The University of Chicago Law School: a century of Scholarship a bibliography of Writings of the Faculty of the University of Chicago from 1902-2002

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Abner S. Greene

Abner S. Greene, Adjudicative Retroactivity in Administrative Law, 1991 Supreme Court Review 260 (1991).

Abner S. Greene, Review of James EdwardDerek Davis Wood, The Role of Religion in the Making of Public Policy, 34 Journal of Church and State 866 (1992).

Abner S. Greene, The Political Balance of the Religion Clauses, 102 Yale Law Journal 1611 (1993).

Charles O. Gregory

Charles O. Gregory, Infant's Responsibility for His Agent's Tort, 5 Wisconsin Law Review 453 (1930).

Charles O. Gregory, Review of William H. Spencer, Text Book on Law and Business, 1929, 16 Virginia Law Review 870 (1930).

Charles O. Gregory, Review of Morton C. Campbell, Cases on Suretyship, 45 Harvard Law Review 1439 (1931).

Charles O. Gregory, Procedural Aspects of Securing Tort Contribution in the Injured Plaintiff's Action, 45 Harvard Law Review 369 (1931).

Charles O. Gregory, Vicarious Responsibility and Contributory Negligence, 41 Yale Law Journal 831 (1932).

Charles O. Gregory, Third Party Practice Under the New Illinois Practice Act and Chicago Municipal Court Rules, 1 University of Chicago Law Review 536 (1934).

Charles O. Gregory, Contributory Negligence of Plaintiff's Wife or Child in an Action for Loss of Services, Etc., 2 University of Chicago Law Review 173 (1935).

Charles O. Gregory, Tort Contribution Practice in New York, 29 Cornell Law Quarterly 269 (1935).

Charles O. Gregory, Legislative Loss Distribution in Negligence Actions: A Study in Administrative Aspects of Comparative Negligence and Contribution in Tort Litigation, The University of Chicago Press (1936).

Charles O. Gregory & Kurt Borchardt, Cases and Materials on Torts, University of Chicago Bookstore (1937).

Charles O. Gregory, Contribution Among Tort Feasors: A Uniform Practice, 1938 Wisconsin Law Review 365 (1938).

Charles O. Gregory, Proximate Cause in Negligence - ARetreat from Rationalization, 6 University of Chicago Law Review 36 (1938).

Charles O. Gregory, Contribution Among Tortfeasors Act. Tentative Draft No. 1 March 1938, s.n. (1939).

Charles O. Gregory, Review of Albion Guilford Taylor, Labor Problems and Labor Law, 27 Georgetown Law Journal 507 (1939).

Charles O. Gregory & Malcolm Sharp, Social Change and Labor Law, The University of Chicago Press (1939).

Charles O. Gregory, Review of Leon Green, Judicial Process in Tort Cases, 34 Illinois Law Review 632 (1940).

Charles O. Gregory, Labor's Coercive Activities Under the Sherman Act - the Apex Case, 7 University of Chicago Law Review 347 (1940).

Charles O. Gregory, Peaceful Picketing and Freedom of Speech, 26 American Bar Association Journal 9 (1940).

Charles O. Gregory, Cases and Materials on Labor Law, The University of Chicgao Bookstore (1941).

Charles O. Gregory, Contribution Among Tort Feasors: A Pragmatic Criticism, 54 Harvard Law Review 1156 (1941).

Charles O. Gregory, Review of William L. Prosser, Handbook of the Law of Torts, 9 University of Chicago Law Review 196 (1941).

Charles O. Gregory, New Sherman - Clayton - Norris-LaGuardia Act, 8 University of Chicago Law Review 503 (1941).

Charles O. Gregory, The Sherman Act v. Labor, 8 University of Chicago Law Review 222 (1941).

Charles O. Gregory, Illinois Annotations to the Restatement of the Law of Torts: As Adopted and Promulgated by the American Law Institute, The Institute (1942).

Charles O. Gregory, Union Peacetime Restraints in Collective Bargaining, 10 University of Chicago Law Review 177 (1943).

Charles O. Gregory, Review of Joel Seidman, Union Rights and Union Duties, 1943, 11 University of Chicgao Law Review 184 (1944).

Charles O. Gregory, Enforcement of Collective Labor Agreements By Arbitration, 13 University of Chicago Law Review 445 (1946).

Charles O. Gregory, Labor and the Law, W. W. Norton (1946).

Charles O. Gregory, Mimeographed Supplement on Labor Law, University of Chicago Bookstore (1946).

Charles O. Gregory, Review of Samuel Thurston Williamson & Herbert Harris, Trends in Collective Bargaining, A Summary of Recent Experience, by Samuel Thurston Williamson [and] Herbert Harris; Report and Recommendations by the Labor Committee, 6 Law Guild Review 653 (1946).

Charles O. Gregory, Government by Injunction Again (Labor Relations Symposium Articles), 14 University of Chicago Law Review 363 (1947).

