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O (top)

Note: multiple versions.

O. C. Ormsby, M.D., Wholesale and Retail, DRUGGIST, DRUGGIST, DRUGGIST, DRUGGIST, DRUGGIST, DRUGGIST, DRUGGIST. Main Street, Logan, Utah. Carries a large and well selected stock of drugs, patent medicines, chemicals, perfumery, fancy and toilet articles, etc. Painter’s tools, oils, varnishes, paints, etc. etc. Agency for the celebrated Chicago Enamel Paint. Mixed ready for use. Price reduced to $1.75 per Gallon. Grain of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. Also a full line of CIGARS and TOBACCOS. Sept1-6y
O.C. ORMSBY. B.R. RITER PIONEER DURG STORE Logan City, Utah Ormsby & Riter. (Successors to O.C.Ormsby) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye stuffs, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles and all line of goods pertaining to a first-class drug business, including Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Putty and painters’ articles. We keep a complete and Choice stock of Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes and Smokers’ articles. We are amply prepared to supply the wholesale and retail trade with all of the above lines. Investigate our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. The Pioneer Drug Store will remain open at all times, Night and Day.

O. C. ORMSBY, M.D., Surgeon and Physician, LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY. Office at Drug Store. Main Street.

O.L. ELIASON, dealer in Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, 142 Main St., Salt Lake City. Special attention given to repairs. All work warranted. 19-ly
OAKLAND HOME INS. CO. OF CAL. – Capital, $200,000. This Company is prepared to underwrite throughout the Pacific Coast at adequate rates. It is the only local Company whose assets are not concentrated in San Francisco and liable to be swept away in a conflagration. Agency applications should be addressed to Ed. E. Potter, 200 Sansome St. S. F.
OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES latest style, at Zion’s Board of Trade.36 tf
OPIUM Morphine Habit Cured in 10 to 20 days. No pay until cured. Dr. J. Stephens, Lebanon, Ohio.
THE OREGON CELEBRATED DIURETIC KIDNEY TEA. [Illustration.] Kind nature’s own remedy – her “last, best gift to man” A plant which grows in mountain fastnesses, seldom trodden by human foot. There are thousands afflicted with diseases of the Kidneys or Urinary Organs who suffer in silence rather than to make known their troubles. Others seek relief by the use of various patent medicines, which, if they do not aggravate the disease at least do not lessen it. Even those who secure the advice of physicians often fail to get relief, owing to the very complicated and delicate nature of the organs affected. The Oregon Kidney Tea is a strictly vegetable production, and will not injure the smallest child, nor the most delicate woman, but will cure Pain in the Back and Kidneys, non retention of Urine, Diabetes, Inflammation of the Bladder or Kidneys, Brick Dust Deposit in Urine, ???, Painful or Suppressed Menstruation, and all complaints arising from a diseased or debilitated state of the kidneys or urinary organs of either sex. Hodge, Davis & Co., Proprietors, Portland, Oregon. For sale by all druggists. Price, One Dollar.
ORMSBY THE PHOTOGRAPHER. 614 Market St., near the Baldwin, San Fran. Send stamp for samples. Cabinet Photograph free.
OUR MEAT MARKET! HAS ON HAND EVERY MORNING A Good Supply of Fresh Meat, And being carried on in the interest of the Logan Temple, should be well patronized. Third Street. Bet. [between] Main and Washington. LOGAN sept1-ly
OUR WELL auger is the cheapest, bores the fastest. We are the oldest and largest firm in America. Send for our pictorial catalogue. United States Mfg. Co., Chicago, Ill.
OUTFITS FOR RAILROADING, including tents, wagon covers, scrapers, &c., &c., kept in stock at Zion’s Board of Trade. 33 tf
OVERALLS BY MAIL. On receipt of price, I will send the following goods by mail postage prepaid, Heavy Duck Overalls, 70 cts. [cents], Miner’s Overalls, $1.00 ???? Shirts, 35 cents. Wool over shirt $1.00. Overalls are new styles and cannot be pulled apart. Price lists of other goods free by mail. Give us a trial order. E.O. Hacon, Manufacturer of Men’s Furnishing Goods, No. 53 W. Pearl St. [street], Cincinnati, Ohio.
OVERLAND HOUSE, Main Street, below Walker House. Better Accommodations and lower rates than any other second class house in the city. Terms--$1 to $1.75 per day; $7 to $9 per week. Single meals 28 cents. W.A.Pitt, Proprietor. N B—Street Cars pass to and from the Railroad depot. ??

OWNERS OF FINE HORSES should remember that Phophate Soap is good for man and beast. It will cure scratches, collar galls, or any kind of a sore on horses quicker than anything else. Every stable should keep a supply of Phosphate soap on hand. Ask your druggist or grocer for it.

OUR LATEST TRIUMPH! The New “B” Machine, Combining Simplicity, Durability, Speed, and Lightness to Running. This Machine is unequaled for all kinds of Family Sewing, and is made in the very Best possible manner, the workmanship and finish being unsurpassed. ? Extra Inducements offered to the trade. Good agents wanted in every county. The Howe Machine Co. [company] 673? 873? Market St. [street], San Francisco.
Over Three Million Have Now Been Sold. Genuine Singer Sewing Machines The only Sewing Machine in America that is Counterfeited! It is now more: These facts tell more than columns of flaming advertisements. Beware of Bogus agents and Counterfeit Machines. A full line of parts and attachments kept on hand. Old machines taken as part payment for new ones. Logan Office, One-half Block North of Z.C.M.I. Main ST. The Singer Manufacturing Company. Franklin Merrill, Solo Agent for Cache and Onedia Counties.

P (top)

