The University of Chicago Law School: a century of Scholarship a bibliography of Writings of the Faculty of the University of Chicago from 1902-2002

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Bernard D. Meltzer

Bernard D. Meltzer, A Note on the Nuremberg Debate, 14 University of Chicago Law Review 455 (1946).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Supplementary Materials on International Organization, Chicago (1947).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Review of Herbert Victor Evatt, The United Nations, 15 University of Chicago Law Review 15 (1948).

Bernard D. Meltzer & Wilber G. Katz, Cases and Materials on Business Corporations, University of Chicago Press (1949).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Required Records, the McCarran Act, and the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination, 18 University of Chicago Law Review 687 (1951).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Review of John MacArthur Maguire & Edmund M. Morgan, Cases and Materials on Evidence, 4 Journal of Legal Education 463 (1952).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The Privilege against Self-Incrimination and Required Income Tax Records, 30 Taxes Magazine 45 (1952).

Bernard D. Meltzer, A Projected Study of the Jury as a Working Institution, 287 Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science 97 (1953).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The Use and Meaning of the Fifth Amendment: an NBC Radio Discussion, University of Chicago (1953).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Harry Kalven, Brainerd Currie and Bernard Meltzer Discuss the Army/McCarthy Hearings and the Media Coverage of Them in a Program Titled "The Trial and the Hearing Room", Broadcast on University of Chicago Roundtable, May 9, 1954 (1954).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Involuntary Confessions: The Allocation of Responsibility between Judge and Jury - A Comment on Stein v. People of the State of New York, 21 University of Chicago Law Review 317 (1954).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Review of E. Griswold, The Fifth Amendment Today, 132 New Republic 18 (1955).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Single-Employer and Multi-Employer Lockouts under the Taft-Hartley Act, 24 University of Chicago Law Review 70 (1956).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Alternatives to General Disclosure Requirements in Pending Welfare and Pension Legislation, 8 Labor Law Journal 649 (1957).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Alternatives to General Disclosure Requirements in Pending Welfare and Pension Legislation, 7 University of Chicago Law School Record 9 (1957).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Review of Zelman Cowen & Peter Basil Carter, Essays on the Law of Evidence, 10 Journal of Legal Education 133 (1957).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Recognition-Organizational Picketing and Right-to-Work Laws, 9 Labor Law Journal 55 (1958).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Recognition-Organizational Picketing and Right-to-Work Laws, 7 University of Chicago Law School Record 2 (1958).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Current Issues in Labor Policy, 1958 University of Chicago Alumni Magazine 8 (December 1959).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Report of Committee on Development of the Law under National Labor Relations Act, Labor-Relations-Law Section, American Bar Association (1959).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The Supreme Court, Congress and State Jurisdiction over Labor Relations, 8 University of Chicago Law School Record 95 (Autumn 1959).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The Chicago & North Western Case: Judicial Workmanship and Collective Bargaining, 1960 Supreme Court Review 113 (1960).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Labor Union Power and the Public Interest - Some Introductory Observations, 35 Notre Dame Lawyer 591 (1960).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Some Introductory Observations in Symposium on Labor Union Power and the Public Interest, 35 Notre Dame Lawyer 595 (1960).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Lockouts Under the LMRA: New Shadows On An Old Terrain, 28 University of Chicago Law Review 614 (1961).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The New Climate for Collective Bargaining, 12 Labor Law Journal 434 (1961).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The Supreme Court, Arbitrability and Collective Bargaining, 28 University of Chicago Law Review 464 (1961).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Organizational Picketing and the NLRB: Five on a Seesaw, 30 University of Chicago Law Review 78 (1962).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The Doctor's Right to Strike, 14 Labor Law Journal 216 (1963).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Local 777, Taxicab Drivers, Maintenance and Garage Helpers Union, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, Petitioner vs. National Labor Relations Board, Respondent, Checker Taxi Company, Inc. and Yellow Cab Company, Intervenors, Before: Special Master Bernard D. Meltzer in the United States District Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia Circuit. No. 16,418, September Term 1963, Sullivan Reporting Company (1963).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Lockouts: Licit and Illicit, 1963 Proceedings of New York University 16th Annual Conference on Labor 19 (1963).

