The silent massacre

A Rationale for Electronic Stalking and Mind Control

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
A Rationale for Electronic Stalking and Mind Control
Why would any person or organization spend so much money, time, and effort in “hooking” a target and then blitzing him by remote with continual and barbaric directed energy weapons, electromagnetism, and mind control? Two reasons come to mind. The perpetrator(s) either wish to (1) neutralize the target or (2) use him for experimentation.
The first reason, neutralization, comes in many forms: ostracizing him, making him unemployable, breaking him financially, causing him to commit suicide, or gradually murdering him with the accumulated and sustained effects of the electronic stalking. It is probably safe to say that all types of harassment, organized stalking as well as electronic

stalking and mind control, seek the neutralization of the target. The perpetrators decide whether only to harry the victim or eliminate him entirely.
If units of the United States Government were involved in the neutralization of a target, there would be absolutely no need for the continual torture and mind control of the victim unless those units first wished to extract information from the target. Even then, isolating the victim and causing him much personal suffering appear far more drawn-out and probably less cost- effective than would be necessary simply to retrieve information from that target. Unless rogue elements of the government who wish to inflict as much damage on the target as possible are involved, I believe that the government would deal far more directly with the victim in neutralizing him.
Thus, it is my opinion that the U. S. Government is probably not interested in electronic stalking and mind control for only neutralization purposes. The perpetrators are far more likely to be nut cases representing the Radical Right, hate groups, perhaps certain Far Right rogue groups from the executive branch, foreign governments who have axes to grind with the particular targets, and vendetta cases involving the private (and sometimes public) sector(s).
Nevertheless, intelligence and law enforcement know about those attacks and do nothing to prevent them.
The second reason, experimentation, may not preclude eventual neutralization. However, the perpetrators are more interested, at least initially, in using the target to test their electronic and mind control theories. Mapping the brain is a high priority. They obviously view the target as “expendable,” so if the victim dies or commits suicide as a result of the experiments, they simply replace him with another target.
When we ask the question “Who would gain the greatest benefit from experimentation?,” the
U. S. Government now enters the picture. The government stands to advance greatly its neurological and biological warfare program through experimentation on involuntary targets.
So do foreign powers using American citizens as targets. In addition to the government(s), the private sector and the public education sector also often require testing on human subjects to perfect and market their products, especially those dealing even remotely with mind control.
On the other hand, the Radical Right, hate groups, Far Right rogue government groups, and those seeking vendettas, would have little interest in experimentation. Their sole aim is to make life unbearable for the target and eventually neutralize him. In attempting to determine the identity of their perps, targets would do well to consider these points.

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