Tossups round 1 center of the known universe open/rollapalooza 1999


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1. He bypassed Jim Crow laws and fed his reading habit (especially for Mencken) by forging notes to indicate he'd been sent to pick up books by a white person. Literary adviser and press agent for the Negro Federal Theatre of Chicago, at first he advocated Communism before rejecting it in his essay "I Tried to Be a Communist." He outlined a literary theory for black American writers before putting it into practice with four novellas collected as Uncle Tom's Children. FTP name the author of Black Boy and Native Son.

Answer: Richard Wright
2. It's found in Sri Lanka and Colombia as well as some of the usual sites for metals like Russia, Canada, and South Africa. First isolated by William H. Wollaston in 1803, it's used in catalytic converters and as a catalyst in the production of nitric acid and some organic drugs. FTP name this rare silver-white element with atomic number 45.

Answer: rhodium

3. This three-word phrase was coined by French anthropologist Arnold van Gennep in 1909. Most examples have three stages -- separation, transition, and incorporation -- and participants usually wear special costumes such as graduation gowns or wedding dresses. FTP name this category of ceremony, such as a funeral, baptism, or bar mitzvah, observing a person's entry into a new stage of life.

Answer: rite of passage

4. They can be subdivided into chemical, organic, and clastic varieties. The chemical ones, such as gypsum, form from deposits that were once dissolved in water. The clastics, such as siltstone and sandstone, are made from rock fragments, and the organic ones such as chalky limestone are made from shells, skeletons, and other organic remnants. FTP name the class of rocks consisting of materials that were once part of organisms or other rocks.

Answer: sedimentary rock

5. After 1829 he switched to small instrumental and vocal pieces and abandoned opera, partly due to ill health and partly because he hated the new styles. He'd already switched not only his home but his language of choice from Italian to French. FTP name the composer of Le Comte Ory, The Italian in Algiers, Semiramide, William Tell, and The Marriage of Figaro.

Answer: Gioacchino Rossini

6. In the Iliad his wife is one of the three Graces; Hesiod specifies that it’s Aglaia. In the Odyssey, though, he’s somehow gotten hitched to Aphrodite, which is odd considering he was the only immortal who ugly, and lame to boot. FTP name this Olympian, known to the Romans as Mulciber or Vulcan.
Answer: Hephaestus (prompt on early buzz with Mulciber or Vulcan)
7. His most lasting achievement may be that he ruled out Tokyo as a possible target for the first atomic bombs. His most prescient advice was shortly before his death, against American intervention in Southeast Asia. And his best quote, condemning espionage, was “Gentlemen do not read each other’s mail.” FTP name this three time Secretary of War and Hoover’s Secretary of State, namesake of the 1932 doctrine by which the U.S would not recognize any changes in the Far East brought about by force.
Answer: Henry L. Stimson
8. Christened Wilhelm Kostrowitzky, he was heavily influenced by the Industrial Revolution and the symbolist poets. Though his writings could be considered lyrical and even casual, he was frequently associated with visual artists whose work was altogether more contrived. As a critic he is credited with explaining cubism to a wider audience, but he is better known for his drama Les Mamelles de Tiresias and his poems collected in the volume Alcools. FTP identify this French poet and friend of Braque and Picasso.

Answer Guillaume Apollinaire

9. Its pedestal with inscription was found but then disappeared again. What's left is 6 feet, 8 inches tall. Purchased by the French ambassador to Turkey, it was given to Louis XVIII, who then gave it to the Louvre. FTP name this statue inspired by one at Knidos by Praxiteles, found in 1820 on the island of Milos.

Answer: Venus de Milo

10. His playing career didn't amount to much; as a catcher for the Browns & Yankees for 3 years, he hit only .239. His managerial career wasn't that much better -- he piloted the Browns & Cardinals to a .473 winning percentage over 10 seasons. But he was still inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1967, for off the field exploits. For 10 points, name this man, known as the Mahatma, whose innovations in the game included batting cages, pitching machines, spring training, and the current system of minor leagues.

