Theory of Automata and Formal

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STACK Transiton Function:

δ(q0, a ,Z) = (q0, aZ)

δ(q0, a ,a) = (q0, aa)

δ(q0, b ,Z) = (q0, bZ)

δ(q0, b ,b) = (q0, bb)

δ(q0, a ,b) = (q0, ab)

δ(q0, b,a) = (q0,ba) // this is decision step

δ(q0, c ,a) = (q1, a)

δ(q0, c ,b) = (q1, b)

δ(q1,b ,b) = (q1, ε )

δ(q1, a ,a) = (q1, ε)

δ(q1, ε ,Z) = (qf, Z)

AIM: Design a Turing Machine that’s accepts the following language L={a^nb^nc^n| where n>1}

a. Mark 'a' with 'X' and move towards unmarked 'b'
b. Move towards unmarked 'b' by passing all 'a's
c. To move towards unmarked 'b' also pass all 'Y's if exist

2.Following Steps:
a. Mark 'b' with 'Y' and move towards unmarked 'c'
b. Move towards unmarked 'c' by passing all 'b's
c. To move towards unmarked 'c' also pass all 'Z's if exist

3.Following Steps:
a. Mark 'c' with 'Z' and move towards first 'X' (in left)
b. Move towards first 'X' by passing all 'Z's, 'b's, 'Y's and 'a's
c. When 'X' is reached just move one step right by doing nothing.

4.To check all the 'a's, 'b's and 'c's are over add loops for checking 'Y' and 'Z' after "we get 'X' followed by 'Y'"
To reach final state(qf) just replace BLANK with BLANK and move either direction


AIM:Setup_and_installation_of_JFLAP_software.'> Introduction, Setup and installation of JFLAP software.

Introduction:JFLAP program makes it possible to create and simulate automata. Learning about automata with pen and paper can be difficult, time consuming and error-prone. With JFLAP we can create automata of different types and it is easy to change them as we want. JFLAP supports creation of DFA and NFA, Regular Expressions, PDA, Turing Machines, Grammars and more.
Setup:JFLAP is available from the homepage: (). From there press “Get FLAP” and follow the instructions. You will notice that JFLAP have a .JAR extension. This means that you need Java to run JFLAP. With Java correctly installed you can simply select the program to run it. You can also use a command console run it from the files current directory with, Java –jar JFLAP.jar.
Using JFLAP :When you first start JFLAP you will see a small menu with a selection of eleven different automata and rule sets. Choosing one of them will open the editor where you create chosen type of automata. Usually you can create automata containing states and transitions but there is also creation of Grammar and Regular Expression which is made with a text editor.


AIM: Create NFA to DFA using JFLAP software for theory of automata and formal languages.


AIM: Convert Regular Expression into NFA using JFLAP software for theory of automata and formal languages.

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