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Caution! Several versions

UNITED ORDER of Hyrum, Hyrum City, Cache Co., Utah, Have on hand and for sale White and Red Pine Native Lumber. Planing of Every Description done with dispatch. Moulding And All Kinds Of Wood Turning. Address all communications to J. Unsworth, Business Manager. sept18-ly.

Caution! Several versions

UNITED ORDER OF HYRUM. Hyrum City, Cache Co. [County], Utah, Have on hand and for sale White and Red Pine Native Lumber. Planing of Every Description done with dispatch. Moulding and all Kinds of Wood Turning. Address all communications to O.N. Liljenquist. Business Manager tods16-ly

Caution! Several versions

UNITED ORDER OF HYRUM. Manufacturers of and dealers in lumber, lath, shingles, etc. Flooring, rustic, mouldings [moldings], doors, sash, scantling, pickets, posts, etc. Correspondence solicited and parties who contemplate building, would do well to first consult us. We are prepared to fill bills for white or red pine lumber. We are prepared, at our Planing Mills, to do all kinds of PLANING and WOOD TURNING on short notice. At our store we keep full lines of all kinds of MERCHANIDES. Dry goods, grocieries, boots and shoes, clothing, etc. O.N. Liljenquist, President. James Unsworth, Secretary and Business Mangr. 41 1y

