Visitors to the Islands of the Bahamas indicated that the primary reasons for visiting the Bahamas were:
The beaches
Rest & relaxation
The fact that they had never been here before
Hotel facilities
Because they had friends in The Bahamas
Good package deals
Sporting attractions (e.g. diving, golf)
The perception that The Bahamas was exotic
The perception that they would receive the best value for the money
Visitors to Nassau/Paradise Island indicated that the primary reasons for visiting the Bahamas were:
The beaches (20%)
Rest and relaxation (13%)
Hotel facilities (12%)
The fact that they had never been here before (10%)
Climate (10%)
Good package deals (6%)
Because they had friends in The Bahamas (4%)
Visitors to Grand Bahama Island indicated that the primary reasons for visiting the Bahamas were:
The beaches (24%)
Rest and relaxation (12%)
The fact that they had never been here before (10%)
Climate (8%)
The good package deals offered (6%)
Because they had friends in The Bahamas (5%)
The perception that they would receive the best vacation value for money (4%)
Unlike Nassau/P.I, hotel facilities were not as important a reason for choosing to visit Grand Bahama.
Visitors to the Out Islands indicated that the primary reasons for visiting the Bahamas were:
The beaches (22%)
Sporting attractions available (e.g. diving, fishing, golf, etc.) (16%)
Rest and relaxation (13%)
Because they had friends in The Bahamas (9%)
Climate (6%)
The perception that The Bahamas was exotic (5%)
The fact that they had never been to The Bahamas before (5%)
55% of the stopover visitors to The Islands of The Bahamas Overall were repeat visitors and 45% of them were visiting for the first time.
52% of the stopovers to Nassau/P.I. were repeat visitors and 48% were first time visitors.
53% of the stopover visitors to Grand Bahama were repeat visitors and 47% were first time visitors.
As usual the Out Islands captured the highest percentage of repeat visitors. 65% of all stopover visitors to the Out Islands were repeat visitors and 34% of them were visiting the Islands of The Bahamas for the first time.
31% of the stopover visitors to the Bahamas had been here once before. 35% to Nassau/P.I., 33% to Grand Bahama and 20% to the Out Islands had visited once before
19% of the stopovers to the Bahamas had been here twice before.
12% of them had been here three times before
37% of the stopovers to the Bahamas had visited 4 or more times. 32% to Nassau/P.I., 36% to Grand Bahama and 50% to the Out Islands had visited The Bahamas 4 or more times.
The Out Islands had the highest percentage of stopovers who had come to The Bahamas 4 or more times.
Bahamas Overall