Answer: Branch Rickey

11. Following the French capture of Smolensk on August 12, Alexander I put Field Marshal Mikhail Kuzutov in charge of the still-retreating armies. On Sept. 5 Murat’s cavalry found Kuzutov hastily fortifying a line behind this little town. By noon on Sept. 7 French artillery had taken control fo the seesaw battle, although the French were to battered to pursue their even more battered foes. FTP name this battle, the bloodiest of the 19th century, which left Napoleon a clear path to take Moscow.
Answer: Borodino
12. Her Ph.D. topic was Shakespeare’s early comedies, which explains her seemingly incongruous 1986 book Shakespeare. More predictable topics in her later years have been menopause (in The Change) and women artists (The Obstacle Race.) FTP name the Australian-born author of The Female Eunuch.
Answer: Germaine Greer
13. Helen Graham is a portrait painter of considerable ability, whose care for her son Arthur arouses suspicions in the community. Claiming to be a widow, her journals reveal that she was married to Arthur Huntingdon, a drunkard who moved his mistress into their home as a governess for their young son. Of course, this being an 1848 British novel, a young gentleman farmer named Gilbert Markham comes into the picture, finds Helen at the deathbed of her husband, and marries her after her mourning. For 10 points, name this Anne Bronte novel, of which Helen is the title character.

Answer: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

14. It’s Bailiff Bull Shannon’s real first name on Night Court. The better known bearer of this name started out as a physician in 16th century France. He began to make a career change once he published 1547’s Centuries, a work consisting of rhymed quatrains grouped in hundreds, each group called a century. FTP, name this physician of Charles IX of France whose prophecies caused such a stir that Catherine de Médicis invited him to cast the horoscopes of her children.

Answer: Nostradamus (accept Michel de Notredame despite the fact that it’s not Bull’s real name)

15. One of Dmitri Mendeleev's lesser-known discoveries was the existence of this phenomenon. The same term when it applies to a superconducting transition assumes a zero magnetic field. Above it, a substance remains a gas regardless of pressure. FTP name the temperature at which a gas or vapor may be liquefied by pressure alone.

Answer: critical temperature

16. His middle name at birth was Desire [desirAY]. When the Belgian Congo became independent in 1960, he was the first Army chief of staff, and in 1965 he became president of Zaire. Over the years he repeatedly suspended the constitution and formed and dismissed various governments. FTP name this African leader, finally ousted by Laurent Kabila in 1995.

Answer: Mobutu Sese Seko or Joseph Mobutu

17. Summertime. Brief Encounter. Great Expectations -- twice. Ryan’s Daughter. A Passage to India. FTP name the director who brought us these films, winner of two Oscars for The Bridge on the River Kwai and Lawrence of Arabia.
Answer: David Lean
18. Maurice Sendak illustrated republications of two of his stories, “The Bee-Man of Orn” and “The Griffin and the Minor Canon.” A staffer of Hearth and Home and St. Nicholas Magazine, his works range from the adult novel Rudder Grange to the children’s collection Ting-a-Ling Tales. FTP name this author, whose most famous work is the enigmatic short story “The Lady or the Tiger?”
Answer: Frank Stockton
19. Adults of this enderopterygote order of insects use a highly specialized, often coiled proboscis to feed on nectar. The adult form is characterized by two pairs of membranous, scale-covered wings with few cross-veins, while the larval stage is herbivorous, sometimes to the point of being a defoliator of major economic importance. FTP name this order of insects which includes moths and butterflies.
Answer: Lepidoptera
20. He established a form of client kingship which made his reign prosperous but never popular. A native of Idumea, he and his father read the political scent in the wind and switched allegiance from the previous conqueror to the future one, even fighting with Caesar in Egypt against Pompey, and he claimed his throne with the help of Antony's legions in 37 B.C. FTP name this monarch, whose 33-year reign in Judea was marked by brutality which may have included the slaughter of male children as described by Matthew.