United Order of Smithfield. This institution manufactures a great variety of leather goods including the following lines: mens’ boots and shoes, light, medium and heavy. Fine calf skin boots and shoes; ladies’ and children’s shoes in great variety. Harness made and repaired. Home made cloths of all kinds; doors and sash, lumber, shingles and lath are specialties. Highest price paid for hides, pelts and wool. Orders taken for any of the above by Geo.[George] L. Farrell, Logan, or Robert Bain, Smithfield, Cache Co., Utah. 8-ly
UTAH & NORTHERN R.R. [railroad] Time Table No. 8. To take effect September 13th, 1879, at Midnight. All Trains Run Daily. Northward. Passenger train leaves Ogden 6:30 p.m. Passenger train leaves Brigham City at 8:00 p.m. Passenger train leaves Mendon at 10:12 p.m. Passenger train arrives at Logan at 10:30 p.m. Passenger train leaves Logan at 10:53 p.m. Passenger train leaves Hyde Park at 11:15 p.m. Passenger train leaves Smithfield at 11:22 p.m. Passenger train leaves Richmond at 11:47 p.m. Passenger train leaves Franklin at 12:16 a.m. Passenger train leaves Battle Creek at 1:00 a.m. Passenger train leaves Oneida at 3:27 a.m. Passenger train arrives at Camas at 11:10 a.m. Passenger train leaves Beaver Canyon at 1:10 p.m. Mixed train leaves Ogden at 9:25 a.m. Mixed train arrives Brigham City at 11:15 a.m. Mixed train leaves Brigham City at 11:30 a.m. Mixed train leaves Mendon at 2:27 p.m. Mixed train arrives at Logan at 3:00 p.m. Mixed train leaves Logan at 3:30 p.m. Mixed train leaves Hyde Park at 4:00 p.m. Mixed train leaves Smithfield at 4:15 p.m. Mixed train leaves Richmond at 5:00 p.m. Mixed train leaves Franklin at 5:14 p.m. Mixed train arrives at Battle Creek at 7:10 p.m. Freight train leaves Battle Creek at 6:30 a.m. Freight train leaves Oneida at 9:10? a.m. Freight train arrives at Camas at 7:30 p.m. Southward. Passenger train leaves Beaver Canyon at 12:00 a.m. Passenger train leaves Oneida at 12:10 p.m. Passenger train leaves Battle Creek at 2:04 a.m. Passenger train leaves Franklin at 3:?? a.m. Passenger train leaves Richmond at 4:17 a.m. Passenger train leaves Smithfield at 4:43 a.m. Passenger train leaves Hyde Park at 4:55 a.m. Passenger train arrives at Logan at 5:10 a.m. Passenger train leaves Logan at 5:35 a.m. Passenger train leaves Mendon at 5:50 a.m. Passenger train leaves Brigham City at 7:10 a.m. Passenger train arrives at Ogden at 8:50 a.m. Mixed train arrives at Ogden at 5:5? a.m. Mixed train leaves Brigham at ?:53 a.m. Mixed train leaves Mendon at ??? a.m. Mixed train leaves Logan at 12:20 a.m. Mixed train arrives at Logan at 11:05 p.m. Mixed train leaves Hyde Park at 10:35 p.m. Mixed train leaves Smithfield at 10:25 p.m. Mixed train leaves Richmond at 10:13 p.m. Mixed train leaves Franklin at 9:?? p.m. Mixed train leaves Battle Creek at 7:?? p.m. Freight train arrives at ??? at Battle creek at 7:40 p.m. Freight train arrives at Oneida at ???. Freight train leaves Camas at ????. MENDON Co-operative Store Dealers in General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Notions, &c., &c. Highest Price Paid for Produce. We give 65 cents per Bushel for No. 1 clean Wheat – one-half in Cash and one-half in Store Pay. Subject to market fluctuations. nov1 – m.
UTAH & NORTHERN R.R. [railroad] Time Table No. 10. To take effect November 30, 1879. -- NORTHWARD -- Passenger train leaves Ogden 6:30 pm -- Passenger train leaves Brigham City at 8:00 pm -- Passenger train leaves Mendon at 10:05 pm -- Passenger train arrives at Logan at 10:35 pm -- Passenger train leaves Logan at 10:55 pm -- Passenger train leaves Hyde Park at 11:15 pm -- Passenger train leaves Smithfield at 11:23 pm -- Passenger train leaves Richmond at 11:47? pm -- Passenger train leaves Franklin at 12:10? am -- Passenger train leaves Battle Creek at 1:03? am -- Passenger train leaves Swan Lake at 2:05 am -- Passenger train leaves Oneida at 3:27 am -- Passenger train leaves Blackfoot at 7:30 am -- Passenger train leaves Camus at 11:10 am -- Passenger train arrives Beaver Canyon at 1:10 pm. -- Freight train leaves Ogden daily, Sundays excepted, at 9:25 am -- Freight train leaves Brigham City at 11:20 am -- Freight train leaves Mendon at 2:25 pm -- Freight train arrives at Logan at 3:00 pm -- Freight train leaves Logan at 4:00 pm -- Freight train leaves Hyde Park at 4:30? pm -- Freight train leaves Smithfield at 4:45 pm -- Freight train leaves Richmond at 5:30 pm -- Freight train arrives at Franklin at 6:00 pm. -- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: Freight train leaves Franklin at 7:30 am -- Freight train leaves Battle Creek at 8:10 am -- Freight train leaves Swan Lake at 10:00 am -- Freight train leaves Oneida at 12:20 pm -- Freight train arrives at Blackfoot at 4:45 pm. -- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays: Freight train leaves Blackfoot at 6:50? -- Freight train leaves Camus at 12:00 pm -- Freight train arrives at Beaver Canyon at 2:35 pm. -- SOUTHWARD -- Passenger train leaves Beaver Canyon at 2:55 pm -- Passenger train leaves Camus at 4:05 pm -- Passenger train leaves Blackfoot at 8:05? pm -- Passenger train leaves Oneida at 12:40 am -- Passenger train leaves Swan Lake at 2:05 am -- Passenger train leaves Battle Creek at 3:00 am -- Passenger train leaves Franklin at 3:55 am -- Passenger train leaves Richmond at 4:17 am -- Passenger train leaves Smithfield at 4:42 am -- Passenger train leaves Hyde Park at 4:50 am Passenger train arrives at Logan at 5:10 am -- Passenger train leaves Logan at 5:23 am -- Passenger train leaves Mendon at 5:50 am -- Passenger train leaves Brigham at 7:40 am -- Passenger train arrives at Ogden at 8:55 am. -- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: Freight trains leave Beaver Canyon at 8:30 am -- Freight trains leave Camus at 11:10 am -- Freight trains arrive at Blackfoot at 4:10 pm. -- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays: Freight train leaves Blackfoot at 7:30 am -- Freight train leaves Oneida at 12:15? pm -- Freight train leaves Swan Lake at 2:30 pm -- Freight train leaves Battle Creek at 3:45 pm -- Freight train arrives at Franklin at 4:50 pm. -- Daily, Sundays excepted: Freight train leaves Franklin at 9:10 am -- Freight train leaves Richmond at 9:15? am -- Freight train leaves Smithfield at 10:25 am -- Freight train leaves Hyde Park at 10:55 am -- Freight train arrives at Logan at 11:00 am -- Freight train leaves Logan at 12:30 pm -- Freight train leaves Mendon at 1:05 pm -- Freight train leaves Brigham at 3:55 pm -- Freight train arrives at Ogden at 5:35? pm Geo. [George] W. Thatcher, Superintendent D. A. Swan, Train Dispatcher.
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VALUABLE INFORMATION FREE. Further detailed and reliable information in relation to different districts of Montana or Idaho, the routes thereto, rates, etc. will be furnished on application to THOS. [Thomas] L. KIMBALL, Gen. Pass. and ticket agent, Omaha, Neb.

