Tossups – round 1 dennis haskins open 2004 – ut-chattanooga

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Answer: Gerald Ford

17. Not only did he graduate from high at age 16, he was such a whiz at math that he also did his parents’ taxes for them. While getting his degree in architecture, he was a radio DJ where he gathered a cult following. However it wasn’t until he started getting his songs such as “My Bologna” played on the Dr. Demento Show did his career take off. FTP, name this Hawaiian-shirt wearing parody artist who released songs such as “Smells Like Nirvana” and “Amish Paradise.”

Answer: “Weird Al” Yankovic (accept either name)
18. Born on March 22nd, 1868, this man produced many scientific achievements in his life. Some of his accomplishments include experimentally proving Einstein’s photoelectric effect, studying of Brownian movement in gases, and discovering laws of motion of particles after entering the Earth’s atmosphere. He is perhaps best known for determining the amount of charge present in a single electron. For ten points, identify this 1923 Nobel Prize winner, who performed the famous oil drop experiment.

Answer: Robert A. Millikan

19. Co-founder and namer of the newspaper The Village Voice, he followed up his successful first novel with the disappointing Barbary Shore. Often involved in politics and issues, his advocacy of freedom for the murderer-cum-writer Jack Henry Abbott led to that man’s release, after which he killed again. Author of the New Journalism landmark Armies of the Night, FTP this is what author of The Executioner’s Song and The Naked and the Dead?

Answer: Norman Mailer

20. He was born to a watchmaker in 1712 in Geneva. He was actually apprenticed to an engraver, tried to become a teacher, and become a composer before he found that he didn’t enjoy any of them. It wasn’t until 1745 when he began to work on his Encyclopedia and began work on the Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts. His opera, the Village Soothsayer was produced before he renounced the Protestant religion. FTP, name this author of Emilie, Heloise, and The Social Contract.

Answer: Jean Jacques Rousseau

21. This man was one of the few people ever granted honorary American citizenship by an act of congress. His underground offices in London are still a main tourist attraction. An avid amateur painter and Nobel Prize-winning author, he did not do as well in World War I as First Lord of the Admiralty. FTP, name this British Prime Minister, a direct descendant of the Duke of Marlborough, who served from 1940-45.

Answer: Winston Churchill

22. Known in an equivalent form to Descartes and suggested in a letter to Euler, it has been subject to partial proofs by Vinogradov and Chen Jing-run. A one-million-dollar prize offered by a British publisher for its complete proof was never claimed, though a generalized Riemann hypothesis would prove the three-primes problem for sufficiently large numbers. FTP identify this problem of number theory which states that any even number greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers

Answer: Goldbach conjecture
23. At the beginning of the 20th century, they were experiencing economic turmoil and had to fend off many revolutionaries who clamored for change. After the dowager empress Cixi died in 1908, the 2 year old boy Puyi was named emperor. Only four years later, the empire collapsed. FTP, name this final dynasty of China, after which China started on its path to becoming a republic.

Answer: Qing (accept Manchu)


Questions by Michael Napier, Michael Swick, Joe Stanton, Saurabh Vishnubhakat, Jason Carl Mueller, Gaius Stern, the CWRU crew, Chris Borglum et al., and your genial quizmaster

1. Name these supporting characters from Peanuts FTPE.

A. This girl has “naturally curly hair” and a boneless cat.

Answer: Frieda

B. This bespectacled girl loves Charlie Brown and calls Peppermint Patty “Sir.”

Answer: Marcy

C. This boy is catcher for the baseball team, an expert performer of Beethoven, and the object of Lucy’s affection.

Answer: Schroeder

2. FTPE, name the authors of these works of anthropology.

10---The Elementary Structures of Kinship, From Honey to Ashes, The Raw and the Cooked

Answer: Claude Levi-Strauss

10---Patterns of Culture and The Crysanthemum and the Sword

Answer: Ruth Benedict

10---Jonah’s Gourd Vine and Mules and Men, as well as the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God

Answer: Zora Neale Hurston
3. Given an affliction, identify which vitamin is deficient in the body FTPE.

(10) scurvy

Answer: ascorbic acid or vitamin C

(10) Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, or beri-beri if the deficiency is severe

Answer: thiamine or vitamin B1 (prompt on B)

(10) Darier’s disease; psoriasis

Answer: retinol or vitamin A
4. Identify the following ancient empires by clues for 10 points or their attributes in the game Age of Empires for 5 points.

A) 1: Prominent in Mesopotamia from 1600 to 1200 BC, this warlike civilization is believed to be the first to work iron.

