The silent road

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There are signs around us today which suggest that the gap between science and religion is in process of being bridged. I believe this to be true in spite of the
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fact that some famous exponents of modern science continue to assert that religion in all its forms has no impact on the evolution of the human race and is therefore valueless. The physicist has now traced matter back to its point of origin namely, force or energy. The next step forward will be to discover the source of this energy and its causation. Even the conception and the working of a mechanistic universe would be inconceivable without the services of a Master Mechanic. I predict that before the present century has run its course, discoveries in science and metaphysics will have shaken the standpoint of the materialist to its foundations, thereby rendering his position quite untenable.

Discovery and revelation are twins that should not be rent apart, the one working from below, the other from above. As we enter the age now dawning it will be the activities of the Blended Ray under Divine direction that will merge the two in a manner of inestimable benefit to all mankind. Each one of us, in ways too numerous to calculate, can be instruments through the service of humanity as a whole.

One final thought—man’s discoveries in all fields of research can prove very dangerous to him unless accompanied by the revelation of how such discoveries should be harnessed and put to uses that are both right and good. In other words, the discoveries of material science, through the use of reason from without and revelation through the exercise of intuition from within, must be united once and for all and never allowed to become separated again.


Chalice Well and ‘The Upper Room’

AT THE BEGINNING of 1959 it was my privilege to launch a wonderful adventure. The Chalice Well estate at Glastonbury, Somerset, lies on the slopes of Chalice Hill, almost under the shadow of the far-famed Michael Tor. For centuries past this hallowed site had been in private ownership, not easy of access to visitors and pilgrims.

With the co-operation of a group of friends, the property has now been vested in a charitable trust and the hallowed well, the gardens and Little St. Michael Hostel are now open to all comers, irrespective ,of race, class or creed. History, legend and tradition surround this site, being intermingled in a way that is both mysterious and perhaps unique. This is not the place to review in detail a past which stretches across two thousand years and more.

The story has already been told in many books and pamphlets readily available to all who are interested in Celtic Christianity and the arrival of Christ’s Message in Britain within fifty years of the Crucifixion. Earlier in this book I have touched upon the mystery of premonition. Here is a case in point. I visited Glastonbury and Chalice Well for the first time in 1904 and at a time

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when the Chalice Well property belonged to a Catholic Order. I was allowed to visit the well and to drink the healing and vitalising waters from its spring. I was also permitted to roam over the gardens surrounding it and to spend some time in the adjoining orchard which lies farther up the slopes of Chalice Hill. I was left with a feeling of sanctity and inspiration, which has never left me. And I was left with something more, namely the premonition that in time to come I should be given the opportunity to come into the possession of this truly wonderful place, so that it might be thrown open to all who believe in the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God. Over half a century was to pass before the event fulfilled the premonition. Strange are the ways of Destiny!

One of the legends closely associated with Chalice Well has lived on since early Christian times and has refused to die or to be forgotten. It tells of the arrival of Joseph of Arimathea (reputed to have been the uncle on his mother’s side of Our Lord) at Chalice Well some years after the Ascension. He came, it is said, with a devoted group of disciples, to bring Christ’s message to our country and to settle here.

Joseph is believed to have brought with him the Cup used at the Last Supper and to have buried it for safe keeping beneath Chalice Hill within a stone’s throw of the well itself. One of the first books published by the Chalice Well Trust is called The Upper Room. This contains what purports to be a description of the Master’s Cup, which in medieval times came to be linked in men’s hearts and minds with the lovely mysticism of the Holy Grail.

The message carried by this little book has already brought response from readers scattered right across the world. I am happy to have this opportunity of thanking all those who have written me about it, as the letters received are far too numerous to reply to individually.

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I believe that the Cup or Chalice is destined to become the symbol for the new age now dawning, and it is my hope that Chalice Well may once more fulfil the inspiring mission of acting as a gateway through which revelation for coming times may flow, radiating from there across Britain and the world.

It is my conviction that the people of our Island will be given the opportunity once more to lead humanity out of its present darkness into the Light.

The beams from the Lighthouse which is within our power to build may well be destined to radiate Illumination to the far corners of the Earth.

I firmly believe that it lies within the capacity of our children and their children to carry out this task. In my view the discerning among them should lose no time in preparing themselves to fulfil a Destiny that most surely will be presented to them and at no very distant date.

Readers who are interested can obtain further information from the

Custodian, Chalice Well Trust, Little St. Michael, Glastonbury, Somerset.

1 The Gospel according to Thomas.

2 ~ Christ in You U ~1. W9thinJ, London).

3 Private Dowding by W. T. P. (~. M. W~tlcin~, London).

4 (‘The Messenger’ quoted in Private Dowding)

5 Readers who would care to hear more about the Bahá’í Faith can obtain such information from the Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 27 Rutland Gate, London, S.W,7.

6 Published by the Big Ben Council, Parliament Mansions, Westminster, "~~ London, S.W.I.

7 ~ J. M. W~ticin~, London. ; f

8 The Upper Room. Published by the Chalice Well Trust, Glastonbury, 5~ froc. ~ho obt in~blc from Neville Spearman Ltd.

9 Hodder &c Stoughton, London.

10 The first account is given in Genesis i. and up to ii. 5 inclusive. The second account begins Genesis ii. 6: ‘And there went up a rniYt from the earth.’

11 This radiant star has been the first to be noticed since earliest ages, it is the only planet mentioned by Homer: Isaiah celebrates her splendour under the name of Lucifet; at the time of the pyramids the Egyptians called her ‘the celestial bird of morn’; thirty-five centuries ago the Babylonians observed one of its transits across the sun, the Indians called her ‘the brilliant’, and the Arabs ‘Zonh, the splendour of the sky’. Camille Flammarion, Dream of an Astronomer.

12 The word ‘Satan’ is not here to be understood in the later sense of the enemy of man and God. The Satan is that one of God’s ministers whose part is to oppose men in their pretensions to a right s~nding Wotc God (Z~chariah iii, ~); that is, who represents God’~ trying, sifting providence. A. G. HoBg, The M ~ gt of the Kingdom, page 26.


14 h~l Prince of Heaven ~ . W~~lcin~, London).

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