P.A. Nielsen, Main Street, Logan, Utah, Manufacturer of boots, shoes, harness and saddles. My leather goods are made of First-Class material and their quality and workmanship are guaranteed. I also keep on hand a large stock of Merchandise, including dry goods, men’s clothing, hats and caps, groceries, and furnishing goods, provisions and family supplies. A fine assortment of Ladies fancy goods just received. My prices are as low as the lowest.
P. A. NEILSEN has just received a choice and full stock of Ladies’ goods and shoes for winter wear. These must be seen to be appreciated. 15 tf
P.N.P. Co. (New Series), No. 88.
P. N. P. Co. [company] (New Series), No. [number] 97
P. N. P. Co. (New Series), No. 128.
THE PACIFIC, a weekly religious and family paper. The oldest on the Pacific Coast, Established 1851. Subscription $2.50 a year in advance. Remit to The Pacific, P.O. Box 2348, San Francisco, Cal. [California]
PACIFIC BANK. Cor. Pine and Sansome Streets San Francisco, California, July 1, 1880. Capital Stock, paid up.–$1,000,000.00 Surplus, $422,832.53 We desire to call your attention to the annual Statement of this Bank and offer as ?? any that may desire to do business with us. From our long experience in banking we have a thorough knowledge of the business and ?? will ?? by us to render those opening accounts ?? doing business with us every advantage appertaining to their interest. Assets. Real Estate Bank buildings $150,000.00 ?? Receivable 1,212,361.61 Overdrafts 93,418.08 Real Estate taken for debt 3,301.00 Land Ass’n and Dock Stock 7,137.60 ?? from Banks & Bankers 704,002.85 Cash (coin in our vault) 903,267.57 [Total] $3,136,980.11 — Liabilities. Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 Reserve Bond (surplus) 122,832.63 Due Depositors 1,316,696.80 Due Banks and Bankers 105,419.31 Due Dividends 3,937.00 [Total] $3,146,986.14 – We respectfully call attention to our facilities for doing every kind of legitimate Banking Business and solicit accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, Banks and Bankers, Farmers, and all doing business in our line. We give advice in detail of a all credits and acknowledge promptly all letters and will furnish a private telegraphic ?? to correspondents, when required. – Shipments of Gold and Silver Bullion will have special rate and prompt returns. Being connected by telephone with all the principal ??houses and the Produce Exchange, we keep thoroughly posted in the Wheat, Grain and Flour market, and are prepared at all times to make loans on Flour, Wheat and Barley, and other approved merchandise to watch ?? Investments made on commission, and special attention given to the negotiation of third class loans of cities, counties and other corporations. – We buy and sell Bills of Exchange on the Principal cities in the United States, England, France and Germany. Collections made and prompt returns ?? at market rates of exchange. – Telegraphic Transfers made with New York, Boston, Chicago, and principal cities of the U. S. also cable transfers to Europe. Letters of Credit and Commercial Credits issued on the principal cities of the United States and Europe. – Loans made on good collaterals or approved names. Good Business notes and drafts discounted at lowest market rates. – Deposits received, subject to check without notice. – National, State, City and County Bonds and Warrants, and other Securities bought and sold. Banking is a business that should be reciprocally beneficial to borrower and lender. – Favor and benevolence are not the attributes of good Banking and strict justice and a rigid performance of contracts are its proper foundation. A good Banker is one who takes better care of other people’s money than his own. -- A Prudent and Conservative Course is one of the first principles of successful Banking. This will be our policy. Yours, very respectfully, R. H. McDonald, President. S. G. Murphy, Cashier.
PACIFIC WATER CURE and Eclectic Health Institute, Northwest Corner 7th And L Sts [streets] Sacramento, Cal. [California] Being fully prepared to treat all forms of disease on the latest and most scientific principles. Together with good rooms and board, we with confidence ask for public patronage. For further particulars address H.. F. Clayton, M.D., Proprietor
PAPER HANGINGS! G.W. Clark, Importer of Fine French, English and American Paper hangings. The Newest Productions of the Leading Manufacturers constantly arriving. Window Shades, Dealer in all kinds of Shade Material and Trimmings. Agent for the self Adjusting Spring Shade Rollers. The manufacturer of the Gold band and Elegant Decorative shades for Private Real ??? a specialty. Geo. W. Clark, 615 Market St., San Francisco.
Parties who wish to buy groceries at a reasonable price from an old, reliable and well known firm will do well to read the price list of Starboro & Co., in another place.
PEERLESS REAPER & MOWER. “The triumph of the Nineteenth Century.” Farmers are requested to call and examine these machines and especially the Pitman and connections. L. B. Mattison, Gen. agent, Salt Lake City. One-half block South Theatre. 27 tf.
THE PEOPLE’S DRUG STORE! Logan City, Cache Co., Utah DRUGS, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, FINE PERFUMERIES, DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES And a general assortment of everything pertaining to the Drug business. Cigars, Tobacos [tobaccos], &c. We buy all our goods direct from the manufacturers and ???? and guarantee our customers low prices and genuine articles. Physicians’ Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Orders by mail receive prompt attention. D.B. Lameraux. Sept11-ly ----
PERSONS PREMATURELY GRAY can have their hair restored to its youthful beauty, by using Halls Vegetable ???? Hair Renewer, the best article in the market.
PHONES. For deaf people. Audiphones and earphones. Buy no device without trial. Ask H. E. Mattews, 6? Montgomery street, S.F. for circulars.
Note: There are many versions using different combinations of the following statements and testimonials. Copy only those included in your article.

See note above. PHOSPHATE SOAP. [illustration of a tin of Phosphate Soap with words “trade mark” written across a buckled belt]

A superb article for the toilet, beneficial to the skin, giving it a soft, velvety appearance, and leaving a soothing, pleasant sensation after use, imparting a healthy, natural and lasting beauty to the complexion. It eradicates the poisonous effects of cosmetics; preventing skin diseases by acting as a constant purifier and disinfectant; if used constantly will cure skin diseases of long standing; is superior to any other article for bathing infants; cleansing and healing for all eruptions on the scalp or face of children; good for the teeth; produces a soft, creamy lather, nicely adapted to shaving or shampooing, removes dandruff, and gives health to the scalp without injuring the hair.
Cheap toilet soaps manufactured from rancid and refuse grease injure the skin and are really more expensive then Phosphate Soap, which retails for 25 cents per cake.
If your wife is in the habit of using cosmetics of any kind, advise her to give up the pernicious practice, as the most harmless face powders obstruct the pores of the skin and sooner or later injure the complexion, while Phosphate Soap removes all impurities and assists nature in developing a natural, healthy and beautiful skin.
It is an old proverb that an ounce of preventive is better than a pound of cure.
Twenty-five cents invested in a cake of Phosphate Soap will save hundreds of dollars in doctors' bills. It acts as a constant disinfectant, preventing Salt Rheum and other skin diseases.
If your wife will persist in the use of cosmetics buy her a cake of Phosphate Soap and tell her to use it every night before sleeping. In that way much of the harm will be avoided, as the skin will thereby be able to retain much of its natural vigor and beauty. Standard Soap Co., 204 Sacramento St., S. F. [San Francisco]
The genuine merits of Phosphate Soap and persistent advertising will force every druggist, groceryman and general dealer to order it by the gross sooner or later. Ask for it in every store. The retail price is 25 cents per cake. We wish to sell it only at wholesale, but in case you cannot find it we will send a nice box of three cakes by mail, postage paid, on receipt of 85 cents in stamps. Standard Soap Co. [company], 204 Sacramento St. [street], S. F. [San Francisco]

No salve or ointment can heal a wound or sore of any kind. Every educated physician will tell you that nature alone can do this. Phosphate Soap, by its cleansing, soothing and purifying qualities, gives nature a chance to act freely.