Answer: Herod I or the Great

21. Ira raised the flag over Iwo Jima in 1945. Patrick was archbishop of New York from 1919 until his death in 1938. Bob won gold in the 100 meter dash and the 400 meter relay in the 1964 Olympics. Woody coached the Ohio State football team. And Helen won a Tony for Happy Birthday, and two Oscars, for The Sin of Madelon Claudet and Airport. For 10 points, give the common last name.

Answer: Hayes


1. She is the heroine of a series of mystery novels by Carole Nelson Douglas. An American-born actress and opera singer, she eventually married a Mr. Norton after maneuvering her way out of a royal engagement. FTP name the woman who in “A Scandal in Bohemia” both enchanted and outwitted Sherlock Holmes.

Answer: Irene Adler (accept either name)
2. They can be divided into two major categories: granulocytes and agranulocytes. The former include neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils, and the latter include monocytes and lymphocytes. FTP name this category of nucleated blood corpuscle lacking hemoglobin.
Answer: leucocytes; accept white blood cells
3. It means “hoping one.” For some reason it has outlasted more elegant successors such as Novial and Ido. Its origins make sense when you realize its creator was born to Jewish parents in an area ruled by Russia and populated mostly by Poles and Germans. FTP name this brainchild of Ludwig Zamenhof, the world’s most popular artificial language.
Answer: Esperanto
4. He fell in battle at Haliartus against the Boeotians in 395 B.C. Very well traveled, he was known to have visited the Egyptian oracle of Amon at Siwah and the Sicilian tyrant Dionysus I. This dedicated expansionist forced Athens to capitulate after the battle of Aegospotami and the subsequent decisive blockade. FTP name this Spartan naval commander and statesman.

Answer: Lysander

5. As macroeconomics theory developed, most talked solely in terms of managing total demand. However, in the 1970’s, first world food shortages and then rising energy costs pointed out the key role of supply restriction. This resulted in the unforeseen situation where unemployment and inflation were simultaneously rising and unacceptably high. FTP give the hybrid name coined for this economic phenomenon.
Answer: stagflation
6. Much of their light comes from young, highly luminous hot blue stars and the glow they make through the hydrogen gas that surrounds them. They can be seen in the constellations Dorado and Tucana in the southern sky. FTP name these irregular galaxies, visible as small, hazy patches of light, the closest galaxies to our own.

Answer: the Magellanic Clouds

7. Among his biographers are Bruce Perry and Walter Myers. His father, a follower of Marcus Garvey, was run over by a streetcar and his mother was committed to a mental hospital. So he spent his teens in foster homes before becoming a petty criminal. While in prison he joined the Nation of Islam, with which he broke in 1964 and three members of which were convicted of his 1965 assassination. FTP name this African-American leader, whose influential autobiography was largely ghostwritten by Alex Haley.

Answer: Malcolm X (accept Malcolm Little or El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz)

8. The author claimed it was a parody of the work of the Georgian poet Edward Thomas. Published in Atlantic Monthly in 1915, it was the opening poem of the author’s 1916 collection Mountain Interval. In iambic tetrameter with an a-b-a-a-b rhyme scheme, its opening line is “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood...” FTP name this Robert Frost poem.
Answer: The Road Not Taken
9. No revolutionary, he always sought to have his paintings accepted by the Salon, where (ironically) he was first exhibited in 1861, the year of the first Salon de Refuses [REF-YOU-SAY]. He actually won second prize at the 1881 Salon, but his work did not hit it big until after his death in 1883. FTP name this painter, who never considered himself an Impressionist but is often called their godfather because of the impact of such works as Luncheon on the Grass and Olympia.
Answer: Edouard Manet
10. Despite 3 years of schooling in the U.S., she is still uncomfortable speaking English. For most of her life she remained in the shadow of her husband, a prominent newspaper publisher often jailed and once exiled. After he was assassinated by Somoza's henchmen in 1978, she contributed $50,000 to the Sandinistas and was an original member of the 5-person civilian junta after Somoza's fall. FTP name this woman, who resigned less than a year later and in 1990 dethroned the Sandinistas by being elected President of Nicaragua.