VICTIMS to Constipation and its untold miseries can keep in good condition, by a moderate use of Ayer’s Pills, the surest, safest and most reliable Cathartic.
VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. Hillsdale, Mich. R. V. Pierce, M.D: I had a serious disease of the lungs, and was for a time confined to my bed and under the care of a physician. His prescriptions did not help me. I grew worse, coughing very severely. I commenced taking your Medical Discovery, which helped me greatly. I have taken several bottles, and I am restored to good healty [health]. Your respectfully, Judith Burnett
VOLTAIC BELT CO., MARSHALL MICH., Will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days’ trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what they say. Write to them without delay.

W (top)

W. DAVIS, MANUFACTURER OF Horse Harness, Collars, Whips, Lashes and Saddles of All Kinds. (Illustration of a saddle]. Wholesale and Retail dealer in Leather, Saddlery, Hardware, Horse Blankets, Robes, Sponges, Horse Brushes, etc. Send for catalogue. 410 Market St., Near First Street, San Francisco.

W. R. ALLEN & CO., 761 Market St., S. F. [San Francisco] Garden Hose, Best Quality and Lowest Price. Brass Cocks and Valves for Water and Steam. Iron Pipe and Fittings. Send for price lists
W-S. CALIFORNIA buck or goat gloves, cheapest and best. W. Shires, 606 Market St., San Francisco. Send for price list.
W. S. NORCROSS, M.D. HOMOEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE -- Logan House, Logan City, Utah. Special attention paid to diseases of women and children.
WAGONS. Call and see the largest and finest stock of first-class Express, Thoroughbrace, Grocer and Business Wagons, at the Sanborn Wagon Depot, 24? and 26? Beale St., S. F. [San Francisco] There are no Wagons equal to them.
Wallpaper. Dinwoodey. Furniture. Upholstery. H. Dinwoodey’s Furniture. Upholstery Goods. Baby Carriages. [Illustration] Parlor & Bed Room Furniture, Building and Roofing Paper, Carpets, Feathers, Oil Cloths, Mats, Lace Curtains, Lamberquins, Window Shades, Window Cornices, Hair and Wire Mattresses, School Desks, etc. etc. H. Dinwoodey’s. 77, 1st South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah.
WALTER A. Wood’s Machines. A full stock of Walter A. Wood’s new enclosed gear mowers and twine self binders to arrive at conference time. L. B. Mattison, Gen. Agent, Salt Lake City One half block South theatre. 27-tf
WANTED canvassers for new books. The Family Physician newest and best book out. Universal Illustrated History, Law Encyclopedia and Forms, World Famous Women, Guide to Success, Irving’s works, ?? works, Encyclopedia of Poetry, New book on the Care and Culture of Children, Dr. Naphey’s Medical works, Discussion of Live Stock, and many others of unusual merit. Send for circulars and name the county in which you prefer to operate. J. Dewing & Co., 420 Bush St., S. F
WANTED. Twenty-five Cords of good Pine Wood for Logan School district Schools, for which will be paid five Dollars per cord on tuition fees or cash paid when desired by parties furnishing the same. For particulars apply to Ezra Crockett, at Rick’s? Store. C.O. Card, A. Crockett, J.A. Leishman, Trustees. Logan, Nov. 13, 1879. nov???.
Careful! Several versions

