TYPE THE DOCUMENT TITLE 14 Web clients view the pages with a program called ab Webb bbrowserb
Popular browsers are Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox How Does the Browser Fetch the Pages
A browser fetches a Web page from a server
by a request A request is a standard HTTP request containing
a page address A page address looks like http://www.someone.com/page.htm How Does the Browser Display the Pages
All Web pages contain instructions on
how to be displayed The browser displays the page by
reading these instructions The most common display instructions are called
HTML tags The HTML tag fora
paragraph looks like this
A paragraph in HTML is defined like this
This is a
Who is Making the Web Standards
The Web standards are
not made up by Netscape or Microsoft The rule-making body of the Web is the
W3C WC stands for the
World Wide Web Consortium WC puts together specifications for
Web standards The most essential Web standards are
HTML, CSS and XML The latest HTML standard is
XHTML 1.0 The World Wide Webb ib(WWW)b: World Wide Web (often termed simply as Web) is the most exciting new tool for the Internet. It is based on the technology called hypermedia. With hypermedia, information in one document can be linked to another related information can consist of not only text but graphics, audio and video information as well. WWW is an ambitious, exciting and powerful attempt to link connected information wherever it maybe located on the Internet, allowing the user to easily access and retrieve related files. The terms Internet and World Wide Web are often used in everyday speech without much distinction. However,
15 the Internet and the World Wide Web are not one and the same. The Internet is a global data communications system. It is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides connectivity between computers. In contrast, the Web is one of the services communicated via the Internet. It is a collection of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs . These hyperlinks and URLs allow the web servers and other machines that store originals, and cached copies, of these resources to deliver them as required using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTP is only one of the communication protocols used on the Internet.
Graphic representation of a minute fraction of the WWW, demonstrating hyperlinks Web services also use HTTP to allow software systems to communicate in order to share and exchange business logic and data. Software products that can access the resources of the Web are correctly termed
user agents. In normal use, web browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Apple Safari, access web pages and allow users to navigate from one to another via hyperlinks. Web documents may contain almost any combination of computer
data including graphics, sounds, text, video, multimedia and interactive content including games, office applications and scientific demonstrations.