Charles O. Gregory, Labor Relations and Labor Law; A Symposium... Government By Injunction Again, 14 University of Chicago Law Review 331 (1947).

Charles O. Gregory & Harold A. Katz, Policy Development under the National Labor Relations Act: A Concise Presentation of the Way in Which the National Labor Relations Board has Interpreted and Applied Important Parts of the Wagner Act, Industrial Relations Center, University of Chicago (1947).

Charles O. Gregory, Review of Richard A. Lester & Joseph Shister, Insights into Labor Issues, 13 Law & Contemporary Problems 705 (1948).

Charles O. Gregory & Harold A. Katz, Labor Law: Cases, Materials and Comments, Michie Casebook Corporation (1948).

Charles O. Gregory, Review of Eli Ginzberg & Joseph Carwell, Labor Leader, An Exploratory Study, 13 Law & Contemporary Problems 708 (1948).

Charles O. Gregory, Leon Green's Contribution to a Better Understanding of the Law of Torts, 43 Illinois Law Review 15 (1948).

James Parker Hall

James Parker Hall, Review of Sophonisba Preston Breckinridge, Legal Tender, 12 Journal of Political Economy 131 (1902).

James Parker Hall, Practice Work and Elective Studies in Law Schools, 1 American Law School Review 328 (1905).

James Parker Hall, Practice Work in Law Schools, 17 Green Bag 528 (1905).

James Parker Hall, Notes of Cases, 13 Journal of Political Economy 107 (1906).

James Parker Hall, American Law School Degrees, University of Chicago Law School (1907).

James Parker Hall, The State Tax on Illinois Central Gross Receipts--Another View, 2 Illinois Law Review 21 (1907).

James Parker Hall, Review of Ezra Parmalee Prentice, The Federal Power Over Carriers and Corporations, 15 Journal of Political Economy 238 (1908).

James Parker Hall ed., The Law of Railroad Rate Regulation, with Special Reference to American Legislation, (1908).

James Parker Hall, The New University Government Statute, 1 University of Chicago Magazine 64 (1908).

James Parker Hall, James Bradley Thayer, 8 Great American Lawyers 345 (1909).

James Parker Hall, Review of Ezra Parmalee Prentice, The Study of Law by Correspondence, 2 American Law School Review 314 (1909).

James Parker Hall, Review of Ezra Parmalee Prentice, The Study of the Law by Correspondence, 34 Reports of the American Bar Association 798 (1909).

James Parker Hall, Constitutional Law; General Conceptions, Fundamental Rights, Liberty and Property, Powers of Congress, Federal and State Jurisdiction, deBower-Chapline Company (1910).

James Parker Hall, The New York Workmen's Compensation Act Decision, 19 Journal of Political Economy 694 (1911).

James Parker Hall, Constitutional Aspects of Federal Regulation of Business, U.S.:s.n. (1912).

James Parker Hall, Constitutionality of a National Reserve Association, 23 Banking Reform 386 (1912).

James Parker Hall, An Eighteenth-Century Constitution--A Comment, 7 Illinois Law Review 285 (1912).

James Parker Hall, Cases on Constitutional Law, Selected from Decisions of State and Federal Courts, West Publishing Company (1913).

James Parker Hall, Review of Andrew C. McLaughlin, The Courts, the Constitution, and Parties: Studies in Constitutional History and Politics, 21 Journal of Political Economy 88 (1913).

James Parker Hall, Review of Robert H. Whittin, Valuation of Public Service Corporations: Legal and Economic Phases of Valuation for Rate Making and Public Purchase, 21 Journal of Political Economy 663 (1913).

James Parker Hall, Illustrative Cases on Constitutional Law, West Publishing Company (1914).

James Parker Hall, Is a Constitutional Convention in Illinois Desirable, 9 Illinois Law Review 20 (1914).

James Parker Hall, American Law and Procedure, La Salle Extension University (1915).

James Parker Hall, The Force of Precedents in International Law, 26 International Journal of Ethics 149 (1916).

James Parker Hall, The Selection, Tenure and Retirement of Judges, 10 Bulletin of the American Judicature Society 1 (1916).

James Parker Hall, The Selection, Tenure and Retirement of Judges, 61 Ohio Law Bulletin 29 (1916).

James Parker Hall, The Selection, Tenure and Retirement of Judges; Address before Ohio State Bar Association at Cincinnati, December 29, 1915, Chicago (1916).

James Parker Hall & Herman Oliphant, Discussion, 25 Journal of Political Economy 80 (1917).

James Parker Hall, Review of Lindsay Rogers, The Postal Power of Congress: A Study in Constitutional Expansion, 11 Illinois Law Review 590 (1917).

James Parker Hall, State Interference with the Enforcement of Treaties, 7 Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science 24 (1917).

James Parker Hall, Free Speech in War-time, 21 Columbia Law Review 526 (1921).

James Parker Hall, Review of James Brown Scott, Judicial Settlement of Controversies between States of the American Union: An Analysis of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, 26 The American Historical Review 345 (1921).