Ladies who have injured the skin by the constant use of cosmetics may do much to restore their faces to that beauty which nature alone can give by constantly using Phosphate Soap.
If you wish to make your hands soft buy a cake of Phosphate Soap, and when that is gone you will buy a dozen and recommend your friends do the same.
Phosphate Soap costs no more than other good toilet soaps, while its medicinal qualities make it worth ten times its price to every man, woman and child. Sensible girls avoid cosmetics but use Phosphate Soap for the toilet because it is fragrant, pure and pleasant
Not only for daily use on the face and hands, but for bathing the entire body, there is nothing equal to Phosphate Soap. It is a thorough disinfectant and removes offensive odors of every kind.
Thousands of articles are palmed off on the public which have no genuine merit, but Phosphate Soap is the result of modern discoveries of celebrated chemists.

San Jose, September 24, 1878?. To the Standard Soap Co. [company]—Gentlemen It affords me pleasure to say to the public that I have used and prescribed your Phosphate Soap as a remedy in various forms of cutaneous diseases with the happiest results. I am of the opinion that it is the mildest and most perfect detergent that can be used, either for cleansing the skin and leaving it soft and healthy, or for removing the fetor and corroding influences of sores and ulcerations. I should be sorry to be without it in shaving my face or making my toilet, to say nothing of my good opinion of its remedial qualities. A. J. Spencer, M.D.

San Francisco, Aug. [August] 27, 1879? Gentlemen: I received a package of your soap (Phosphate Soap) and it gives me great pleasure to testify as to its superior excellence. As a toilet soap I have never seen anything to surpass it. It also possesses superior remedial qualities. I have used it in two cases of obstinate skin disease, one of intolerable itching, Pruritus?, the other an Eczema. In both great relief was obtained. Its emollient properties are remarkable. Respectfully, W. A. Douglass, M.D. 126 O’Farrell St. [street]
To the Standard Soap Company. San Francisco, July 19, 1887?. Standard Soap Co. [company]—Gentlemen. The Ladies of my household, four in number, unite with me in pronouncing your Phosphate Soap the best ever tried for toilet use. It is noticeable that while it readily removes impurities from the skin, it also leaves undisturbed the natural oil so essential to the health. It is not too strong language to say that we are delighted with it. C. M. Sawtelle, M.D., 120 Capp street.
San Francisco, July 15, 1879. Standard Soap Co [company]—Gents: I have tried your Phosphate Soap, and have no hesitation in saying that it is the best toilet soap I eve used. My wife has used it and is of the same opinion. I have paid as high as fifty cents per cake for an article in every respect inferior to what you sell for twenty-five cents. Henry H. Lynch, 515 Haight street.
We have used the Phosphate Soap in our practice, for cleaning indolent ulcers, and also skin diseases, pimples and eruptions of the face, so often seen in the young of both sexes, and can heartily recommend it to the public as the most remedial agent of the kind that we have used.—S. F. [San Francisco?] Medico-Literary Journal.
Oakland, Cal. Aug 1, 1879. Standard Soap Co. – Gentlemen: We have been giving your Phosphate Soap a pretty fair trial, and we like it the best of any soap for toilet use that we have found on this Coast. We have little doubt that it will meet with universal favor. Mrs. R. R. Johnston, 1016 Kirkham street.
THE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY of Wm [William] Shaw has been removed from 115 to 523 Kearns St, San Francisco. ALL Photographs made at the New York Gallery, No. 25 Third t., S.F. are guaranteed to be first-class. Prices to suit the times. J.H. Peters Proprietor.
A Physician’s Testimony.

I hereby certify that I have been a practicing physician for twenty-seven years, and for many chronic cases in my practice do recommend Warner’s Safe Kidney Cod liver Cure. It was upon my advice that G.W. Stamm, editor of the Industrial Era, obtained this valuable remedy. A.A. Ramsay M.D., [unreadable] Iowa, May 26.

PIANOS AND ORGANS. A $300 Organ to use a short time $100. Pianos, $170, $200, $225, $275 and $300, in use a short time, usual price, ? cash. Sheet Music Half Price. T. M. Antisell & Co. [company], 865 Market Street, S. F. [San Francisco]
PIANOS and organs Spencer matchless pianos, N.Y. Grand, Square and Upright, and Smith American organs, Boston. Save your money by buying at headquarters. F. W. Spencer & Co., 23 and 25 Fifth St., S. F. Send for catalogues.
PICKLES AND FRUIT. The purest home-made [homemade] Pickles and Preserves of all kinds, put up in the good old Southern style. A liberal discount to the trade. Address Mrs. Abbey Fisher and Husband, 362 Howard Street, San Francisco.
Pictorial Bible. Commentator, with 450 illustrations. Is one of the best selling books. Agents wanted. Terms liberal. Address Wm. Garretson & Co., 620 Washington Street, San Francisco.
Attention! Different versions

PIONEER DRUG STORE, O.C. Ormsby, Proprietor. Wholesale and Retails Druggist. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Perfumeries, Combs, and Cloth Brushes. Toilet Articles in Great Variety. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and Putty, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Sash Tools and Graining Combs; Cord, Oil and Machine Oils. Choice Brands of Tobacco, Cigars, and Cigarettes. Dealers will find our stock complete with everything in the above lines. Produce taken at the highest market price.

Attention! Different versions. 1881-01-07

PIONEER DRUG STORE, O.C. Ormsby, Proprietor. Wholesale and Retails Druggist. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles and all lines of goods pertaining to a first-class drug business, including Paints, Oils, Varnishes, painters articles. We keep a complete and choice stock of tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and smokers articles. We are amply prepared to supply the Wholesale and Retail Trade with all of he above lines. Investigate our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. The Pioneer Drug Store will remain open at all times, Night and Day.

PIONEER STEAM MARBLE WORKS. Jas. [James] H. Brown & Son, Logan City, Utah. Having recently enlarged their business, are prepared to do all kinds of work in stone. They are constantly engaged in sawing and dressing at their Steam Works all varieties of Native And Imported Marble, Sandstone, &c. Monuments for Cemeteries, and Marble Mantles a specialty. Call and Inspect Work and Prices. sept1-ly.
PLYMOUTH LAP-BOARD. It is manufactured from a material specially adapted to this purpose. It will neither warp nor ???, and with proper care will last a life time. The graduated scale entirely does away with the need of a yard-stick or tape measure. open one side will ???? and ???? very convenient for ???????? of the games of checkers or chess. The ??? still be furnished either with or without the checker board as may be desired. Liberal discounts in the trade. For sale in San Francisco by Wyatt Hawkin? & Co. [company]. Harrison & Dickson, A.S. Spence & Co., W. & J. Sloane, and ??????? M’fg [Manufacturing] Co. [Company]. ----
PORTRAITS Photographs warranted true to nature in every case at No. 739 Market Street, Opp? Dupont, S. F. [San Francisco]
POTATOES WANTED. Kansas Bill is paying the highest prices for choice potatoes at C. C. Johnson’s Music Store. Call and see him. apr2-tf
PRICES REDUCED Muller’s Optical Depot, 135 Montgomery St. [street], near ?, S. F. [San Francisco] Spectacles, and their adaptations to the various conditions of sight, have been my specialty for thirty years. Establis

hed in San Francisco 18??. Country orders attended to.

