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Gulliver Prep MM – Affirmative – RFID’s – Version 4

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Gulliver Prep MM – Affirmative – RFID’s – Version 4

Contention one: the markets

drugs rarely reach their destination – in some areas up to 40% is diverted and resold at a price that puts the aid out of reach for the people that need it the most
Thompson, 2k4
(Margery Boichel, Editor, “HIV/AIDS Drug Donations and Price Reductions in Sub-Saharan Africa ,” Proceedings, The Global Alliance for Women’s Health, Heather Lauver, Pfizer, Inc, “DRUG DIVERSION: WHAT ARE THE ISSUES, AND HOW DO WE ADDRESS THEM?")
Product is projected to meet the needs …small part of the whole picture.
the cut-throat market means counterfeit incidents are underreported
Cockburn, Newton, Agyarko, Akunyili, and White, 2k5
(Robert is a writer and formerly a journalist with The Times, London, United Kingdom. Paul N. is at the Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine, Churchill Hospital, University of Oxford, United Kingdom. E. Kyeremateng is Chief Executive of the Food and Drug Board, Accra, Ghana. Dora is Director-General of the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, Lagos, Nigeria. Nicholas J. is at the Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, and the Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine, Churchill Hospital, University of Oxford, United Kingdom., “The Global Threat of Counterfeit Drugs: Why Industry and Governments Must Communicate the Dangers”, PLoSmedicine, March 1st,
Chris Jenkins, a founding member …same market with similar drugs.”
specifically drugs are diverted to european pharmaceutical companies which sell the drugs for nearly ten times the price
Graham, 2k3
(John R., Director of pharmaceutical policy research at The Fraser Institute, “HIV Aid to Africa Will Encounter Obstacles,” The Heartland Institute, Health Care News)
The lack of good governance in health care …the companies that invented the medicines.
the grey market is the only channel by which diverters are able to sneak in fake drugs
Yanku, 2k6
(Wyatt, research intern at the American Council on Science and Health, “Counterfeit Drugs: Coming to a Pharmacy Near You,” The American Council on Science and Health, August)
How could this happen? The answer lies in the nature … supply that didn’t also involve drug diverters.
Counterfeit drugs are a legitimate public health threat
Liang, 2k6
(Bryan, Executive Director and Professor of Law, “STRUCTURALLY SOPHISTICATED OR LAMENTABLY LIMITED? MECHANISMS TO ENSURE SAFETY OF THE MEDICINE SUPPLY,” Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology, 16 Alb. L.J. Sci. & Tech. 483)
191 At a minimum, criminal penalties …advertisements and messages would be appropriate.
These counterfeit drugs routinely poison the users, multiply the number of infected, proliferate the disease, and empirically makes current drugs ineffective
Yankus, 2k6
(Wyatt, research intern at the American Council on Science and Health, “Counterfeit Drugs: Coming to a Pharmacy Near You,” The American Council on Science and Health, August, google)
Counterfeiting is an especially serious problem …desperately-needed medicines.
counterfeit drugs has empirically caused drug resistance – hiv/aids is on the brink of becoming completely drug resistant
Morris and Stevens, 2k5
(Phillip and Julie, International Policy Network of London, “Counterfeit Medicine in Less Developed Countries: Problems and Solutions”,
Drug resistance Perhaps one of the most …Saharan Africa [need a ref for the paucity of new ARVs].
current disease prevention methods have not taken into account the ability to manipulate exported drugs – only plan can prevent a massive attack
Grossman-Vermas, Finlay, and Turpen, 2k7
(“Regulating Access to and Control of Dangerous Pathogens: Implications for the Pharmaceutical Industry”; Rita, Brian, and Elizabeth, The Henry L. Stimson Center; February; Rpt. No. 58; Research Assoc. with the Cooperative Nonproliferation Program/lead researcher and administrator at the Canadian Centre for Treaty Compliance at the Normn Paterson School of International Affairs/Senior consultant to subcommittee on Bioterrorism Response and the Canadian Public Health Laboratory Network, Senior Assoc. at the Henry L. Stimson Center/co-director of the Cooperative Nonproliferation Program/director of Nuclear Threat Reduction Initiative/senior researcher at Brookings, Senior Assoc. and co-director of the Security for a New Century and Cooperation Nonproliferation projects/senatorial consultant)
Seven days after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon… for a multi-tiered solution is clear.
three imapcts
Souden, 2k
(David, Research Fellow of Emmanuel College,
AIDS is the number one… the eventual extinction of the human race.
Drug-resistant tuberculosis can easily proliferate and spread creating an unstoppable and untreatable global epidemic unless the US takes action to prevent the spread from and in Africa.
Smith, Park, and O’Brien, 2k7
(Adam, David R., and James K., U.S. Rep.D-Tacoma, is a co-sponsor of the Stop TB Now Act of 2007, co-chairmen of the Washington State TB Advisory Council respectively, “We must step up our efforts against deadly TB strain”, Seattle Times Editorial Section, June 12, ml/opinion/ 2003743613_tb12.html)
This very real and very lethal disease is …be an untreatable and unstoppable calamity.
Outbreaks of resistant diseases cause extinction
South China Morning Post, ‘96
(Hong Kong) January 4, 1996 SECTION: Pg. 15 HEADLINE: Leading the way to a cure for AIDS BYLINE: Kavita Daswani meets a scientist working on a super vaccine to fight AIDS and more deadly viruses yet to come, l/n)
Despite the importance of …survival of the human race," he said.
Contention two: solvency
because of harms, rfid is inevitable in the status quo
FDA, 2k4
(Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, February, “Combating Counterfeit Drugs: A Report of the Food and Drug Administration”’04.html)
Despite the importance of …survival of the human race," he said.
rfids would fail – 8 reasons
Barnes, 2k6
(Kirsty, DrugResearcher, “New approach to halt drug counterfeiting”,, Breaking News on Drug Discovery, 12/04,
Drug counterfeiting is causing major headaches in the …efforts and is currently in discussion with "a number of interested parties."
emid tags solve supply chain better then rfid – durability
RFIDnews, 2k4
[“Alternate Tag Technology”, Thursday, May 20th,]
Flying Null Technology Illustration The embedded electromagnetic identification… gamma ray sterilization, freezing, boiling, and microwave.
Plan is key to stop murder by medicine
Cockburn, Newton, Agyarko, Akunyili, and White, 2k5
(Robert is a writer and formerly a journalist with The Times, London, United Kingdom. Paul N. is at the Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine, Churchill Hospital, University of Oxford, United Kingdom. E. Kyeremateng is Chief Executive of the Food and Drug Board, Accra, Ghana. Dora is Director-General of the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, Lagos, Nigeria. Nicholas J. is at the Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, and the Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine, Churchill Hospital, University of Oxford, United Kingdom., “The Global Threat of Counterfeit Drugs: Why Industry and Governments Must Communicate the Dangers”, PLoSmedicine, March 1st,
We suggest that the pharmaceutical industry, which …to warn the public of a fake product.
Contention three: The last reason my brother loves me—Pre -emps
interpretations of fiat as permanent and immediate should be reciprocal – non-recprocality is bad
1. kills ground – legitimizes unpredictable future fiat and counterfactuals – impossible research burden

