Themes of the American Civil War

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Themes of the American Civil War The War Between the States by Susan-Mary Grant (
Life of Billy Yank The Common
Soldier of the Union, The (Wiley)
Lincoln (Carwardine) xv
Lincoln, Abraham 124–47, 308. see also
Emancipation Proclamation, the;
access to 131; achievement 125; on
African-American suffrage 209, 213,
218–9, 221, 224, 225, 226; and
African-American troops assassination 202; authorises U.S.
Military Railroad 66; background on the Civil War xviii as commander-in-chief 69; and the coming of war 44; comparison with
Davis 151, n and Congress and the Constitution correspondence 133; and democracy xix, 178–9; election, 83, 134; electioneering emergency executive powers first inaugural address 126–7, 132,
296, 302, 312; Gettysburg Address, 132, 137, 143, 296, 307, and Grant 119; imposes blockade interventionism 135; mail and McClellan 109, 110; on nationalism 301, 302; Parish on xxiv patronage 134–5, 143; and political opinion 129–30; and the press 136–7; Proclamation of
Amnesty and Reconstruction and public sentiment public speaking 131–3, 143–4; reelection rejection of state sovereignty religion 142; religious support for 140–8; and secession 57–8,
307–8; second inaugural address, 269; and slavery xx–xxi, 127,
128, 301; status xiv–xv; suspension of civil liberties 72, 124–5, 138, 145,
308, 320, 327–9, 340; Ten Percent plan 220–1, 222; and the Union, 295–6, 311–2; use of party machinery 133–6; values 179; war aims xx, 76–7, 128
Lincoln: A Life of Purpose and Power
(Carwardine) xv
Lincoln and his Generals (Williams) 69
Linderman, Gerald 91, 93–4, literature xiii, 295
Little Women (Alcott) 277
Livermore, Mary Ashton logistics 101
Logue, Larry Longstreet, Helen D. Louisiana 22, 24–5, 48, 155, 204,
218–21, 224, Louisiana Purchase, the Lowell, James Russell Loyal Leagues Loyal Publication Society of New York
Lucy, John F. Lynn, John 82, 248n77
Lyon, James A. 241
McCardell, john McClellan, George B. 73, 76, 93, 103,
105–6, 107–13, 115, 117, 119, 120,
135, 146–7
McClernand, John A. McDowell, Irvin 105, 106
McKitrick, Eric 136
Macomb, Alexander McPherson, James M. 29, 39, 69, 82–3,
91, 94
McWhiney, Grady 88
McWillie, William Madison, James 7, 10, 14, 125, Maine 210
Malvern Hill, battle of 111, Manifest Destiny 26, 302, March to the Sea, the 76, Marius, Richard Marshall, John 18, Marx, Karl xxiii, Maryland 72, 125, 262


Maslowski, Peter Massachusetts 10, 189, 210, 213, Massachusetts 54
th regiment 185, 191,
193–5, 198–9, 201, Massey, Mary Elizabeth 271, Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico xxii,
Maysville Veto, the Mazzini, Guiseppe xxiii
Meade, George C. 119, 120
Mechanicsville memorials 185, Memphis 75–6
Men in Arms (Preston, Roland and
Wise) 65
Merchant of Terror (Walters) 68–9
Merryman, John Mexico and the Mexican War, the xxii,
xxiv, 16, 20, 26, 86, 101–2, 103, 104,
125, military arrests military commissions Military Commissions Act Military Division of the Mississippi Mill Springs, battle of Miller, William J. 87
Milligan, Lambdin (Ex parte Milligan)
Milliken’s Bend, battle of 193, 195, mission, sense of xviii–xix
Missionary Ridge, battle of 94, Mississippi 10, 19, 46, 48, 52–3, 54–5,
60, 74, 153, 155, 204, 253, Missouri 22, 129, 188, Missouri Compromise, the 57, Missouri crisis, the Mitchell, Reid 84, 91, 288, Mobile 76
Mohr, Clarence Monroe, James Montana Montgomery, Horace Moody, Granville 143
Moorhead, James moral standards morale 92, 95, 132, 144, 158–9, Morgan, Edwin 135
Morning Chronicle 130
Morton, Oliver P. 129, Moseley, Thomas V. motivation of soldiers xviii–xix, 82–5,
91–2, 92–3, Motley, John Lothrop 306–7, 308
Moynihan Report, the 283–4
Murfreesboro (Stones River, battle of, 116
Murrin, John 7, 16
Nagel. Paul Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon III, Emperor of France xxi–xxii, xxiv
Napoleonic Wars 12, 13, 65, Nashville 76, Nashville, battle of 95, national debt national development celebratory rites 299–300; and the
Civil War 302–8; divisive legacy
National Equal Rights League National Freedman’s Relief Association
national identity 7–8, 14; and the Civil War 302–8; crisis of legitimacy 298; emergence of

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