PREMIUM TELEPHONES AND CALLS Combined, $10 per act., 328 Montgy [Montgomery] St. [Street], S.F. [San Francisco][illustration]
PRESCOTT ORGANS! Constantly on hand and for sale by D. B. Lamoreaux, Logan, Utah. 21-2m
PRINTER’S PROOF PRESS, complete and in good working order. For sale by Carlos White, 320 Sansome St., San Francisco.
PUBLIC NOTICE. Newly married couples or those about contemplating housekeeping would do well to call on or write to our friend H. Schellhaus, for their house furnishing goods of all kinds, 11th St. [Street], Odd Fellows’ Building, Oakland, Cal [California].

Q (top)

QUICK CURE FOR POISON OAK. A few months ago an eminent physician who had tested the remarkable curative qualities of Phosphate Soap for various skin diseases expressed his belief that it would be an excellent remedy for Poison Oak. It was accordingly tested for this purpose. A boy had been so badly poisoned as to be confined to his bed for a week, and had his hands all covered with sores when he began to use Phosphate Soap. Within twenty four hours he was entirely cured of Poison Oak by the use of Phosphate Soap.

R (top)

RAILROAD Meat Market, Farnes & Thaine, Proprietors. First Street, near the Depot. We propose to serve our customers with the NICEST and FRESHEST of Steaks, Cuts and Meats of All Kinds At The Lowest Prices, And we invite customers to give us a call.

READ, READ, READ, READ, READ And Profit Hereby. Ricks & Son Announce to the public that they have now at their store on Third St., a full stock of Merchandise. Home Made Goods Are A Specialty. They also deal in the celebrated La Belle Wagons. Patronage Of their friends is solicited and also The Trade of all who want the The Very Best Goods At The Lowest Prices. sept11-ly.
REAL Pebble Spectacles and eye glasses, in gold, silver, steel and rubber frames. Also ?? preservers at T. B. Cardon’s 36-tf
RELIABLE TESTIMONY. Where testimonials give the residence of the parties it is an easy matter for any person to verify them. Thousands of people from all parts of the Pacific Coast can and have expressed the opinion that there is no other article in the world equal to Phosphate Soap for common toilet use. A great many people have tested this soap for skin diseases. Among others we give the following from parties who have thoroughly tested Phosphate Soap: Oakland, Cal. [California], April 5, 1880. Standard Soap Company–Gents: Some two or three months ago, I had a boy about two years old that had suffered for a year with a severe eruption on the head and face, caused by teething. The child was in such misery that it would often be awakened out of sleep by the severe itching. He would then scratch his head and face until the blood ran from the scabs. We tried everything we could find, but nothing seemed to give any permanent relief until we tried Phosphate Soap. Before we had used one cake, the child’s head and face were entirely healed, and there has been no appearance of the disease since. Michael Kane No. 1068 Kirkham St. Fort Verde, Arizona, Dec. 12, 1879.

Standard Soap Company–Gents: Having received your box of Phosphate Soap, and having used only one cake of Soap out of the three, I am happy to say that it has completely cured my sore eyelids which was caused by the alkali dust in Idaho Territory, in 1877, and have been sore ever since until I used Phosphate Soap. Corporal Dennis Burke, Twelfth Infantry. San Francisco, November 27, 1879. Standard Soap Company–Gents: After a number of trials of soaps, I have learned that the Phosphate is certainly the very best for shaving. I thank you for its introduction. James P. Arthur.

Robert Pringle, Second Street, South of Tabernacle, Logan, Utah. Agent for the Howe Domestic and Victor sewing machines. I have lately fitted up a shop with expensive machinery and am prepared to repair all kinds of sewing machines. This is my specialty. You can have your old machines repaired and made good as new at a very small expense. Attachments and extras. For all kinds of sewing machines.
Caution! Different versions!!

THE ROBERTSON PROCESS For working rebellious ores is meeting that success which its merits deserve. The cheapness and simplicity of the system place it within the reach of men of moderate means. For full particulars address John A. Robertson, the patentee, P.O. Box 552, Oakland, CA. [California].

Caution! Different versions!!

THE ROBERTSON PROCESS For working rebellious ores is remarkable for its simplicity and cheapness. No other method is known which so completely reduces rebellious gold and silver ores to the same condition as free milling ore. Parties who have the machinery for pulverizing and amalgamating can erect a suitable furnace for using the Robertson Process at a cost of from $1,000 to $1,500, according to capacity required. For full particulars address John A. Robertson, the Patentee, P. O. box 552, Oakland, Cal. [California]

Caution! Different versions!!

THE ROBERTSON PROCESS is growing more popular every day for the reason that more ore can be extracted from mines where roasting is necessary. The simplicity and economy of this process are important, yet the fact that more gold and silver can be saved than by any other known method will sooner or later bring it into use in all mines.

THE ROBERTSON REDUCTION WORKS For working rebellious ores by the Robertson Process. We are now prepared to buy sulphurets, telluride and other rebellious Gold and Silver ores when they are rich enough to pay for shipment to San Francisco. We will also work ores by the ton for parties who desire it. Assays made on pound lots for $2.00. Send one pound by mail, with the money, and we will return the results. Address: Robertson Reduction Works, Office, 320 Sansome Street, San Francisco, Cal. [California].
Rock’s Nurseries. Trees! Trees! The attention is called to my large and superior stock of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, grape vines, and small fruits of the most desirable varieties for general cultivation. Also many new and rare varieties of Japanese plants, Semi-tropical plants, Greenhouse plants, Bedding plants. New varieties of Oranges and Lemons, Italian Olives, etc. The new catalogue of 1880 is now ready and will be mailed to all applicants. John Rock, San Jose, Cal. [California].
THE ROYAL beauties of Europe owe much of their personal attractiveness to the influence of Ayer’s Hair Vigor, which keeps the hair fresh and bright.
ROYCE HARVESTING MACHINES. Cheapest in the market. Call and examine them at the Royce machine depot opposite Post Office, Logan. C. Sessions & Co., Agents. 43
THE RUSSELL AMALGAMATOR Patented June 25th, 1878. The best and most practical invention of the age for saving gold. Is portable, cheap and durable. Can be packed in any locality (?). Has been thoroughly tested. Is equally at home attached to a quartz mill on most settings (?), black sand, gravel ore. Saves your quicksilver and amalgam and the [unreadable] gold. Only requires one fourth of the usual amount of water. Can be used by hand, steam, horse, or water power. At the pans, quicksilver, boxed and hanging plates, silver plated. Capacity 15 to 100 tons. Send for circular. E.F. RUSSELL & CO. 361 First St., S.F., Cal. [San Francisco, California].
S (top)

S. A. Kenner, Attorney at Law, Ogden, Utah. Practices in all of the Courts of the Territory. Business from Logan and the North promptly attended. Nov20-tf.

