The University of Chicago Law School: a century of Scholarship a bibliography of Writings of the Faculty of the University of Chicago from 1902-2002

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John S. McGee

John S. McGee, Review of Henry A. Wells, Monopoly and Social Control, 4 American Economic Review 702 (1953).

John S. McGee, Cross Hauling - A Symptom of Incomplete Collusion under Basing-Point Systems, 20 Southern Economic Journal 369 (1954).

John S. McGee, Decline and Fall of Quantity Discounts: The Quantity Limit Rule in Tires and Tubes, 27 Journal of Business 225 (1954).

John S. McGee, Review of Joel B. Dirlam & Alfred E. Kahn, Fair Competition; The Law and Economics of Antitrust Policy, 45 American Economic Review 1 (1955).

Tracey L. Meares

Tracey L. Meares, Exploring Departures Based on the Victim's Wrongful Conduct, 7 Federal Sentencing Reporter 201 (1995).

Tracey L. Meares, Rewards for Good Behavior: Influencing Prosecutorial Discretion and Conduct with Financial Incentives, 64 Fordham Law Review 851 (1995).

Tracey L. Meares, Land of Lincoln Shouldn't Revive Chain Gangs, Chicago Tribune, Mar 15, 1996, at 25.

Tracey L. Meares, Weak Link, 88 University of Chicago Magazine 48 (1996).

Tracey L. Meares, Review of Dorothy E. Roberts, Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty, 92 Northwestern University Law Review 1046 (1997).

Tracey L. Meares & Dan Kahan, Black, White and Gray: A Reply to Alschuler and Schulhofer, 1998 University of Chicago Legal Forum 245 (1998).

Tracey L. Meares & Dan M. Kahan, The Coming Crisis of Criminal Procedure, 86 Georgetown Law Journal 1153 (1998).

Tracey L. Meares, Place and Crime, 73 Chicago-Kent Law Review 669 (1998).

Tracey L. Meares, Social Organization and Drug Law Enforcement, 35 American Criminal Law Review 191 (1998).

Tracey L. Meares, Terry and the Relevance of Politics, 72 St. John's Law Review 101 (1998).

Tracey L. Meares & Dan Kahan, The Wages of Antiquated Procedural Thinking : A Critique of Chicago v. Morales, 1998 University of Chicago Legal Forum 197 (1998).

Tracey L. Meares, Adolescence, Context, and Culpability: Some Thoughts on the Next Essay, 6 Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law 583 (1999).

Tracey L. Meares & Dan Kahan, Law and (Norms of) Order in the Inner City, 32 Law and Society Review 805 (1999).

Tracey L. Meares & Dan Kahan, Public-Order Policing Can Pass Constitutional Muster, Wall Street Journal, Jun 15, 1999, at A18.

Tracey L. Meares & Dan Kahan, Urgent Times: Policing and Rights in Inner City Communities, Beacon Press (1999).

Tracey L. Meares & Dan Kahan, When Rights Are Wrong, Boston Review 4 (1999).

Tracey L. Meares, Race and Crime (including Ethnicity), in The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (Elsevier Science, David L. Sills ed. 2001) at 194.

Tracey L. Meares, Signaling, Legitimacy, and Comploiance: A Comment on Posner's Law and Social Norms and Criminal Law Policy, 36 University of Richmond Law Review 407 (2002).

Tracey L. Meares, Three Objections to the Use of Empiricism in Criminal Law and Procedure - And Three Answers, 2002 University of Illinois Law Review 101 (2002).

Floyd R. Mechem

Floyd R. Mechem & Frank L. Sage, Cases on the Law of Partnership, Callaghan & Company (2d, 1903).

Floyd R. Mechem, Power to Appoint to Office: Its Location and Limits, 1 Michigan Law Review 531 (1903).

Floyd R. Mechem, Constitutional Limitations on Primary Election Legislation, 3 Michigan Law Review 364 (1905).

Floyd R. Mechem, Liability of a Master to Third Persons for the Negligence of a Stranger Assisting His Servant, 3 Michigan Law Review 198 (1905).

Floyd R. Mechem, Delegation of Authority by An Agent, 5 Michigan Law Review 94 (1906).

Floyd R. Mechem, Effect of Ratification as Between the Principal and the Other Party, 4 Michigan Law Review 269 (1906).

Floyd R. Mechem, Nature and Extent of an Agent's Authority, 4 Michigan Law Review 433 (1906).

Floyd R. Mechem, Master and Servant, 19 Green Bag 681 (1907).

