The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Likely Experiments
I list below some hypotheses whose successful experimentation might prove applicable in quelling a possible civil uprising, rendering foreign enemy troops unfit for battle, and undermining foreign governments. Most of the experiments would be psychological. Those hypotheses, or premises, are stated in the form of questions. These represent only a small

number of possible experiments. Readers will be able to add many others.
-- What type computer software works best with certain targets in certain conditions to cause electronic and mind control effects?
-- Can computer programs be developed that will interact with the targets’ thoughts without human involvement using the raw data stored in super computer?
-- Can a person be programmed to hate or react negatively to names of persons, places, or things introduced into his mind?
-- What mind control techniques work best to alienate a person from his family members and friends?
-- Can a person be programmed to become disloyal to his country and switch his allegiance to another country?
-- What type targets responds best to the mind control methods used and conversely what type targets can best resist those methods?
– How does intelligence and the I.Q. level affect electronic stalking and mind control?
Can synthetic telepathy be used to create dependency on drugs, tobacco, or alcohol and conversely cause an aversion to those items?
-- Can a person be programmed to react in a particular manner to post hypnotic code?
– Can loop play tapes to the target's subconscious make that person change his views about race, ethnicity, politics, religion, sex, etc.?
-- What target groups, based on factors such as intelligence, age, gender, sexual orientation, physical condition, the physique, education, color, language groups, ethnicity, and other qualities, are most vulnerable to mind control?
– Can mind control be used to create multiple personalities in a target?
-- How long does it take for a tested victim to capitulate to a particular mind control method?
– Can continual suggestions to a target's subconscious cause somatic disorders and sickness?
– What effect does prolonged V2K have on a target's body conditions and functions and his decision-making ability?
-- Is REA more effective if used with organized stalkers?
-- Can a person be sensitized to hear certain words in normal conversation or on TV/radio through previous hypnosis?

-- Can the same mind control effects be carried out on a large group of targets at the same time?
-- Can targets contrive methods for shielding against the effects of a neurological assault?
-- Can a person be programmed to reveal his thoughts when he receives certain signals, e.g., jolts and vibrations?
-- How does social isolation caused by the attackers affect a target’s ability to think and function in society?
-- What effect do the various neurological methods have on the targets and do they affect targets in the same manner and to the same degree?
-- What width of area and over what length of distance can the neurological methods achieve the best results?
-- What elements of mind control work best on various types of persons?
-- What is the best method for attackers to track targets from place to place and from country to country?
-- Can a person’s religious beliefs can be destroyed (and perhaps replaced with other opposing beliefs)?
-- Can persons be induced to turn against their own country, their own family, their own church group, their own friends, their own values, etc.?
-- Can pin pricks by attackers on the target’s body affect the body in the same manner as physical acupuncture?
-- What is the optimum range for performing neurological activities on targets?
-- Are targets who live in rural situations affected the same way as targets in urban areas?
-- Can targets be besieged by insects (African bees and fire ants, for example) by tuning in a certain frequency that attracts those insects?
-- Can a person be covertly psychologically conditioned to think certain negative (or positive) things about certain types of people based on ethnicity, color of skin, nationality, religion, social level, education, political affiliation, personal philosophy, etc.?
-- Can constant subconscious whispers by attackers conveying the same message eventually persuade the target to believe that message?
-- Can neurological suggestions influence physical actions (or inactions) without the targets being aware of the cause(s) and if so, to what extent?
-- Can targets be made to perform certain acts (perhaps unknowingly, as in sleepwalking) or

think certain suggested ideas?
-- Can targets be made to develop what psychiatrists term true schizophrenia, paranoia, or obsessive compulsive behavior?
-- Can targets be forced to act out physically their frustrations, hatreds, fears, etc. on others?
-- Will targets’ induced conditions affect their ability to operate as “normal” human beings?
-- What conditions are most effective in rendering targets incapable of operating as “normal” human beings?
-- Can targets be made to overcome their revulsion to various ideas and conversely see repulsive actions in a favorable light. For example, can a Jew or Arab be made to eat pork or can a perfectly normal person be made to commit incest?
-- Are there drugs, particularly “mood swing” drugs and anti-depressant drugs as well as certain vitamins and minerals that can influence the outcome of particular mind control methods on targets?
-- Can attackers blank out permanently certain thoughts in targets or eliminate certain words and areas in targets’ thoughts?
-- Can the targets’ surroundings (location, house construction materials, implements, electrical devices, etc), weather conditions, time of year (moon, seasons, etc.), proximity to particular installations (oil refineries, relay towers, etc.) enhance the effect of neurological weapons on those targets?
-- What foibles and vulnerabilities in targets can best be exploited for psychological purposes and control of those individuals?
-- Which torture methods affect the targets the worst psychologically?
-- What is the most effective duration of a particular physical or mind control effect on the target?
-- Can a target be made impotent using outside sources and conversely can his libido be dramatically increased?
-- Can a target’s sexual orientation be changed through mind control, i.e., heterosexual to homosexual and homosexual to heterosexual, and is it easier to achieve in particular ethnic and racial groups, genders, etc.?
-- Can targets be made to say words out of context in speaking with others?
-- Can targets be made to view almost everything in his daily life in a negative context?
-- What physical stimulus and/or mind control method can get the best results from the thought “mining” process?