S. IRVING & CO. San Francisco, successors to Anderson & Leving, have removed to ??? ??? St., three doors from ???, where an be found a splendid assortment of Men’s Furnishing Goods. Consisting in part of Shirts, Collars, Ties, Slacks, Underwear, etc., at the lowest price. When you go to the city be sure to call and see their fine stock.
S. M. PRESHAW, undertaker Ogden, Utah has a full supply of Metallic Cases and Wood Coffins in newest styles at reasonable prices. Orders by mail or telegraph will receive prompt attention. My11-3m
SADDLERY GOODS at bed-rock Prices. Send for catalogue. W DAVIS, 416? Market Street, San Francisco.
SADDLES AND HARNESS! To the inhabitants of Cache Co. and vicinity. H. E. Bowring, from Salt Lake City, having commenced business at Logan, Cache Co., Utah, in the above line, respectfully solicits a share of your patronage. Saddles a Specialty. Repairs promptly attended to. Manufactory immediately south Z. C. M. I.
SAFES. Two splendid new safes for sale. Weight, ?? pounds each, with burglar-proof chest and the best backs. These safes are first class in every respect, but our owner obtained them in the way of trade and will sell them below the regular price. Call or address, Carlos White, [unreadable] San Francisco.
SALMON RIVER MINES. FULLY 150 MILES distant from Eagle Rock, by Gilmer & Salisbury stage route, or the Yankee Fork mines 175 miles from Black Foot by the Terminus and Chalis (Challis) stage line, are also attracting great attention for the unexampled richness of their gold and silver quartz. The region covers an area of 10,000 square miles, and although only partially explored, already promises to rival the best mining region in the world. Mining experts unite in pronouncing the Yankee Fork lodes the richest yet discovered west of the Rockies. Hundreds of tons of ore, worth from $500 to $2,000 per ton, have been packed on mules and shipped to the Salt Lake Smelting Works. Salmon City, Chalis (Challis), Bonanza City, are leading towns. Distance from Eagle Rock to Salmon City, 150 miles, fare $37. Distance from Black Foot to Chalis (Challis), 175 miles, fare $25. Fare from Omaha to either Chalis (Challis) or Salmon City, first class, $100; second class, $75. The only route from the East to the Snake and Salmon River Mining regions is via the Union Pacific and Utah & Northern Railroads.
San Francisco Chronicle the leading newspaper of the Pacific Coast. The San Francisco Chronicle is the first paper on the Coast in ability, and in the freshness and reliability of its NEWS. Nothing that the world desires to know is omitted from its columns. It aims to fill every requirement of a first-class paper. Its Telegraphic Reports are the latest and most reliable; its Local News the fullest and [unreadable] and its Editorials from the ablest press in the country. The Daily San Francisco Chronicle, including the Sunday Edition, sent in any part of the United States, postage paid for $6.70 a year. (Photo in middle of The Chronicle Building) 50 cents in postage stamps, postal order or money. You get the most brilliant and complete weekly newspaper in the world. The San Francisco Weekly Chronicle prints regularly 72 Columns, or eight pages, of News, Literature and General Information, also a magnificent Agricultural Department; and 50 cents will pay for it for three months, including postage, to any part of the United States, or $2 for one year. Club rates for the Weekly. ? copies, one year, $1.00? each. 10 copies, one year, $1.50 each. Sample copies sent free. [unreadable] Postmaster receives subscriptions.
THE SAN FRANCISCO PUNCH Is the most lively and the most funny illustrated paper ever published on the Pacific Coast. It has three times the circulation of any other Illustrated weekly on this side of the Rocky Mountains. Subscription 25c [cents] a month, payable in postal stamps, in advance. Sent post-paid to any part of the world. Address, The Punch Publishing Co. [company], ? Market Street, San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO SHOPPING MISS E. BROWN WILL PURCHASE, at reasonable prices, goods of any description required for the household, ranch or store, at lowest cash prices. Samples sent of receipt of postage. Address: MISS E. BROWN, CARE CARLOS WHITE, P.O. Box 2505 San Francisco
SAVINGS BANK BOOKS. The highest price paid for Balances in The Savings and Loan (Clay St. [street]), Odd Fellows, Masonic, French, Farmers and Mechanics, by John T. Little, 302 Montgomery St. [street], Room 1 and 2, San Francisco.
SCHOENHOLZ BROS. [Brothers] & CO. [Company]. 110 and 112 Sixth St. [street], cor. [corner] Mission, S.F. [San Francisco]. Sole agents for the Genuine German Knit Hosiery for ladies and children, both in wool and cotton. We offer the same to the public at the very lowest rates. Families visiting the city will find it to their advantages to call and examine the line of goods. Also French ???? straw hats, flowers and ladies and childrens underwear.
SCHUTTLER WAGONS! and agricultural implements on and a full stock of the celebrated Schuttler farm, freight and spring wagons, which are fully warranted in every respect. Also Cortland platform spring wagons, Sulky hay rakes, hay loaders, threshing machines, and a full supply of the latest improved agricultural implements, which will be sold at lowest prices and on favorable terms. A large stock of thoroughly seasoned wagon material, iron, etc. which will be sold at bottom prices. George Barber, Agent. Main Street, opposite Tabernacle, Logan City, Utah.

SEND 50 CENTS In Postage Stamps, Coin or Postal Order, and get the San Francisco Weekly Chronicle for Three Months. Encouraged by an enormous and increasing subscription list, and with unsurpassed facilities, the Weekly Chronicle has been enlarged from a 64 column paper to a paper of 72 columns, and price reduced to $2.00 per year and in connection with the change the price has been reduced materially, making this the Cheapest, Largest, and Best weekly publication in the United states, if not the world. It is the Great Family Paper for the Farmer, Miner and Merchant of the Pacific Coast. It contains eight large pages, clearly printed with new type and on new presses, with nine long columns to the page. It is a complete mirror of the passing events of the world, as well as a library of literature, amusement and knowledge. An Agricultural Department is one of the its leading features,, which is under the management of a gentleman thoroughly qualified for the position by education, experience and long residence on the coast. As a medium of agricultural information it has no superior. For freshness of news, editorial skills, literary excellence and artistic arrangement, it challenges competition. It supplies the intellectual wants of all – the Farmer, the Laborer, the Artisan, the Merchant, the Miner, the Old and the Young. The price of this unrivaled paper has been reduced to $2 per year, payable in advance, which includes postage. Club Rates. A club of three subscribers one year, $1.75 each, a club of five subscribers, one year $1.60 each; a club of ten subscribers, one year, $1.50 each. This includes postage. Send for a specimen copy. All Postmasters are authorized to receive subscriptions. Send money by postal order, registered letter or by express, addressed to Chas. De Young & Co., San Francisco.