Floyd R. Mechem, Opportunities and Responsibilities of American Law Schools, 5 Michigan Law Review 344 (1907).

Floyd R. Mechem, Review of E. A. Gilmore, Cases on Law of Partnership; Including Limited Partnerships, 4 Illinois Law Review 152 (1908).

Floyd R. Mechem, Review of Eugene Allen Gilmore, Cases on the Law of Partnership, 19 Illinois Law Review 495 (1908).

Floyd R. Mechem, The Execution of Seated Instruments by an Agent, 6 Michigan Law Review 552 (1908).

Floyd R. Mechem, Implied Authority of Agent to Purchase Personal Property, 17 Yale Law Journal 257 (1908).

Floyd R. Mechem, Notice to, or Knowledge of an Agent, 7 Michigan Law Review 113 (1908).

Floyd R. Mechem & Barry Gilbert, Cases on Damages Selected From Decisions of English and American Courts, West Publishing Company (1909).

Floyd R. Mechem, Employer's Liability, Foundation of Liability Generally, 4 Illinois Law Review 243 (1909).

Floyd R. Mechem, Employer's Liability, 44 American Law Review 221 (1910).

Floyd R. Mechem, Liability of an Undisclosed Principal, 23 Harvard Law Review 513 (1910).

Floyd R. Mechem, Liability of Master for Servant's Malicious or Wilful Acts, 9 Michigan Law Review 87 (1910).

Floyd R. Mechem, Agent's Right to Sue Upon Contracts, 59 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 517 (1911).

Floyd R. Mechem, Liability of Agent to Third Persons in Tort, 20 Yale Law Journal 239 (1911).

Floyd R. Mechem, Liability of Master for Willful or Malicious Acts of Servant, 9 Michigan Law Review 181 (1911).

Floyd R. Mechem, Real Estate Broker and His Commissions, 6 Illinois Law Review 145 (1911).

Floyd R. Mechem, Implied Powers of Agent for Sale of Land, 10 Michigan Law Review 259 (1912).

Floyd R. Mechem, Implied Powers of Agent for Sale of Land, 20 Law Student's Helper 68 (1912).

Floyd R. Mechem, Liability of a Principal for the Penal or Criminal Acts of His Agent, 11 Michigan Law Review 93 (1912).

Floyd R. Mechem, A Treatise on the Law of Agency, Including Not Only a Discussion of the General Subject, But also Special Chapters on Attorneys, Auctioneers, Brokers and Factors, Callaghan and Company (2d, 1914).

Floyd R. Mechem, Inquiry Concurring Justice, 14 Michigan Law Review 361 (1916).

Floyd R. Mechem, Changing Legal Order, 15 Michigan Law Review 185 (1917).

Floyd R. Mechem, Elements of the Law of Partnership, Callaghan and Company (2d, 1920).

Floyd R. Mechem, Outlines of the Law of Agency, Callaghan & Company (3rd, 1923).

Floyd R. Mechem, Review of William Moore, Rational Basis of Legal Institution, 57 American Law Review 636 (1923).

Floyd R. Mechem, Review of Various Authors, Rational Basis of Legal Institutions, 17 American Political Science Review 655 (1923).

Floyd R. Mechem, Insolvency of Firm and Partners, Marshalling of Assets, Joint and Several Claims, 19 Illinois Law Review 284 (1924).

Floyd R. Mechem, Notice to an Agent Acting Adversely - "Sole Actor", 19 Illinois Law Review 174 (1924).

Floyd R. Mechem, Return to Service After Departure, 19 Illinois law Review 189 (1924).

Floyd R. Mechem, Review of Eugene Allen Gilmore, Cases on the Law of Partnership, 98 Centennial Law Journal 32 (1925).

Floyd R. Mechem, "Power of Attorney" Conferring No Authority, 20 Illinois Law Review 64 (1925).

Floyd R. Mechem, Preferred and Common Stock, Non-cumulative Preferred, Extent of Preference, 19 Illinois Law Review 460 (1925).

Floyd R. Mechem & Warren A. Seavey, Selected Cases on the Law of Agency, Callaghan and Company (2d, 1925).

Floyd R. Mechem, Subscription to Stock, Transfer of Subscriber's Interest, Fraud Upon Creditor's, 19 Illinois Law Review 368 (1925).

Floyd R. Mechem, Agency, Tentative Restatement No. 2, The Institute (1927).

Floyd R. Mechem, James Parker Hall Sketch, 23 Illinois Law Review 1 (1928).

Floyd R. Mechem, Restatement of the Law of Agency Preliminary Drafts 1-16, 18, 19, American Law Institute (1929).

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