-- Can targets be hypnotized through the use of certain pre-suggested words through the TV, radio, or in conversation?
-- How can post-hypnotic suggestions reinforce the mind control methods?
-- What is the best way to train attackers of targets.
-- What human characteristics should recruiters look for in selecting trainers and attackers?
-- What type of person makes the most effective attackers?
-- Can targets be made to believe absurd things that do not happen or do not exist? For example, the U. S. intelligence community convinced a young Moslem detainee at
Guantanamo that he had lost both his hands and legs. Although he could visually see that his arms and legs were there, he still believed that they were not.
-- What is the most effective interrogation technique for attackers in the mind “mining” process, i.e., asking questions, showing photos to the target, making half statements and allowing the target to finish, staging scenarios in which the target is the principal actor, etc.?
-- Can mind control be used to cause insatiable appetite and conversely anorexia in targets?
-- To what extent can a target’s visual thoughts expose information not revealed in the target’s narrative or his answers to questions? (Examining those thoughts visually may reveal clues concerning a particular strategic site or a particular weapon or an impending action or a particular militarily- or politically-important person whom the target knows whom the attackers may not have been aware of.)
-- Can attackers gain the confidence of the target in their telepathic conversations with him?
(They do this by providing helpful information to the target, warning him of various dangers, and telling him to “trust” them.)
-- Can third parties be made to communicate telepathically with the target without the knowledge of either one of them?
-- Can ocular diseases such as cataracts be caused by pinpointing laser beams to certain areas of the eye?
-- What physical effects can be caused by psychological suggestion and to what extent?
-- What type target can best analyze what is happening to him vis-a-vis mind control, based on their profession or occupation, their educational level, their gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.?
-- Can a psychological profile be developed for selecting both attackers and targets?
-- Can targets be made to commit suicide through whispering into their sub-conscious thoughts of self-destruction? How do thoughts of suicide register concerning the target’s

emotions, i.e. blood pressure, heartbeat, anxiety level, nervousness, etc.?
-- What is the best technique to test the efficacy of interchanging or replacing attackers for targets, especially when those targets move from country to country?
-- What type target can most easily be persuaded (either neurologically through whispers, etc. or by bribes and other forms of compensation, etc.) to commit treason and perhaps assassinate important figures?
-- Can experimenters improve their propagandistic capability to deceive the public re the mind control experiments (disseminating misinformation through the internet, psychiatrists, the media, law enforcement, etc.) as targets become more open and their numbers become more threatening?
-- How can attackers work more effectively with their “allies” in mind control operations?
-- What emotions and mind control techniques are most likely to cause combat troops to surrender?
-- What can be learned by showing targets holographic images and recording their reactions to those images?
-- How can attackers improve induced “dreams” to fish for information?
-- How can information from recording targets’ levels of frustration, anxiety, irritation, and other emotions under particular kinds and stages of stress be used to advantage?
-- Can targets’ be conditioned to react to certain smells, sounds, and tastes, and can attackers change those senses?
-- How will damage or alteration of the targets’ eyesight (making them see double, removing their “side vision,” causing them to see in various colors or not see certain colors or images) affect the targets’ ability to function?
-- How can physical effects such as the pin pricks be used to best advantage and at what point should they be used?
-- Can the attackers’ equipment cause cancer and/or other internal and external diseases?
-- Can attackers cause amnesia in targets?
-- Can the attackers’ computer software make targets hear particular words entered into the computer by the attackers in place of particular regular words on TV and on the radio?
-- What type of target will most likely learn to “trust” the attackers?
-- Can attackers cause aberrant sexual thoughts and behavior in targets?
-- Can targets be made to consider dishonest actions when the targets are perfectly honest?

-- Can attackers condition targets to perform actions outside of their regular routine using sub- conscious communication?
-- Can attackers cause the target confusion in his geographical orientation and movements?
-- Can aggressive, combative persons be made docile by remote mind control? This is applicable with militant Jihadists and others.
-- Can hypnotic suggestions cause artificial erections, etc?
-- Can those erections and other sexual effects be utilized to cause in the target a sense of frustration and anxiety or perhaps a misdirected sexual urge?
-- Can targets be made to perform an action that he will no longer remember afterward?
-- Can targets be estranged from close family members by subliminal suggestions about those loved ones?
-- Can hypnosis be used effectively once attackers “hook” the target’s brain?
-- Can targets be conditioned to respond to certain code words and act out a response desired by the attackers?
-- What visual damage will bother the target the most and to what extent will it affect his ability to function?
-- Can targets be hypnotized through music, particular sounds, or at the sight of particular objects, persons, or pictures?
-- Can targets’ pets be made to react to certain sounds or frequencies and to ignore other sounds?
-- Can attackers cause certain diseases in targets through their actions or the power of suggestion, i.e., Alzheimer’s, asthma, prostate problems?
-- Is there a particular hour of the day or night during which targets’ minds are more vulnerable to “mining” by the attackers?
-- How do targets’ body functions react to thoughts of suicide: blood pressure, heartbeat, etc?
-- Can hypnotic suggestions affect sexual thoughts and activities?
-- Can a target be completely immobilized by lethargy and fatigue through whispered suggestions?
-- Can a target be made to feel very hot or very cold by hypnotic suggestion?
-- Can physical effects such as electrical-like jolts and vibrations condition targets to release

or reveal thoughts and, if so, to what extent?
-- Do rain and other atmospheric conditions affect the ability of handler to perform mind control methods?
-- Are physical and psychological conditions caused in targets by the REA reversible?
-- Can persons whom the targets know or do not know be interjected into targets’ “dreams” by names mentioned by the attackers to the targets’ subconscious?
Readers can provide hundreds of other possible experiments. One can use his imagination about the number of spin-offs those experiments might spawn. Each one lends itself to several variations using that same experiment. All of the experiments have the potential of use by the military and the intelligence community.

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