SEND 50 CTS. In 2-cent Postage Stamps and get the leading newspaper of the coast, the San Francisco Weekly Chronicle for Three Months. It contains 72 columns, or eight pages of News, Literature and general information; also a magnificent agricultural department; and 50 cents will pay for it for three months, including postage, to any part of the United States, or sample copies sent free. All Postmasters receive subscriptions. Direct all orders to Chas. De Young & Co., San Francisco.
Send for circular. Four Styles. (Picture in rectangle of camp cots). Just the thing for CAMPING PARTIES, Address GILBERT & MOORE, Sole Agents. 18 and 20 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal. Dealers in Furniture of every description.
SHADE TREES. Several kinds of shade trees at Bishop Roskelley’s Nursery. Apply to A. P. Welchman, Smithfield. apr3-??
SHEEP RANCH FOR SALE in Anderson Valley. The stage road between Boonville and Christine, two miles from Christine. P. O. Mendocino Co., Cal. [Illustration.] Containing 1,520 acres. Good title. Well fenced and well watered, with good house, barn and out-buildings. Good apple, peach and cherry orchard. 20 acres good plow land. About ??? good sheep. Price $16,000. For any further particulars inquire at the ranch, of of Ruel Stickney, Little River, Mendocino Co., Col.
SHEW’S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, The Oldest and Most Reliable in San Francisco, has been removed to 523 Kearney St. [street] The rooms being easy of access—only one flight of stairs. The work produced at this establishment is equal to any in the city and Prices About One-Half What is Charged For similar work on Montgomery or Market St. [street] N.R.?—Old Daguerreotypes Ambrotypes or other pictures copied to any size or style in the highest perfection of the art.
SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma and all Lung Afflictions[?]. Sold by O. C. Ormsby, wholesale and retail druggist. oct10l6
SHILOH’S SYSTEM VITALIZER cures Dyspepsis, inactive liver, Sour Stomach, &c. Guaranteed. Sold by O.C. Ormsby wholesale and retail druggist. oct30-ty.
Shrewdness and Ability. Hop bitters, so freely advertised in all the papers, secular and religious, are having a large sale, and are supplanting all other medicines. There is no denying the virtue of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of these Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability in compounding a Bitters whose virtues are so palpable to everyone’s observation. – Examiner and Chronicle.
SIDNEY STEVENS, Wholesale Dealer in Buggies, Wagons, Plows, Farming Implements and Machinery. Sash, Doors, &c. Also Flour, Grain and Produce. Agent for Howe Scales and Barb Fence Wire, North Ogden and Ogden City, Utah. sept11-tf.
A SKIN OF BEAUTY is a joy forever. [Illustration: Drawing of a lady in a gown holding looking glass]. Dr. T. Felix Gouraud’s Oriental Cream or Magical Beautifier. Beautifies as well as purifies the skin. Removes tan, pimples, freckles, moth patches, and every blemish on beauty. It has stood the test of thirty years and is so harmless we taste it to be sure the preparation is properly made. Accept no counterfeit of similar name. The distinguished Dr. L.A. Sayre said to a lady of the haut ton (a patient) -- “As you ladies will use them, I recommend Gouraud’s Cream, as the least harmful of all the Skin preparations.” Also ??? ???, removes superfluous hair without injury to the skin. Mme. M.B.T. Gouraud Sole prop. [proprietor] 48 Bond St. [Street], N.Y. [New York]. For sale by all druggists and Fancy Good Dealers throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. Beware of base imitations which are abroad. We offer $100 Reward for the arrest and proof of any one selling the same. Sold in San Francisco by the leading wholesale druggists.
SMITHFIELD MANUFACTURING AND MERCANTILE INSTITUTION. This institution manufactures a great variety of Leather Goods, including the following lines: Men’s Boots and Shoes, Light, Medium, and Heavy. Fine Calf Skin Boots and Shoes; Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes in Great Variety. Harness Made and Repaired. Home Made Cloths of all kinds; Doors and Sash, Lumber, Shingles and Lath are specialties. Highest Price paid for hides, pelts and wool. Orders for any of the above taken by E.R. Miles, Supt. Smithfield, Cache Co. Utah, or by James Meikle. Traveling Agent.
SNAKE RIVER GOLD FIELDS. It is now demonstrated beyond a doubt that hundreds of miles of gravel bars along Snake River Eastern Idaho - some of which are directly on the line of the Utah and Northern Railway - are rich in deposits of fine gold. Several companies operating in 1879, took out from $30 to $40 per day to the man. Their large and regular shipments of dust to San Francisco have created great excitement in mining circles, and Western journals already pronounce these the most extensive placer silver diggings in the world as “good prospects” of gold are found all along the river for a distance of 400 miles. Outfitting can be done at Eagle Rock, on the Utah & Northern Railway, and within an hour’s walk of some of these great bars. Now is the time to strike for fortune in this vast new region, which will soon be overrun by miners from every State and Territory.
SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES. Illustrated catalogue and price list of Ladies’ and Children’s Cloaks and Suits sent free. Sullivan’s Cloak and Suit house, 129 Kearny St., San Francisco.

Call at W. G. Child’s new store, Main Street, Ogden City, and examine his choice and extensive stock of General Merchandise, including Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, etc. He is the sole agent for Utah for the celebrated Excelsior and Etna B Stoves, which are without an equal in this or any other market. Call, examine figures, and save money by buying your goods at bed-rock prices. Orders by mail when accompanied by good references, promptly attended to. Sep11-tf