Bernard D. Meltzer & Edward H. Levi, Proceedings of New York University ... Annual Conference on Labor, Matthew Bender (1963).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Review of Philip Ross, The Government as a Source of Union Power, 33 University of Chicago Law Review 166 (1965).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Review of Philip Ross, The Government as a Source of Union Power: The Role of Public Policy in Collective Bargaining, 9 Journal of Law & Economics 5 (1965).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Labor Unions, Collective Bargaining and the Antitrust Laws, 3 Journal of Law and Economics 118 (1965).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Labor Unions, Collective Bargaining and the Antitrust Laws, 32 University of Chicago Law Review 659 (1965).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The Lockout Cases, 1965 Supreme Court Review 87 (1965).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Special Master's Report to the United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia in re: National Labor Relations Board vs. Local 777, Taxicab Drivers, Maintenance and Garage Helpers Union, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, (1965).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Aaron Director: A Personal Appreciation, 9 Journal of Law & Economics 5 (1966).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Review of Paul R. Hays, Labor Arbitration: A Dissenting View, 34 University of Chicago Law Review 211 (1966).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Labor Management Policy for Public Employees, Illinois (1967).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Ruminations about Ideology, Law, and Labor Arbitration, 34 University of Chicago Law Review 545 (1967).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Transcript of Proceedings / American Bar Association, Special Committee on National Strikes in the Transportation Industries, The American Bar Association (1967).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The NLRB and Legislative "Oversight", Statement before Subcommittee on Separation of Powers, Senate Judiciary Committee, 61 Daily Labor Report (BNA) AA-I (March 27 1968).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The Role of Law in Arbitration: A Rejoinder, in Developments in American and Foreign Arbitration: Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual Meeting, National Academy of Arbitrators, Cleveland, Ohio, January 30 - February 2, 1968 (Bureau of National Affairs, Charles M. Rehmus ed. 1968) at 248.

Bernard D. Meltzer, Labor Law: Cases, Materials and Problems, Little, Brown (1970).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Labor Arbitration and Overlapping and Conflicting Remedies for Employment Discrimination, 39 University of Chicago Law Review 30 (1971).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Privileges Against Self-Incrimination and the Hit-and-Run Opinions, 1971 Supreme Court Review 1 (1971).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Some Uneasy Reflections on the Calley Case, 1971 University of Chicago Law School Record 13 (1971).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The Lockout, Dictionary of American History (1972).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Report to the Governing Commission, Comprehensive County Hospitals, Health, and Allied Medical Programs, Cook County, by the Hearing Committee Appointed Pursuant to the Order of the Honorable Judge Donald O'Brien, of the Circuit Court of Cook County, in re Levine et al v. Brashears et al, Case No. 71 CH 5512, Chicago (1972).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Review of Harold H. Hart, The Strike: For & Against, 24 National Review 1256 (1972).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Supplement for Labor Law Cases, Materials and Problems, Little, Brown & Company (1972).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Doctors and Lawyers - War and Peace, 28 Medicine on the Midway 25 (1974).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The National Labor Relations Act and Racial Discrimination: The More Remedies, the Better, 42 University of Chicgo Law Review 1 (1974).

Bernard D. Meltzer, A Note on Trust Powers After Termination, 55 Chicago Bar Record 286 (1974).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Postscript to a Note on Trust Powers After Termination, 52 Chicago Bar Record 56 (1974).

Bernard D. Meltzer, 1975 Cumulative Supplement to Labor Law: Cases, Materials and Problems, Little, Brown (1975).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Doctors and Lawyers: War and Peace, 21 University of Chicago Law School Record 15 (Winter 1975).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The Impact of Alexander v. Gardner-Denver on Labor Arbitration, in Proceedings of the New York University Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference on Labor (Matthew Bender, Raff ed. 1975) at 189.

Bernard D. Meltzer, Labor Arbitration and Discrimination: The Parties' Process and the Public's Purposes, 43 University of Chicago Law Review 724 (1976).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Labor Law: Cases, Materials and Problems, Little, Brown & Company (2, 1977).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The Weber Case: Double Talk and Double Standards, 3 Regulation 34 (1979).

Bernard D. Meltzer & Robert J. LaLonde, Inflation and the NLRB: A Case of Fortuitous Regulatory Expansion, 4 Regulation 43 (September/October 1980).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The Weber Case: The Judicial Abrogation of the Antidiscrimination Standard in Employment, 47 University of Chicago Law Review 423 (1980).

