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Extn: Colonization Key

Colonization is key-it’s time to leave Earth or face extinction

Fox News 10 (Fox News, “Abandon Earth or Face Extinction, Stephen Hawking Warns – Again”,, 6/9/10) SV

It's time to abandon Earth, warned the world's most famous theoretical physicist. In an interview with website Big Think, Stephen Hawking warned that the long-term future of the planet is in outer space. "It will be difficult enough to avoid disaster on planet Earth in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand, or million. The human race shouldn't have all its eggs in one basket, or on one planet," he said. "I see great dangers for the human race," Hawking said. "There have been a number of times in the past when its survival has been a question of touch and go. The Cuban missile crisis in 1963 was one of these. The frequency of such occasions is likely to increase in the future." "But I'm an optimist. If we can avoid disaster for the next two centuries, our species should be safe, as we spread into space," he said.
Colonization’s a key insurance policy for human survival

LT, 09 (London Telegraph, Human colony on mars would make the world a better place,, JG)

"We should establish a self-supporting colony on Mars," suggests J Richard Gott, professor of astrophysical sciences as Princeton University in the US. "That would make us a two-planet species and improve our long-term survival prospects by giving us two chances instead of one." As one might expect, his belief in the species-saving potential of space exploration is echoed by Sir Richard, whose Virgin Galactic company plans to offer orbital flight for paying passengers. "If we are going to survive as a civilisation we need low energy and environmental access to space on an industrial scale," he told the magazine. Environmental scientists Wallace Broecker, who coined the term "global warming", and James Lovelock, who invented the Gaia theory that the planet behaves like a living organism, agree that urging consumers to reduce their carbon consumption is now not enough to save the world. Prof Broecker urges greater research into methods of removing CO2 from the atmosphere, while Lovelock says we must begin preparing for a warmer planet. "Our best course of action is to spend at least as much effort adapting to global heating as in attempts to slow or stop it happening," he says. Many of the experts call for swift action to improve education and health standards in the developing world. Max Tegmark, a cosmologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, says that radical changes to the curriculum are necessary to prepare children for a hi-tech future: "for youngsters, learning a global language and typing should trump long division and writing cursive". Jimmy Wales, the founder of free online encyclopedia Wikipedia, argues that the world will only become a better place when people learn to confront their own prejudices, challenging everyone to spend a month immersing themselves in books and websites opposed to their own world view. "You may find that you were mistaken. And if it turns out that you were right, so much the better." One of the few voices of optimism in the cacophony of doomsday warnings comes from Elon Musk, the US entrepreneur behind PayPal, the online payment system. His recipe for a better world? Look on the bright side of live, and appreciate your good fortune.
Our only chance of survival is to move into space.

Daily Mail 10 (UK news service, OP

‘If we are the only intelligent dead’beings in the galaxy we should make sure we survive and continue.’ But he warned that mankind was entering an increasingly dangerous period. ‘Our population and use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially along with our technical ability to change the environment for good and ill,’ said the author of the bestseller, A Brief History of Time. ‘But our genetic code carries selfish and aggressive instincts that were a survival advantage in the past. It will be difficult enough to avoid disaster in the next 100 years let alone the next thousand or a million. 'Our only chance of long-term survival is not to remain on planet Earth but to spread into space. ‘We have made remarkable progress in the last 100 years but if we want to continue beyond the next 100 years our future is in space.’

Humanity’s survival depends on colonizing space, while we still can.