SPENCER’S Piano Palace & Oran Emporium. The latest and best Music House on the Pacific Coast. Combination of three piano houses in one. Spencer’s Matchless Pianos of New York, Grand, Square and Upright. And the improved “North American Organs” of Boston. Save your money by buying direct at headquarters. Second hand pianos from $100 to $250. New pianos from $250 to $550. Organs from $30 to $300. Pianos tuned, repaired and to rent. Orders for music promptly attended to. F.W. Spencer & Co., 23 and 25 Fifth St., opp.the Mint, S.F. –Send for circulars and price list.
SPORTSMEN AND RIFLE CLUBS will find at Z.C.M.I. the best models of the celebrated Winchester Repeating Rifle, Cartridges, Reloading Apparatus, Caps, Wads, & etc. as cheap as can be purchased anywhere. feb27-tf.
ST. AUGUSTINE COLLEGE, Benicia, California. Prices reduced to only $175 per term, for Board, Washing, Gas, Fuel, English and Scientific Studies, Book keeping [bookkeeping], Elocution, Gymnastics, the Latin, Greek, French and German Languages, and Military Tactics, Extras – Music $??, Drawing $13. Contingent Deposit, $25? The Easter Term opens on Tuesday, January 18th?, 1880 at 2 o’clock p.m. ? Rev. [Reverend] J. H. D. Wingfield, DD, LLD, President.
ST. DAVIDS, A First Class Lodging Hotel! Contains 120 Rooms, 713 Howard St. [street] Near Third Street, San Francisco At Oakland ferry take Omnibus line of Horse Cars to Cor. [corner] Howard and Third Sts. [streets] This house is especially designed as a comfortable home for gentlemen and ladies visiting the city from the interior. No dark rooms. Gas and running water in each room. The floors are covered with body? Brussels carpet, and all of the furniture is made of solid black walnut. Each bed has a spring mattress, with an additional hair top mattress, making them the most luxurious and healthy beds in the world. Ladies wishing to cook for themselves or families are allowed the free use of a large, public kitchen and dining room, with dishes. Servants wash the dishes and keep up a constant fire from 6 A.M. to 7 P.M. Hot and cold baths, a large parlor and reading room all free to guests. Price of single rooms per night 50 cents, per week from $2.50 upwards. R. Hughes?, Proprietor.
ST. GEORGE HOTEL, Just Opened, On the European Plan. 812 Kearny Street, S.F. (Near Old City Hall). Meals served in first class hotel style, of great variety and good quality, at all hours of the day, for twenty-five cents. Steak and coffee fifteen cents. Coffee and cakes ten cents. Rooms from 25 cts [cents] to $1.00 per night as per size and location. Board, per week, $1,Room and Board, $5.50 to $7.00. Timothy Sargent, Manager.
ST. JAMES HOTEL, No. 966? Market St., S. F. Rooms en suite or single, with or without board. Prices reasonable, according to location of rooms. R. Orford, Proprietor. ----
ST. MATTHEW’S HALL, San Mateo, Cal. [California] A Classical and Military School for Boys 14th year. Prepares students for State University or Practical Business. Trinity session commences July 26. Rev. Alfred Lee Brewer, M. A. Principal.
STAMP CABINET. Just the Thing for Linen Marking Etc. This cut represents a fac simile [facsimile] of the Cabinet (open), which consists of fourteen articles, as follows 1.—Name in Full, any Style Letter desired. 2.—Fancy Initial of Surname. 3.—Initials of Entire Name. 4.—Bottle of Indelible Ink, Blue or Black, warranted. 5.—Bottle of Ink, Red, Blue, Violet or Green. 6.—Pad and Distributor for Colored Ink. 7.—Pad and Distributor for Indelible Ink. 8.—Bottle of Gold Bronze. 9.—Bottle of Silver Bronze. 10.—Camel’s-hair Brush, for applying Bronze. 11.—Twenty-five Transparent Cards, new Styles. 12.—Twenty-five Superfine Bristol Cards, Assorted Colors. 13.—Patent Cabinet. 14.—Card Case. Price, $2.00. Every man, woman, and child should have one of these Cabinets as it is something entirely new and useful, neat, clean and compact. If judiciously used, it will do all your Linen Marking, Card Printing, etc. for years. The Indelible Ink is manufactured expressly for this Cabinet, and is warranted not to gum up the Stamps or wash out. The Pads, when saturated with Ink contain enough for one thousand impressions each. Below we give a few samples of our styles of letters, any other style of letters desired furnished. No. [number] 1. Thomas Smith No. 2. Bertha R. Spuds. No. 3. Miss Nellie Fisher. No. 4. Chas. [Charles] S. Banks. No. 5. Don F. Miller. In ordering, give the number of the style of letter desired, if any other style is wanted enclose a sample with the order. These Cabinets will be sent to any address in the United States on receipt of price $2.00 in postage stamps or currency, charges prepaid. Address orders to Carlos White, 320? Sansome? Street, (Over Wells Fargo & Co. [company] Express) San Francisco.
THE STAR PRINTING COMPANY HAVE ONE OF THE Best Job Printing Establishments in this region, and their work is of the Finest and most Tasteful description. Work ordered through us will be executed promptly and in a style which is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. LEAVE ORDERS AT THE OFFICE OF THE “LOGAN LEADER”. B.F. CUMMINGS, JR., Editor and Business Manager.
STOVES STOVES STOVES. Before Purchasing elsewhere do not fail to see Z.C.M.I.’s stock of Stoves. They carry the celebrated Charter Oak and Monitor makes, and can warrant them the best in the market. We sell only ??? Stoves, and only ask an inspection of quality and prices. sep11-tf ----
SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CALIFORNIAN, A new western monthly published by the A. Roman Publishing Company. Pronounced “ The bright particular star among magazines.” Full of peculiar and diverse interest to all readers on this coast, - and the Eastern Press says, “ There is a charm about it that will make it welcome everywhere.” The January, February, and March numbers now ready. Terms, $3.00 a year. Payable in advance. Sent to any address in the United States, postage paid. Specimen copies 25 Cents each. Address: “The Californian” 511 California Street, San Francisco, California.

SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CITY ARGUS [text embedded inside patterned block], Published Every Saturday. It is the brightest, spiciest, and liveliest paper published on the coast and the Leading Weekly of the Metropolis. All the leading sensations, portraits of prominent persons, pictures of eventful occurrences, etc. $3.00 per year, prepaid extra inducements offered to postmasters and others to canvas for subscriptions, sample copies free. Address, The Argus Publishing Co., 405 Kearny Street, San Francisco.

THE SUCCESS OF THE DAY, Madam Balcear, 532 Bash? St. [street], San Francisco. Madam Balcear, the celebrated Hair Restorer and Scalp ?, after an experience of 10 years in this city refers with pleasure to her many testimonials as to the success of her treatment. Her hair restorative is invaluable to those who need it. No minerals used by Madam Balcear in her treatment, but herb prepared by herself.
THE SUMMER SOLSTICE. One great reason why hot weather is so debilitating lies in the fact that the body is exhausted by the labors of the year. Indeed, it is natural that this should be so. In order, therefore, to resist this tendency to exhaustion it only becomes necessary to reinvigorate the body which can readily be done by one or two bottles of Warner’s Safe Tonic. This remedy is being extensively used by physicians for this purpose and is for sale by druggists in all parts of the world.
T (top)
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T. B. CARDON, A large stock of Rockford Quick Train, Elgin, Waltham, Springfield, Hampden and other watches. [Illustration] Rockford The only one on time at the wind up. Jewelry, gold pens, plated ware, spectacles, etc., etc. Repairing done by skilled workmen and guaranteed. Logan City, Utah.