Answer: Violetta Chamorro

11. His short book What Is Life?, cited as a major influence by Francis Crick, delved into the physics and chemistry that underlay human life, especially the contradiction that there are too few atoms in the human body to account for its stability or apparent lack of statistical fluctuation. This was shaped by his study of statistical thermodynamics, as was his idea that the waves of orbiting electrons could be superimposed on one another. FTP name this Austrian who shared the 1933 Nobel in Physics with Paul Dirac.

Answer: Erwin Schrodinger

12. Its sects include the Soto, which emphasizes “just sitting,” and the Rinzai school, which uses unsolveable logical puzzles called koans. Its ultimate aim is satori, or enlightenment, an awareness of the reality beyond the limits of individual consciousness. FTP name this meditative school of Buddhism, whose name translates logically enough as “meditation.”
Answer: zen
13. Forming the nucleus of a later group known as the Twelve Southerners, writers of this poetry journal included Donald Davidson and Allen Tate, though it is better known for its founder, John Crowe Ransom, and its most successful alumnus, Robert Penn Warren. FTP name this journal published in Nashville from 1922-1925, which had nothing to do with a one-armed man.

Answer The Fugitive

14. They may hold the most frustrating standard in pop music history -- the most #2 hits without a single #1 hit, with five. Even more humiliating in retrospect is their original name, the Blue Velvets, which they traded in first for the Golliwogs, then for the title by wich we know them. FTP name this group headed by the brothers Fogarty, whose #2 hits were Travelin’ Band, Green River, Lookign Out My Back Door, Bad Moon Rising, and Proud Mary.
Answer: Creedence Clearwater Revival [prompt on Creedence]
15. It threw a huge monkeywrench in its discoverer’s efforts to reduce all math to logical foundations, and in fact pushed his thoughts toward suicide. The discoverer used teaspoons as his example, used the word “classes” instead of sets, and described his proposed solution as “might be true but... not beautiful.” It asks whether the set of all those sets which are not members of themselves is a member of itself, and disproves both possible answers. FTP name this paradox.
Answer: Russell’s paradox
16. Very small quantities of it are present in dew, rain, and snow, probably because of ultraviolet light acting on oxygen mixed with water vapor. This colorless, syrupy liquid with an astringent taste was first prepared in 1818 by Thenard, who treated barium peroxide with a strong acid. Since impurities make concentrated solutions dangerously explosive, a stabilizer is added for storage purposes. FTP name this strong oxidizing and reducing agent useful as an antiseptic and bleach.
Answer: hydrogen peroxide
17. Compiled by Henry Condell and John Heminges, it was dedicated to the Earls of Pembroke and Montgomery. It contained thiry-six works and was published in 1623, using the headings Histories, Comedies, and Tragedies. FTP, name this earliest collection of Shakespeare's plays.

Answer: The _First Folio_

18. Belmonte and Osmin are trying to decide what to do about Blonde and Konstanze. They are all in the emply of Pasha Selim, and Pedrillo's meddling freaks everyone out. FTP, what is this 1782 opera by Mozart?

Answer: The Abduction from the Seraglio or Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail
19. It resembled its predecessor in many ways, including the use of pseudonyms from warriors of the Middle Ages and the same secret handshake and password. But the new society reduced its grades to two (initiated and initiators) and moved its headquarters to Marseilles giving it more freedom to organize than if it had remained at home. Perhaps more importantly in the long run was that it tempered revolutionary fervor with religious idealism. FTP name this secret society founded in 1831 by Guiseppe Mazzini, membership in which was prohibited fro those over 40.

Answer: Young Italy

20. This book takes place during the 1950's and '80's in the town of Derry. It begins with George Denbrough's death in 1957 and ends with the demise of the terror that stalked the town in 1987. This book was made into a two part mini-series with Tim Curry playing Pennywise, The Sadistic Clown. For 10 points, name this Stephen King book whose name is mentioned in this question.

