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Iranian retaliation would close the Strait of Hormuz and cause Iraq to explode

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Iranian retaliation would close the Strait of Hormuz and cause Iraq to explode

Giraldi, 5/2/07 (Philip, former US CIA officer, "A High Price to Pay for Ignorance,"
Poor intelligence also ...aircraft carrier

Super spike causes global depression

Douthwaite '03

(Richard, "Oil and the Irish Economy",

In April, the ...a barrel again


War in the Gulf could start by miscalculation – it will escalate throughout the region

Turkish Daily News, 07 (2/2, "US-IRAN TENSIONS MIGHT LEAD TO WAR", lexis)
Citing Iranian involvement ...large confrontation

War with Iran would increase global terrorism and destroy the global economy

Cirincione and Grotto, 07 - Vice President for National Security of the Center for American Progress AND Senior National Security Analyst of the Center for American Progress (Joseph and Andrew, Contain and Engage: A New Strategy for Resolving the Nuclear Crisis with Iran, 2/28,
Iran Would Retaliate

There would also ...combat fitness

Law of the Sea key to the war on terror—all your turns are wrong.

John Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State, Testimony Before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 9/27/2007.
Myth: The Convention ...cooperative partners

LOST accession vital to protect oceanic biodiversity.

Brent Wagner and Philip Lofrumento, Research Assistant and Intern in Maritime Studies at CSI, 1999. The Washington Quarterly, Summer, Lexis.
Last but not least...environmental groups

Ratification of the treaty is crucial to hegemony to deter Russian influence in the region

CHOSSUDOVSKY, ECONOMICS PROFESSOR AT UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA, 08-20 [Michael, "North American Integration and the Militarization of the Arctic", CENTRE FOR RESEARCH ON GLOBALIZATION,]
The Battle for the Arctic

...through unchallenged

EU Soft power


Promoting EU health assistance to Africa is vital to effective EU foreign policy – this is vital to global environmental protection, terrorism, and disease prevention

Owen, 06 - Chair, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, and adjunct professor of public health, University of Sydney (John, Health and Conflict Prevention, ed: Andrew Melbourn,
There is a need… modern foreign policy.

The plan will collapse EU foreign policy – anti-Americanism and foreign assistance are the glue that holds the EU together and attempts to boost the U.S. image will destroy the EU as an effective global model

Melvin, 05 (Don, Austin American-Statesman, 5/15, “The United States of Europe”, lexis)
* Europe, with its…foreign policy, he said

The EU model of governance is vital to forming transnational linkages between states – this de-emphasizes the need for military force as a solution to conflict

Rifkin, 04 - founder and president of the Foundation on Economic Trends (Jeremy, The Utne Reader, Sept/Oct, "The European Dream"
While the American spirit… welfare of the planet.

Enhancing transnationalism will transform global political divisions and prevents global nuclear war

Seita, 97 (Alex, Professor of law at Albany Law School of Union University, 30 Cornell Int'l L.J. 429, lexis)


Because globalization… the risk of nuclear war.

Warming 1nc Impact:

EU soft power is key to solve global warming.

Alem, 06 - Ambassador of the Mission of Morocco to the EU (Menouar, DEFINING EUROPE’S SOFT POWER, 25/04/2006
However, Europe, as… tackling climate change."

Warming will trigger climatic oscillations that kill billions and collapse the global economy

Milbrath, 1994 – Director of Research Program in Environment and Society at SUNY-Buffalo [Lester W., “Climate and chaos: Societal impacts of sudden weather shifts,” The Futurist, May/Jun, ProQuest]
The most-probable… a house of cards.

Balkans 1nc Impact:

EU soft power is vital to Balkan stability

Carl Bildt, prime minister of Sweden 91-94, Financial Times: 1 June 2005 ” Europe must keep its soft power”
Yet, in recent years… the EU has caused.

Balkan instability spreads throughout Europe – the impact is WWIII

Paris in ’02 (Roland, Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at University of Colorado, Political Science Quarterly, “Kosovo and the metaphor war”, Volume 117, Issue 3, Fall, Proquest)
At this early stage in…, before it is too late.

This causes nuclear escalation

Glaser, 1993 (Charles, professor of public policy studies at the University of Chicago, International Security, Summer, ebsco)
The ending of… the American homeland.

2nc Cards

Environment 2nc:

EU soft power is vital to global environmental protection – it is modeled globally

Islam, 07 (Shada, The Business Times Singapore, 10/16, “EU can be a role model - once it sorts out reforms”, lexis)
But Europe's 'soft power'… and safeguarding the environment.

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