2: +1 archery range, +4 warship range, double hit points on stone thrower, and catapults

Answer: Hittites

B) 1: Lasting from about 2200 to 1000 BC, this Mediterranean civilization is known for their writing systems Linear A and Linear B as well as their palace at Knossos.

2: -30% ship cost, +2 comp bowman range, +25% farm production

Answer: Minoans

C) 1: Another Mediterranean civilization, they were prominent from about 1200 to 600 BC, they are best known for founding the basis of the European alphabet.

2: -25% Elephant unit cost, +65% Cat Trireme and Juggernaut Rate of fire

Answer: Phoenicians

5. Identify these short stories of Edgar Allan Poe, FTP each:

A. In the third of Poe’s C. Auguste Dupin stories, Dupin finds the title object ‘hidden in plain sight.’

Answer: The Purloined Letter

B. The narrator is creeped out by the Evil Eye of an old man; he kills the old man and hides the body under the floor boards.

Answer: The Tell-Tale Heart

C. In a similar plot to “The Tell-Tale Heart,” the phrenology-obsessed narrator kills a man with a poisoned candle, but the title entity overcomes him and he shouts out his crime.

Answer: The Imp of the Perverse
6. Name the geological period given events that are thought to have taken place during them, FTPE:

a) Occurring between 400 and 350 million years ago, it is called the age of fishes because of their abundance in fossil records. Giant ferns are widespread on the land. Named after the English area sedimentary rocks of that period were studied.

Answer: Devonian

b) The beginning of the Mesozoic Era, this period spanning 240 to 205 million years ago saw Pangaea beginning to split apart, the advent of smaller dinosaurs, and perhaps mammals.

Answer: Triassic

c) The period leading from 1.6 million years ago to today, it has seen the rise of humans, the Ice Age, and the advent of MTV.

Answer: Quaternary
7. 30-20-10. Name the opera.

30: While disguised as his lawyer, Gabriel von Eisenstein gets a confession from his wife, Rosalinda, that she dined with another man. However, earlier in the evening at a costume ball, Eisenstein hit on his wife, who was disguised as a Hungarian countess.

20: The costume ball was the setting for Dr. Falke's revenge on Eisenstein. At an earlier costume ball, Eisenstein had embarrassed Falke by abandoning him in a park drunk and in his bat costume.

10: The name of this opera by Johann Strauss is German for "The Bat."

Answer: Die Fledermaus
8. Answer the following questions about Pac-Man FTSNOP.

20) For 5 points each, name the 4 ghosts from the original Pac-Man.

Answers: Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde

10) For 10 points, name the 5th ghost that was added to Ms. Pac-Man.

Answer: Sue
9. For ten points each, identify these works by Maya Angelou.

A) The first in her six volume autobiography, this novel tells of how Angelou grew up in Arkansas and California.

Answer: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

B) This is the last book in Angelou’s autobiography, telling of the years of 1964 to 1968.

Answer: A Song Flung Up to Heaven

C) Angelou’s first collection of poetry with a rather long request for a title.

Answer: Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water ‘Fore I Diiie
10. For ten points each, answer the following questions about the American Revolution.

a. On December 25, 1776, George Washington crossed this river into New Jersey, where the Americans surprised and defeated Hessian mercenaries.

Answer: Delaware River

b. The victory came in this New Jersey town.

Answer: Trenton

c. Forced to retreat north after the victory at Trenton, the commander of the British forces sought refuge in this New Jersey university thinking that the Americans would not fire on an institution of higher learning. He was not aware that the commander of the American artillery had graduated from Yale, and had no qualms about firing on this rival School.

Answer: Princeton
11. Answer these tree questions, FTP each.

(10) Located in California, the General Sherman tree, the largest in the world, is what type of tree named for a Cherokee leader?

Answer: Giant Sequoia (prompt on “redwood”)

(10) In the White Mountains of California is Methuselah, the world’s oldest living tree, at nearly 5,000 years old. It is what type of pine tree?

Answer: Bristlecone Pine

(10) The Southern California desert features a national monument dedicated to what type of twisted tree, also the namesake of a U2 album?

Answer: Joshua Tree

12. FTPE, name these satires. You will get five if you need the author.

10---This work proposes that the Irish reduce overpopulation and starvation by using their babies as food.

5----Jonathan Swift

Answer: A Modest Proposal

10---This work mocks Colley Cibber and features the Goddess of Dullness.

5----Alexander Pope

Answer: The Dunciad

10---This satiric poem is directed against Thomas Shadwell, calling him the successor to the title figure, an Irish priest renowned for his bad poetry.

5---John Dryden

Answer: MacFlecknoe
13. Answer these questions about bays of the Atlantic Ocean FTP each.