2. jacks edu – turns topic specific edu into generic debates about timeframe and rollback

3. justifies severing out of the issue piced out of – sandbacking bad

Our Framework – plan should be weighed against the alternative as a competing policy option

1. fairness – ignoring plan gives the negative an unfair advantage by eliminating the one structural equalizer to the block

2. education – key to critically comparing the value of discourse to policy options

3. You should paradigmatically ignore “Reps come first” arguments – if we win plan is good, then by definition, the representations are inseparable and good

4. Even if representations are important, the actors are still Africans who exist in this social reality and commit human acts, a focus on reps only ignores this interaction.

Mbembe, 2k1
(Achille, Professor @ University of California, Berkeley “On the Postcolony” pg 6)
The concepts developed in this volume start from … practices are, so to speak, imbued with meaning.
Rorty 98
(Richard, Stanford Philosophy Professor, Achieving Our Country, pp. 87-94)
If the formation of hereditary castes continues unimpeded, …insistent as a resourceful spook."10
We should use a self-interest model in order to prevent the spread of xdr-tb – additionally counterfeits uniquely cause all other forms of public health assistance to fail
Allen, 2k6
(Terry, Staff Writer, “Counterfeit Drugs: Infected with Greed”,,
Consumers, however, have no way to know if their pill is crushed chalk …d flu if it evolves into a serious human threat.
If left unchecked, pathogens risks extinction – The potential impact outweighs any WMD – must evaluate in a utilitarian calculus
Ochs, 2k2
Of all the weapons of mass destruction, the… survival. The egos of leaders must not blind us.
Utilitarianism is inevitable – default to our framework because they can’t solve for any reason util is bad
Allison 1990
[Lincoln, prof political philosophy Warwick, The Utilitarian Response]
And yet, if an idea can be compared to a castle…their consequences for people’s well-bring.
all rights are predicated off the right to life
heard, 1997
our framework for impact calculus is quality-adjusted life years – this is critical to preserve a value to life
Schwartz, 02
(Lisa, “A Value to Life: Who Decides and How?” Chapter 6, Medical Ethics: A Case-Based Approach,
Those who choose to reason on this basis hope that if …greatest amount of time for • the greatest number of people.
There’s always value to life
Frankl, 1946
Victor Frankl, Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry at the University of Vienna, Man’s Search for Meaning, 1946, p. 104
But I did not only talk of the future and the veil which was drawn over it…find us suffering proudly—not miserably—knowing how to die.
obfuscating the differences beteween benign rights based biopower and politics that attempt to maximize radical state power destroys an effective interrogation of social relations
dickenson, 2k4
(Central European History, Vol 31, No 1)
Any alternative will fail- disease securitization is inevitable. Moreover, it doesn’t solve the case- disease securitization is necessary to mobilize funding and resources that make implementation of the affirmative possible
Kelle, 2k5
(Alexander, Lecturer in International Politics (MA, PhD Frankfurt) and Professor, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, Bradford Regime Review Paper No.2, Bioterrorism and the Securitization of Public Health in the United States of America - Implications for Public Health and Biological Weapons Arms Control, July,
This paper set up to trace the securitization of …to come to other states’ assistance.
Finally, our evidence compares the risks of securitization with allowing people with diseases to die- securitization is a precondition for victims to resist biopolitics
Elbe, 2k4
(Stefan, lecturer in international politics @ U-Essex, “The Futility of Protest” p. 30-31
The securitization of AIDS may be …grass-roots activists and critical scholars.
Major war is obsolete – there’s no risk of war between powerful members of the international system due to the high costs of war and the steep decline in the rewards from winning
Mandelbaum 1999
(Michael Mandelbaum, Prof. American Foreign Policy John Hopkins University, Spring 1999, “Is major war obsolete?” Survival Vol: 48)
It is major war, not war in general- collective killing… and a steep decline in the rewards of winning one.
There is no need for major war- The risk of a potential war is too high, even for countries in the position to start conflict
Mandelbaum 1999
(Michael Mandelbaum, Prof. American Foreign Policy John Hopkins University, Spring 1999, “Is major war obsolete?” Survival Vol: 48)
The enormous unprecedented almost unimaginable destruction… incentives for major war have shriveled.

Sometimes scott reads more pre-emps if he has time

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