing because they possess some particular characteristic, other targets may simply be targets of opportunity. Still others be selected because they are considered anti-government, domestic terrorists, or likely to become domestic terrorists. Others may be alcoholics, drug addicts, and other categories of “expendables” that law enforcement would approve removing through a twisted concept of social cleansing.
Our remote attackers use the same devices and techniques as those proven to be owned and used by the U. S. Government. If the U. S. Government does not engage directly in the electronic stalking and mind manipulation effects, it is certainly in collusion with those who do.
I use the word “collusion” because if a person or organization aids and abets an illegal action, he or it is a “collaborateur.” That makes that person or organization equally guilty.

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