Kenya PIC
A. Uniqueness - The US must continue diplomatic efforts to solve Kenyan crisis – Oversight is critical and finding middle ground is necessary The Grand Rapids Press, 1-10-08
The United States...letting talks breakdown
B. Link - The plan would be seen as favoritism toward the Kibaki government, alienating the opposition and destroying talks Chicago Tribune 1-5-2007,1,3540568.story
Still, Washington's embrace ...U.S. as hostile towards us."
C. Impact – 1. Resolution of the post election dispute is necessary to avoid full-scale civil war and genocide – they are on the brink now Kansas City Star, 1-3, 8
The post-election unrest ...come to a compromise.
AZT PIC (vs. ARVs)
Counterplan gives ARVs with the exception of Zidovudine (AZT). Observation 2: Yes, you use AZT and it sucks
Glaxo dumps AZT in Africa which is linked to varying side effects Guardian ‘97
SA Mail and Guardian, August 22, 1997 (“GLAXO DUMPING AZT IN AFRICA,”
Glaxo has begun dumping its useless and highly toxic AIDS drug AZT (Retrovir®) in Africa….other options.
Observation 3: Net-Benefit As time goes on Zidovudine actually increases the death rates of people with AIDS
Lenderking ‘94
Lenderking WR et al. Evaluation of the quality of life associated with zidovudine treatment in asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection. The AIDS Clinical Trials Group. N Engl J Med. 1994 Mar 17;330(11):738-43
“When considering patients treated with zidovudine[AZT],…never taken Zidovudine.
Using Zidovudine actually results in a net increase in the death rate, it’s all in the math
Concar ‘91
David Concar, writer for the New Scientist, March 30, 1991 (“Drug 'speeds the spread' of HIV,”
Widespread use of drugs that postpone…increase in the death rate.
Coercion K
The affirmative’s use of tax dollars for public programs represents another instance of the government legislating morality and social engineering regardless of the moral or utilitarian consequences
Machan, Tibor R., 2004, Professor Emeritus Department of Philosophy @ Auburn University, Research Fellow at Hoover Institution Stanford University, Putting Humans First pg.
Thinkers of all stripes tend to understand the problem with unlimited usage of land…means of a common treasury?
The affirmative plan treats people as a means to an end – individual freedoms no longer exist when the government forces individuals to be responsible for so called “public goals.” The government’s only purpose should be in ensuring individual rights are never abridged
Machan, Tibor R., 1995, Professor Emeritus Department of Philosophy @ Auburn University, Research Fellow at Hoover Institution Stanford University, Private Rights, Public Illusions
If the proper political goal is the equal progress of all individuals…attain some worthy goal.
Disregard of human dignity removes all worth to life. It reduces people to passive subjects creating a negative life, one that could have been but was not.
Raz, Joseph, Phd Philosophy, THE MORALITY OF FREEDOM, 1991, p. 359.
One way to test the thesis of the primacy of action reasons is…not being alive can be better than that life.
Biopower K
Power is fluid and omnipresent – it is implicit with every human interaction. The affirmative’s top-down approach to politics allows for biopolitics to spread and forecloses the possibility of resistance.
Fraser – 85 (Nancy, prof. of polisci, Ethics, Vol. 96, Issue 1, p. 174, JSTOR)
This reading gives great weight to the argument of Discipline and Punish…the “Age of Man”.
The concept of public health changes the focus from the individual to the population – this focus is what allows for biopolitics to spread.
Duffield – 5 (Marle, prof. of politics and IR at Lancaster U, “Human Security”)
According to Foucault…benefit and pensions.
Enhancing the protection of well being of populations becomes an instrument through which the life of populations can be controlled by the sovereign.
Constable – 91 (Marianne, JD, PhD in Jurisprudence and Social Policy and prof. at Berkeley, “Foucault & Walzer: Sovereignty, Strategy & the State”, Polity vol. 23, No. 2, winter, p. 281-2, JSTOR)
As the focus of political concern shifted to the population…and spreading government.
Biopolitics necessitates endless cycles of violence and slaughter in the name of preserving the health of the body politic – this makes genocide and extinction inevitable.
Foucault – 78 (Michel, philosopher and chair at the College de France, “The History of Sexuality”, p. 135-37)
For a long time, one of the characteristic privileges of sovereign power…phenomena of population.
Our alternative is to vote negative. The specific intellectual has an obligation to struggle for the detachment of truth and knowledge from power. Isolating each point of resistance of every power relations is the only method by which “truth” can be found.
Foucault – 80 (Michel, “Power/Knowledge: selected interviews and other writings 1972-1977”, Truth and Power)
It seems to me that what must now be taken into account…the importance of Nietzsche.
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