The University of Chicago Law School: a century of Scholarship a bibliography of Writings of the Faculty of the University of Chicago from 1902-2002

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Friedrich Kessler

Friedrich Kessler, Review of Roscoe Steffen, Cases on Commercial and Investment Paper, 49 Yale Law Journal 1345 (1940).

Friedrich Kessler, Review of Arthur Nussbaum, Money in the Law, 40 Columbia Law Review 175 (1940).

Friedrich Kessler, Theoretic Bases of Law, 9 University of Chicago Law Review 98 (1941).

Fredrich Kessler & A. Ehrenzweig Sr., Misrepresentation and False Warranty in the Illinois Insurance Code, 9 University of Chicago Law Review 209 (1942).

Friedrich Kessler, Contracts of Adhesion - Some Thoughts About Freedom of Contract, 43 Columbia Law Review 629 (1943).

Friedrich Kessler, Natural Law, Justice and Democracy - Some Reflections on Three Types of Thinking About Law and Justice, 19 Tulane Law Review 32 (1944).

Friedrich Kessler & Malcolm Sharp, Cases on Contract, University of Chicago Bookstore (1946).

Friedrich Kessler & Karl N. Llewellyn, Uniform Commercial Code: Foreign Banking, Bankers Credit, American Law Institute, Conference on Uniform State Laws (1946).

Friedrich Kessler, Drafts Pertaining to the Commercial Code (Group No. 1) of the American Law Institute and the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. Tentative Draft No. 1, Article IV, Bank Collections, 1947. 36p. (Reporter, with Karl N. Llewellyn.) Notes and Comments to Tentative Draft No. 2, Article IV, Chapter 2, 1948. 28 p. (Reporter with Karl N. Llewellyn.) Proposed Final Draft No. 1, Chapter I, Article IV; Tentative Draft No. 1, Chapter 2, Article IV, 1948. 47 p. (Reporter with Karl N. Llewellyn), American Law Institute and the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (1947).

Spencer L. Kimball

Spencer L. Kimball & Mark S. Rapaport, What Price "Price for Disclosure"? The Trend to Consumer Protection in Life Insurance, 1972 Wisconsin Law Review 1025 (1972).

Spencer L. Kimball, Clarence C. Walton, William Elliott & Daniel Yankelovich, The William Elliott Lectures: Historical, Legal and Value Changes: Their Impact on Insurance: Addresses in Honor of William Elliott, College of Business Administration, Pennsylvania State University (1973).

Spencer L. Kimball & William C. Whitford, Why Process Consumer Complaints, A Case Study of the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance of Wisconsin, 1974 Wisconsin Law Review 639 (1974).

Spencer L. Kimball & Werner Pfennigstorf, Rechtsschutzversicherung in den Vereinigten Staaten, in Studien zur Rechtsschutzvericherung in Europaischen Landern und in den Vereinigten Staaten (Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft, Hans Moller ed. 1975) at 241.

Spencer L. Kimball, All Lines Authority: Implications for Solidity, 11 The Forum 433 (1976).

Stanley L. Kimball & Werner Pfennigstorf, Employee Legal Service Plans: Conflicts Between Federal and State Regulation, 1976 American Bar Foundation Research Journal 787 (1976).

Spencer L. Kimball & Werner Pfennigstorf, Legal Service Plans: A Typology, 1976 American Bar Foundation Research Journal 411 (1976).

Spencer L. Kimball & Werner Pfennigstorf, Bringing Legal Services to Market, in Historical, Legal and Value Changes: Their Impact on Insurance (Pennsylvania State University College of Business Administration, William Elliott ed. 1977) at 31.

Spencer L. Kimball & Werner Pfennigstorf, Legal Service Plans: Approaches to Regulation, American Bar Foundation (1977).

Spencer L. Kimball & Werner Pfennigstorf, A Typology of Legal Service Plans, Regulation of Legal Service Plans, & Employee Legal Service Plans: Conflicts between Federal and State Regulation, in Legal Service Plans: Approaches to Regulation (American Bar Foundation, Spencer L. Kimball & Werner Pfennigstorf eds., 1977)

Spencer L. Kimball, Reverse Sex Discrimination: Manhart, 1979 American Bar Foundation Research Journal 83 (1979).