Caution! Different versions!

T. B. CARDON, Rockford Quick Train, [Illustration] Elgin, Waltham and other watches, jewelry, spectacles, etc., etc. Repairing done in all branches. Pictures taken large from life also enlarged from small ones in all styles of the art. Frames, mouldings, albums, chromos, zephyrs, &c., &c.

TAKE-IT-EASY and Live-long are brothers and are related to Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, which has lengthened many a life.


Go to Z.C.M.I. for School Books of all kinds – readers, spellers, arithmetics, grammars, geographies, copy books, composition and exercise books, memorandum and ?? books; penholders – India rubber, anti-Nervous, &c; Lead pencils of all grades; Note, Letter, Foolscap and Legal cap paper; ??, slates, slate pencils, writing and copying ink, ink stands, etc., etc. Everything you want at the lowest prices. Oct18-tf

A THING OF BEAUTY is a joy forever, but the nose can appreciate some things that the eye can not. Yosemite Cologne is put up in handsome style and the perfume is such that every husband who purchases one bottle for his wife never has any peace after that is gone until he purchases another.
THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS [illustration: EGGLESTON’S SENSIBLE TRUSS] Has a Pad of differing from all others, is cup-shape, with Self-Adjusting Belt in rubber, adapts itself to all positions of the body while the belt in the cup PRESSES BACK the INTESTINES JUST AS A PERSON WOULD WITH THE FINGER. With light pressure the hernia is held [line unreadable]. It is easy, durable and [remainder of line unreadable]. Eggleston Truss Co., Chicago, Ill. [Illinois]
THOMAS & HENSTROM, TAILOR SHOP, At the Old Post Office, Logan, HAVE ON HAND A GOOD SELECTION OF CLOTH. Gent's own materials made up to order. Cleaning and Repairing neatly Executed. PERFECT FIT WARRANTED. Highest Price Paid for Wool in Exchange for Cloth. sept1-ly.
Three million have now been sold. Genuine Singer sewing machines. The only sewing machine in America that is counterfeited! It is now more popular than ever. These facts tell more than columns of flaming advertisements. Beware of bogus agents and counterfeit machines. A full line of parts and attachments kept on hand. Old machines taken in part payment for new ones. Logan Office, next to Logan Leader. The Singer Manufacturing company, Franklin Merrill, Agent for Cache and Oneida counties.

TO AFFORD IMMEDIATE RELIEF IN ASTHMA, try Dr. Jayne’s Expectorant, which acts promptly by overcoming the spasmodic contraction of the wind-tubes, and by causing the ejection of the mucus which clogs them. For Whooping Cough, Croup and Hoarseness, this medicine is equally beneficial; while for all Pulmonary and Bronchial Disorders, it is both a palliative and a curative, and a sure and prompt remedy for all stubborn Coughs and Colds.

TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Your signs can be painted with gold or colored letters far cheaper and in better style in San Francisco than in the country. Have them painted on canvas and frame them at home, will last for 10 years. Address, SWAN, THE PAINTER,727 Market Street, S. F. [San Francisco]
TO FARMERS AND GRASS GROWERS. The Green Valley grass will yield from 10 to 12 tons of hay to the acre and from 2,000 to 4,000 bushels of roots, good feed for all stock. For circulars and price list address Arthur Taylor, Watson, Atchison Co. Missouri
Caution! Different versions! 1880-12-17

TROPIC FRUIT LAXATIVE unlike pills and the usual purgatives, is pleasant to take, and will prove at once the most potent and harmless system Renovator and Cleanser that has yet been brought to public notice. For Constipation, Biliousness, Headache, Piles, and all disorders arising from an obstructed state of the system, it is incomparably the best curative extant. Tropic Fruit Laxative is put up in bronzed tie boxes only. Price, 50 cents. Procure descriptive pamphlet from your druggist, or address the proprietor, J. E. Hetherington, New York or San Francisco.

Caution! Different versions!

TROPIC FRUIT LAXATIVE unlike pills and the usual purgatives, is pleasant to take, and will prove at once the most potent and harmless system Renovator and Cleanser that has yet been brought to public notice. For Constipation, Biliousness, Headache, Piles, and all disorders arising from an obstructed state of the system, it is incomparably the best curative extant. Tropic Fruit Laxative is sold by druggists at 50 cents a box, or mailed on receipt of price (in currency or stamps) by the proprietor. Descriptive Book free. Address J. E. Hetherington, New York or San Francisco.

THE TRUESDELL 1704 Market St. [street], S.F. [San Francisco]. Junction of Turk and Mason Streets. This House is well designed for the accommodation of parties visiting the city from the Interior. Its central location gives easy access to all the lines of Street Cars, Places of Public Awareness, etc.
TURNER’S REGULATOR. Is proving such an indispensable article to those suffering from liver complaint that parties are in some cases purchasing half a dozen bottles at a time, after they have tried it. Physicians frequently prescribe the Sacred Bark which is one of the ingredients in this medicine. The advantage of using Turner’s Regulator arises form the fact that its ingredients are the result of experiment and study such as few physicians could devote to a single object.
U (top)
Caution! Different versions.

THE U.O. FOUNDRY MACHINE AND WAGON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LOGAN, CACHE CO., UTAH. SAW & SHINGLE MILLS,FEED CUTTERS, HORSE POWERS, WOOD TURNING, LATHES. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, ETC. ETC. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Farmer, Blacksmiths and other will find it to their advantage to call on us, as we have on hand, COAL, IRON, BOLTS, CLEVICES, Chains, Chain Hooks, Picks, Grubhoes, Neckyokes, Singletrees, Doubletrees, Spokes, ???, Etc., Etc. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS IN BLACKSMITH, MACHINE AND WAGON DEPARTMENTS, JOSEPH WILSON, MANGER. B.M LEWIS,President. J. B. Carlisle, Secretary. 24-ly

Caution! Different versions.

THE U. O. FOUNDRY machine and wagon manufacturing company, Logan, Cache Co., Utah, manufacture saw & shingle mills, feed cutters, horse powers, wood turning, lathes, brass and iron castings, etc., etc. Horseshoeing a specialty. Farmers, blacksmiths and others will find it to their advantage to call on us, as we have on hand, Coal, Iron, Bolts, Clevices, agent for the Bain Wagon. Oliver Chilled and Moline plows, Champion mowers and Pitt’s threshers, etc. Special attention given to repairs in Blacksmith, machine and wagon departments. Joseph Wilson, manager, B. M. Lewis, President. J. E. Carlisle, secretary. 24-ly

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