Answer: It

21. Identification. Sublimation. Projection. Reaction formation. Compensation. Rationalization. Displacement. FTP these are all examples of what group of coping behaviors first described by Freud in 1894?
Answer: defense mechanisms


1. The best-known edition of her most famous work was illustrated by a chap with the unlikely name of Steele Savage. A Bryn Mawr graduate, on her ninetieth birthday she was made an honorary citizen of Athens. FTP name the author of The Roman Way to Western Civilization, The Greek Way to Western Civilization, and the perennial text Mythology.

Answer: Edith Hamilton
2. It opens with a description of the film Cat People. Luis Alberto Molina & Valentin Arregui Paz discuss German propaganda films, sexuality, politics, and more while they sit in an Argentinean prison in this1976 novel by Manuel Puig. FTP name this novel, made into an Oscar-winning film with Raul Julia &William Hurt.

answer: El beso de la mujer ara~a or Kiss of the Spider Woman

3. One kind of this disorder is called Korsakoff's Syndrome, which is caused by alcohol consumption. The most common kinds are anterograde and retrograde, which are disruptions in storing new information and retrieving old memories, respectively. FTP, what is this loss of memory generally called?

answer: amnesia

4. His first appearance on the cover of Rolling Stone was with Britney Spears. He did not, however, have his handy bag with him. His plush version, when rubbed correctly, will say "Give me a hug" or "Bye-Bye". For 10 points, identify this fictional character, accused by Jerry Falwell's organization of being homosexual.

Answer: Tinky Winky

5. Although the term has obvious Greek roots, it was coined in 1961 by French geographer Jean Gottmann. Most identify four of these in the U.S. -- one from Dallas/Fort Worth to Houston, one from Milwaukee to Cleveland, one from San Francisco to San Diego, and the granddaddy of 'em all from New Hampshire to northern Virginia. FTP give the demographic term for a region made up of two or more large metropolitan areas which are growing together.

Answer: megalopolis

6. After succeeding his mentor P.A. Barbier at the University of Lyons, he devoted his later years to his comprehensive Treatise on Organic Chemistry. Inspired by Frankland’s work on the inflammable zinc alkyls, he emphasized the solvent in his study of the interaction in anhydrous conditions of alkyl halides with magnesium. FTP name this cowinner of the 1912 Nobel in Chemistry, whose name is given to the reagents and reactions he investigated.
Answer: Francois Auguste Victor Grignard [pronounced “Grin-Yard” but accept “Grig-Nard,” etc.]
7. His later works, such as No Name in the Street, show great bitterness and suggest that violence may be the only path to racial justice. This contrasted with the recurring search for redemptive love, both personally and socially, in such nonfiction as Nobody Knows My Name and The Fire Next Time. FTP name this Harlem-born author, whose novels included Giovanni’s Room and Go Tell It on the Mountain.
Answer: James Baldwin
8. After 1328, his political writings are more favorable to secular temporal power, for he had fled to Holy Roman Emperor Louis IV's court after being threatened by Pope John XXII. He believed that Aristotle's logic could not adequately address matters of faith. This Englishman is best remembered for his principle of parsimony which states that you should use the least amount of time/effort/stuff that you can, called his "razor."

FTP, name him.

Answer: William of Ockham (Occam)

9. A native of Bilbilis, Spain, he loved a slave girl named Erotion and wrote a moving tribute on her death. This contrasts with the stinging wit common in his skewering of the vices of Roman society. FTP name this 1st century A.D. author of more than 1500 short verses and epigrams.

Answer: Martial
10. They eat mostly spiders, beetles, and grasshoppers. Weighing about 2 pounds each, they leave their underground colonies by day but must keep constant watch for the birds that prey on them, often standing on their hind legs to do so. FTP name this southern African mammal, also called a suricate, the best known of which was voiced by Nathan Lane and named Timon.