Bernard D. Meltzer & S. D. Henderson, 1982 Supplement for Labor Law: Cases, Materials and Problems, Little, Brown & Company (1982).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The Air Controllers and Strikes against the Government, 28 University of Chicago Law School Record 2 (Spring 1982).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Introduction to Grievance Arbitration, in Labor Arbitrator Development (Bureau of National Affairs, Christopher A. Barreca, Anne Harmon Miller & Max Zimny eds., 1983) at 538.

Bernard D. Meltzer, C. Barreca, Anne Harman Miller & Max Zimmy, Introduction to Labor Arbitration in Labor Arbitrator Development, American Bar Association (1983).

Bernard D. Meltzer & Cass R. Sunstein, Public Employee Strikes, Executive Discretion, and the Air Traffic Controllers, 50 University of Chicago Law Review 731 (1983).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Is the NLRB A Closed Shop to Labor, Wall Street Journal, Oct 18, 1984, at 30.

Bernard D. Meltzer & S. Henderson, 1986 Case Supplement, Labor Law Cases, Materials, and Problems, Little, Brown & Company (1985).

Bernard D. Meltzer & Stanley D. Henderson, Labor Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems, Little, Brown & Company (3rd, 1985).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Right-to-Work Laws, 3 Encyclopedia of the American Constitution 1596 (1986).

Bernard D. Meltzer, After the Labor Arbitration Award: The Public Policy Defense, National Academy of Arbitrators. Meeting, 40th, New Orleans (1987).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Expert Witness Testimony, in In the Matter of Arbitration Between and Among Kenneth Wood, et al., and General Teamsters Union Local 406: and the Kroger Company, and Hamady Bros. Food Markets, Inc.: [Arbitration and Court Proceedings] (Kenneth Wood ed. 1987)

Bernard D. Meltzer & Stanley Henderson, 1988 Supplement to Labor Law Cases, Materials and Problems, Little, Brown & Company (3, 1988).

Bernard D. Meltzer, After the Arbitration Award: The Public Policy Defense, Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Meeting, National Academy of Arbitrators, 10 Indiana Relations Law Journal 241 (1988).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Journal, People to People Labor Law Delegation to East Asia, April 18 - May 9, 1988, S.l. : People to People (1988).

Bernard D. Meltzer & Robert LaLonde, Hard Times for Unions: Another Look at the Significance of Employer Illegalities, 58 University of Chicago Law Review 953 (1991).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Ruminations about Law Reviews, 37 University of Chicago Law School Record 15 (1991).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Speech on the Nuremberg Trial, April 15, 1993. Video Recording, VHS format. Speech given at the University of Chciago Law School April 15, 1993.

Bernard D. Meltzer, Comment in Symposium on 1945-1995: Critical Perspectives of the Nuremberg Trials, 12 New York Law School Journal of Human Rights 504 (1995).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Lecture Commemorating the 50th Anniversity of the Beginning of the Nuremberg Trial,, Nov 21, 1995. Sound Recording. "Submaster." Lecture held Nov. 21, 1995 at the Univeersity of Chicago Law School.

Bernard D. Meltzer, Remembering Nuremberg, University of Chicago Law School (1995).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Oral Argument Schedule for October 24, 1996 : No. 95-1606, In the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, International Paper Company, Petitioner/Cross-respondent v. National Labor Relations Board, Respondent/Cross-petitioner, and United Paperworks International Union, et al, Intervenors, on petitions for review and enforcement of an Order of the National Labor Relations Board; Brief for Petitioner International Paper Company / Bernard D. Meltzer ... [et al.], s.l. : s.n. (1996).

Bernard D. Meltzer, "War Crimes": The Nuremberg Trial and the Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (The Seegers Lecture), 30 Valparaiso University Law Review 895 (1996).

Bernard D. Meltzer, Anecdotage: Reminiscences and Ruminations About the Law School, 45 University of Chicago Law School Record 29 (Fall 1998).

Bernard D. Meltzer, The Brandeis-Gompers Debate on "Incorporation" of Labor Unions, 1 Green Bag 2d 299 (1998).

Bernard D. Meltzer & Jack Goldsmith, Swift Justice for Bin Laden, Financial Times, Nov 6, 2001

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