(10) This inlet between the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia has tides which rise as high as 70 feet, presenting enormous hydroelectric potential.

Answer: Bay of Fundy

(10) This roughly triangular inlet is bounded by France and Spain. The Loire River flows into it and it includes the port cities of Nantes and Brest.

Answer: Bay of Biscay

(10) This arm of the Atlantic extends south from the Artic between Greenland and the island it shares its name with, Canada’s largest

Answer: Baffin Bay
14. For ten points each answer the following about pipe flow.

A) When viscosity is low this type of flow tends to develop, characterized by higher speeds and irregular, random flow patterns.

Answer: Turbulent flow

B) When viscosity is high this type of flow tends to develop, characterized by steady and straight flow.

Answer: Laminar flow

B) What term also related to the guillotine is used to describe energy loss due to friction and direction changes in a pipe?

Answer: Head loss
15. Name these American tribal leaders FTPE.

A. This leader of a confederacy of tribes in what is now Virginia captured the Englishman John Smith, though, in legend anyway, his daughter Pocahantas pleaded for his life.

Answer: Powhatan

B. This son of Massasoit and chief of the Wampanoag waged war against Massachusetts colonists until he was killed. His head was displayed on a pike for 25 years.

Answer: Metacomet (acc. King Phillip)

C. This Shawnee chief, with his brother, called the Prophet, waged war against settlers for years, suffering a crushing defeat to William Henry Harrison at the battle of Tippecanoe.

Answer: Tecumseh
16. Given an organic compound, tell how many carbon atoms each molecule of it will contain, FTSNOP:

A. F5P, decanol.

Answer: 10

B. FTP, di-methyl-benzene

Answer: 8

C. F5P, cyclohexane

Answer: 6

D. FTP, sodium stearate, which is a common soap.

Answer: 18
17. Pencil and paper time: Given 10 seconds per part, for 5 points for each possible answer, solve for x.

1. x squared plus 4x plus 3 equals 0.

Answers: x= -3 and –1.

2. x squared minus 2x minus 8 equals 0.

Answers: x= 4 and –2.

3. x squared plus x minus 3/4 equals 0.

Answers: x= 1/2 and –3/2.
18. Answer the following concerning events that took place in the early 1700s.

a) The subsequent treaties of Rastatt and Baden were included in this 1713 agreement that ended the War of the Spanish Succession.

Answer: Peace of Utrecht

b) Primarily comprising as a series of fines to be paid for various crimes, its declaration of a minor civil statute barring daughters from inheriting land led to its implementation in Spain as an injunction against all royal female successions.

Answer: Salic Law

c) A rebellion of the Catalán peoples ended in a 1714 rebel surrender to prevent the destruction by Spanish troops of this Catalonian city.

Answer: Barcelona
19. Answer these questions about a scholar of comparative mythology, FTP each:

A. A longtime professor at Sarah Lawrence College, this author of The Masks of God and The Power of Myth was a strong influence on people ranging from George Lucas to poet Robert Bly.

Answer: Joseph Campbell

B. Campbell’s best-known work is this 1949 book which examines the common elements in hero myths of many different cultures.

Answer: The Hero With a Thousand Faces [accept slight variants, like “of” in place of “with”]

C. Through contact with psychologist John Perry, Campbell noticed similarities between mythic images and the hallucinations experienced by people with this condition.

Answer: schizophrenia
20. FTPE identify the following countrymen who were awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.

a) The author of The Flies and No Exit, he declined the 1964 prize.

Answer: Jean Paul Sartre

b) This author of Le Bonheur received the first prize, in 1901.

Answer: Ren­é Sully-Prudhomme

c) Twenty years after Sully-Prudhomme, this author of The Garden of Epicurus became only the second Frenchman to receive an unshared prize in literature.

Answer: Anatole France
21. Given the location, give the ancient wonder of the world that was found at that location for 10 points each.

A) Alexandria, Egypt

Answer: the Lighthouse of Alexandria

B) Babylon

Answer: the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

C) Rhodes

Answer: the Colossus of Rhodes
22. Given the scientific name of a phylum of the kingdom Protista, give the more common name of bacteria in that phylum, FTPE.

1. Chlorophyta

Answer: green algae

2. Rhodophyta

Answer: red algae

3. Rhizopoda

Answer: amoebas
23. FTPE, name these things from economics.

This curve, graphed on axes of percent of income and percent of households, represents income inequality.

Answer: Lorenz Curve

The Lorenz curve is used to calculate this quantity, the area between the line of perfect equality and the Lorenz curve.

Answer: Gini Coefficient

This curve, named after a British economist, represents a supposed relationship between inflation and unemployment.

Answer: Philips Curve

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