Space Settlement 11 (The mission of the Space Settlement Institute is to help promote the human colonization and settlement of outer space. It’s founder, Alan Wasser, former Chairman of the Executive Committee (CEO) of the National Space Society (NSS) and NSS Board Member, active member of the Space Colonization Technical Committee (SCTC) of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), former Senior Associate of the Space Studies Institute, “Why should humanity expand outward? And why now?”, OP

Humanity's survival depends on moving out into the cosmos while the window of opportunity for doing so still exists. Besides helping to ensure the survival of humankind, the settling of space - including the establishment of permanent human settlements on the moon and Mars - will bring incalculable economic and social benefits to all nations. The settlement of space would benefit all of humanity. It would open a new frontier, provide resources and room for growth of the human race without despoiling the Earth, energize our society, and create a lifeboat so that humanity could survive even a planetwide catastrophe. Now is the time for the settling of space to leap from the pages of fiction to reality. It is now time to ignite what future historians will regard as the human species' greatest endeavor.
Space colonization fulfills our obligation to protect our future.

Falconi 81 (Oscar, BS degree in Physics from M.I.T. and a physicist and consultant in the computer and electro-optical fields, OP

The adventure is the colonization of space. The argument is that man may soon destroy himself on earth before he can set up a backup civilization elsewhere. Now man may or may not be the only life in the universe capable of abstract thought, but we surely must agree that much would be lost if man's existence were to cease right now. Trillions of trillions of potentially happy and productive man-years would never come to pass. We are obligated to do all we can, now, to protect this future! In the last generation or two, man has clearly reached some sort of milestone or turning point. The present is unprecedented, and so the future is completely unpredictable. For the first time in man's history, many things seem to be doubling every decade or two, such as population, research, energy usage, pollution, nuclear capability, total knowledge, and more. In addition, man has achieved the ability to destroy himself and all his future generations. The probability of man's self-destruction is clearly increasing at a rate much greater than, for instance, population growth. An in-depth study could well uncover some alarming statistics here. It behooves us to immediately begin work toward getting a self-sufficient colony away from earth. We just may be the only life in the universe with the foresight to have "moved out" before it destroyed itself. So, should America go all-out for space colonization? What follows can only touch the surface of this question. The points that are made, however, are felt to be convincing enough to warrant immediate and forceful action.

With the risk of extinction, a backup colony is our first priority.

Falconi 81 (Oscar, BS degree in Physics from M.I.T. and a physicist and consultant in the computer and electro-optical fields, OP

In the field of reliability, one or two backup systems is the key to long life - and this principle certainly applies to our one and only earth-bound civilization which is precariously close to extinction. A backup colony, in space, is urgently required and must be made our generation's 1st priority. Remember the young lady who put all her eggs in one basket - and lost them all? Mankind must not make the same fatal error. At stake is an incomprehensible number of human lives, as yet unborn.
Space colonization good –survival, growth, and destiny.

Globus 1996(Al Globus has bachelors in science and works at NASA Ames Research Center. Date isn’t in article last date on bibliography was 1996.

There are three noble reasons to colonize space. Survival. Sooner or later, for one reason or another, civilization, humanity, and eventually life itself will be wiped off this planet. Consider the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs were destroyed because they had no space program. They couldn't even see the asteroid that blasted them into extinction. If they had detected it, there was nothing they could do about it. The dinosaurs weren't the only ones. Earth has suffered mass extinction again and again. Only a vigorous space program can find next asteroid headed our way and make sure it misses. Growth. Successful things grow. Those that don't die out. That is the story of nearly four billion years of life on this planet. Space colonization will permit sustainable growth for the foreseeable future. Not just economic growth, but growth of Life itself. Earth is already fully colonized. Life is everywhere, at least in a thin layer on the outside of the planet. In most cases, growth for one species or people is a loss for others. Space is empty, growth there comes at no one's expense. Destiny. Sometimes I think of Life as a person. After the dinosaurs were wiped out, Life said "Well, that didn't work. I think we need something spacefaring, and made primates." Only mankind has the technology to get life into space. If we don't do it, it won't happen. Life will be limited to planet Earth, and Earth alone, waiting for some catastrophe to wipe it out. Mankind can reach out into space, creating a solar system wide civilization of immense beauty and diversity, or stay on Earth fighting over limited resources. It is our choice.

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