Answer: meerkat

11. A bomber navigator in World War II, he once said he chose navigator training because it was “much more interesting than merely flying.” At 14 he saw a lecture by Sir Arthur Evans and told friends he would devote his life to figuring out what Evans had failed to. Recognized as a talented architect for the Ministry of Education, he dropped his career to do just what he’d said he would. FTP name this amateur British linguist who deciphered Linear B.
Answer: Michael Ventris
12. In a speech delivered in Savannah, he lauded the new Constitution with the statement that "its cornerstone rests upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition." Five years later, testifying before the Congressional Joint Committee on Reconstruction, he denied that slavery was a primary reason for secession and insisted instead that the south seceded in order to protect state's rights. FTP name this "Talleyrand of the Confederacy" who served as Jefferson Davis's vice president.

Answer: Alexander Stephens

13. The Rockets got him for Roy Rogers and a 2nd round draft pick, then the team that traded him promptly dropped Rogers. Now, in a classic example of inflation, the Rockets are trading him to Portland for Kelvin Cato, Stacey Augmon, Ed Gray, Walt Williams, Brian Shaw, and Carlos Rogers. For 10 points, name this basketball player, the finest basketball playing alumnus of the Bears of Central Arkansas.

Answer: Scottie Pippen
14. A pupil of Amilcare Ponchielli, at age 26 he achieved a rarity -- success with his first opera, Le Villi (The Spirits.) In Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa he found a great pair of librettists, turning works by David Belasco and Abbe Prevost into bigger successes. FTP name the composer of Girl of the Golden West, Manon Lescaut, Madame Butterfly, and La Boheme.
Answer: Giacomo Puccini
15. In 1192, Minamoto clan leader Yoritomo assumed this title. The Minamotos were then overthrown by the Ashikaga clan, who again took the title. The most famous one of these was probably Tokugawa Ieyasu, whose family ruled until the Meiji Restoration. FTP, what is this title shared by those military rulers of Japan?

Answer: shogun

16. His most famous roles include the leads in La Bayadere, Les Sylphides, Giselle, Swan Lake, Romeo and Juliet, Le Corsaire, Raymonda, and Sleeping Beauty. He danced most successfully with Margot Fonteyn as guest artist with the Royal Ballet, London. FTP name this dancer whose 1961 departure from the Kirov Ballet was met with a great deal of political posturing from both the Soviet Union and the United States.
Answer: Rudolf Nureyev
17. Basically a stoic nationalist, he wrote an account of his nation’s development entitled Suffering Without Bitterness. Trained as a sociologist, his landmark study of the Kikuyu tribe, Facing Mount Kenya, was the first by an African author about an African population group. FTP name this academic and politician who served as president of Kenya.
Answer: Jomo Kenyatta
18. Its only major battle took place at Port Royal in 1710. Three years later it ended along with the European analog with the Treaty of Utrecht. FTP name this conflict between French and English in North America which paralleled Europe’sWar of the Spanish Succession.
Answer: Queen Anne’s War
19. Largely responsible for the development of the soviet hydrogen bomb, he was the youngest scientist ever admitted to the Soviet Academy of Sciences. During the 1960s, however, he emerged as an outspoken critic of the Soviet regime. He cofounded the human rights committee in 1970, but was sent into exile in Gorky in 1980. FTP, name this Soviet physicist, winner of the 1975 Nobel Peace Prize.

Answer: Andrei Sakharov

20. She is pursuing Sir Lucius O'Trigger while trying to thwart the budding romance between her niece Lydia

Languish and poor Ensign Beverley (actually the conniving Capt. Jack Absolute in disguise.) But it's her "nice derangement of epitaphs" that makes her memorable. FTP name this character famed for her misuse of the English language in Sheridan's The Rivals.

Answer: Mrs. Malaprop
21. Her dress, draping over her left shoulder, seems to be blown by a strong headwind against which she advances. The air also catches the great feathers sprouting from her outstretched arms behind her above her head. Dating from c. 200 BCE, FTP - what is this famous, headless sculpture?

Answer: Winged Victory or Nike of Samothrace or Samothracian Nike

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