Spencer L. Kimball, Reprise on Manhart, 1980 American Bar Foundation Research Journal 915 (1980).

Spencer L. Kimball, The Federal Role in Insurance Regulation: Volume II, in Issues in Insurance (American Institute for Property and Liability Underwriters, John D. Long & Everett D. Randall eds., 1981) at 141.

Spencer L. Kimball & Werner Pfennigstorf, A Proposed Act to Regulate Legal Expense Insurance, American Bar Foundation (1981).

Spencer L. Kimball & Werner Pfennigstorf, The Regulation of Insurance Companies in the United States and the European Communities: A Comparative Study, International Insurance Advisory Council, Chamber of Commerce of the United States (1981).

Spencer L. Kimball, Problemi nella determinazione delle tariffe nell'assicurazione infortuni sul lavoro, 50 Assicurazioni 581 (1983).

Spencer L. Kimball & Werner Pfennigstorf, Review Essay: Aspects of Legal Expense Insurance: A Review of Four New Publications, 1983 American Bar Foundation Research Journal 251 (1983).

Spencer L. Kimball & Barbara P. Heaney, Emasculation of the McCarran-Ferguson Act: A Study in Judicial Activism, 1985 Utah Law Review 1 (1985).

Spencer L. Kimball & Werner Pfennigstorf, Access Plans for Legal Services: How Far Should They Be Regulated, 4 Journal of Insurance Regulation 57 (1986).

Spencer L. Kimball, History and Development of the Law of State Insurer Delinquency Proceedings: Another Look after 20 Years, 5 Journal of Insurance Regulation 6 (1986).

Spencer L. Kimball, Wisconsin Insurers Rehabilitation and Liquidation Act of 1967 (a draft statute with preface and comments), in Reference Handbook on Insurance Company Insolvency (American Bar Association and National Institute on Insurer Insolvency, 1986) at 195.

Spencer L. Kimball, Review of Kenneth S. Abraham, Distributing Risk: Insurance, Legal Theory, and Public Policy, 19 Connecticut Law Review 311 (1987).

Spencer L. Kimball, Protection of Consumers: The Case of Bad Faith, in Hommage a Andre Besson (International Association for Insurance of Law, Budapest, Jean Bigot ed. 1987) at 215.

Spencer L. Kimball, Transferability of Funds Invested with TIAA and CREF: The Legal Issues, in Transferability of Funds Invested with TIAA-CREF: The Legal Issues (New York, N.Y. : The Commission, Commission on College Retirement ed. 1987) at 173.

Spencer L. Kimball, Can Private Liability Insurance Survive in the Modern World, Journal of South African Law 232 (1988).

Spencer L. Kimball, The Personal Injury Lawsuit: Modern Attila, 1988 Tydskrif vir die Suid Afrikaanse Reg (Journal of South African Law) 91 (1988).

Spencer L. Kimball, Should McCarran-Ferguson be Repealed or Amended, 7 Journal of Insurance Regulation 165 (1988).

Spencer L. Kimball, Codification of Chinese Insurance Law: A Recommendation, in Codification of Chnese Insurance Law: Recommendations and Comments (National Chengchi University, Vinceny Sze ed. 1989) at 72.

Spencer L. Kimball, Insurance Law in the United States and the R.O.C.: A Brief Comparative Analysis, in Codification of Chinese Law: Recommendations and Comments (National Chengchi University, Vincent Sze ed. 1989) at 21.

Spencer L. Kimball, Transferability of Funds from TIAA and CREF, in Pension and Retirement Policies in Colleges and Universities: An Analysis and Recommendations (Jossey & Bass Publishers, Oscar M. Ruebhausen ed. 1990) at 14.

Spencer L. Kimball, The Meaning of the McCarran-Ferguson Act Today, 10 Journal of Insurance Regulation 5 (1991).

Spencer L. Kimball, Cases and Materials in Insurance Law, Little, Brown and Company (1992).

Spencer L. Kimball, Cases and Materials in Insurance Law: Teacher's Manual, Little, Brown and Company (1992).

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