James Parker Hall, Review of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Collected Legal Papers, 28 West Virginia Quarterly 245 (1922).

James Parker Hall, Review of Charles K. Burdick, The Law of the American Constitution: Its Origin and Development, 32 Yale Law Journal 218 (1923).

James Parker Hall, Some Observations on the Law School Curriculum, 5 American Law School Review 61 (1923).

James Parker Hall, Exclusion of Negroes from Texas Primaries, 19 Illinois Law Review 267 (1924).

James Parker Hall, National Banks as Executors, 19 Illinois Law Review 260 (1924).

James Parker Hall, Power of President to Pardon Criminal Contempt, 19 Illinois Law Review 176 (1924).

James Parker Hall, Publicity of State Income Tax Returns, 19 Illinois Law Review 279 (1924).

James Parker Hall, Review of Dorsey Richardson, Constitutional Doctrines of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, 19 Illinois Law Review 708 (1925).

James Parker Hall, Constitutional Law, La Salle Extension University (1925).

James Parker Hall, Federal Tax on Salary of Federal Judges, 20 Illinois Law Review 376 (1925).

James Parker Hall, Husband's Liability for Wife's Torts, 20 Illinois Law Review 1925 (1925).

James Parker Hall, Jury Trial in Criminal Contempt, 19 Illinois Law Review 449 (1925).

James Parker Hall, The Next Task of the Law School, 24 Michigan Law Review 42 (1925).

James Parker Hall, Pardoning Power of Executive in Contempt Cases. [United States v. Grossman, 1 F (2nd) 941], 13 Georgetown Law Journal 286 (1925).

James Parker Hall, Power of State Statutes Over Admiralty Law, 20 Illinois Law Review 65 (1925).

James Parker Hall, Reviving Barred Right of Action, 19 Illinois Law Review 355 (1925).

James Parker Hall, Search and Seizure of Liquor in Automobile, 20 Illinois Law Review 162 (1925).

James Parker Hall, State Franchise Tax on Foreign Interstate Commerce Corporations, 19 Illinois Law Review 665 (1925).

James Parker Hall, Review of Frederic Calvert, The Constitution and the Courts, 20 Illinois Law Review 852 (1926).

James Parker Hall, Due Process of Law and Free Speech, 20 Illinois Law Review 809 (1926).

James Parker Hall, Executive Pardon of Direct Contempt of Court, 21 Illinois Law Review 379 (1926).

James Parker Hall, Federal Income Tax on Exchange of Corporate Securities, 20 Illinois Law Review 601 (1926).

James Parker Hall, Federal Income Tax on State Engineers, 21 Illinois Law Review 38 (1926).

James Parker Hall, Review of Harry Pratt Judson, Our Federal Republic, 35 Yale Law Journal 778 (1926).

James Parker Hall, Pardon by Governor of Direct Contempt of Court [Ex Parte Grossman, 267 US 87], 14 Georgetown Law Journal 190 (1926).

James Parker Hall, Reorganization of Corporations, Taxability as Income of Shares of Stock Issued in New Corporations, Federal Income Tax Act of 1924, 20 Illinois Law Review 601 (1926).

James Parker Hall, State Inheritance Tax on Gifts Made Within Six Years of Death, 21 Illinois Law Review 262 (1926).

James Parker Hall, State Inheritance Tax on Shares of Foreign Stock Owned by Non-Resident Decedent, 21 Illinois Law Review 495 (1926).

James Parker Hall, State InheritanceTax on Foreign Chattels, 20 Illinois Law Review 492 (1926).

James Parker Hall, Power of State to Regulate Price of Resale of Theater Tickets, 22 Illinois Law Review 192 (1927).

James Parker Hall, Retroactive Federal Inheritance Tax, 22 Illinois Law Review 437 (1927).

James Parker Hall, State Regulation of Prices [Tyson & Bro. v. Banton, 47 Sup Ct 426], 40 Harvard Law Rev 1009 (1927).

James Parker Hall, Suits by Non-Residents Against Foreign Carriers on Foreign Causes of Action [Iron City Produce Co. v. Am. Ry. Ex. Co. (Ohio) 153 N.E. 316], 21 Illinois Law Review 724 (1927).

James Parker Hall, Uniformity of Federal Inheritance Tax [Florida v. Mellon, 47 Sup Ct 265], 22 Illinois Law Review 85 (1927).

James Parker Hall, Aliens Forbidden by State to Conduct Pool Rooms, 22 Illinois Law Review 112 (1928).

James Parker Hall, Evidence Illegally Obtained by State Officers to Assist United States, 23 Illinois Law Review 78 (1928).

James Parker Hall, Prohibition Searches by New York State Police [Gambino v. United States, 48 Sup Ct 137], 1 Lincoln Law Review 7 (1928).

James Parker Hall, Prohibition Searches by New York State Police [Gambino v. United States, 48 Sup Ct. 137], 23 Illinois Law Review 78 (1928).

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