Warner’s Safe Bitters [text in black ornamental box]. It is the best Blood Purifier, and stimulates every function to more healthful action, and is thus a benefit in all diseases. In eliminating the impurities of the blood, the natural and necessary result is the cure of Scrofulous and other skin eruptions and diseases including cancers, ulcers, and other sofia. Dyspepsia, Weakness of the Stomach, Constipation, Dizziness, General Debility, etc. are cured by the Safe Bitters. It is unequaled as an appetizer and regular tonic. It is a medicine which should be in every family, and which, whatever used, will save the payment of many doctors’ bills. Bottles of two sizes, prices 50 cents and $1.00. Warner’s Safe Remedies are sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. H. H. Warner & Co., Proprietors, Rochester, N.Y. Send for Pamphlet and Testimonials. [Illustration of arm and hand pointing upward with text reading: Safe Kidney & Liver Cure. Safe Diabetes Cure. Safe Bitters Nervine Pills. Read & Save Thyself] Ask your druggist for it. Sold by all wholesale druggists in San Francisco, Sacramento, and Portland.

Careful! Several versions

Warner’s Safe Kidney & Liver Cure. [white text inside black box] A vegetable preparation and the only sure remedy in the world for Bright’s disease, Diabetes and all kidney, liver and urinary diseases. Testimonials of the highest order in proof of these statements. For the cure of Diabetes, call for Warner’s Safe Diabetes Cure. For the cure of Bright’s and other diseases, call for Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Warner’s Safe Remedies are sold by druggists and dealers in medicine everywhere. H. H. Warner & Co, proprietor, N. Y. Send for pamphlet and testimonials. Ask your druggist for it. Sold by all wholesale druggists in San Francisco, Sacramento and Portland.

Careful! Several versions

WARNER’S SAFE KIDNEY & LIVER CURE. [white text inside black box] A vegetable preparation and the only sure remedy in the world for Bright’s Disease, Diabetes, and All Kidney, Liver and Urinary Diseases. Testimonials of the highest order in proof of these statements. For the case of Diabetes, call for Warner’s Safe Diabetes Cure. For the cure of Bright’s and the other diseases, call for Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. [illustration of a black arm & hand pointing upward, written on in white text that says Safe Kidney & Liver Cure. Safe Diabetes Cure. Safe Bitters Nerving Pills. Read! Save Thyself.] Warner’s Safe Remedies are sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. H. H. Warner & Co., Proprietors, Rochester, N. Y. Send for Pamphlet and Testimonials. Ask your druggist for it. Sold by all wholesale druggists, in San Francisco, Sacramento and Portland.

Careful! Several versions

WARNER’S SAFE KIDNEY & LIVER CURE [picture of man or woman picking flowers or plants] is made from a simple tropical leaf of rare vulva? and is a POSITIVE remedy for all the diseases that cause pains in the lower part of the body -- for torpid liver -- headaches – jaundice – dizziness, ???, malaria, and all difficulties of the ???, liver and urinary organs. For female diseases, monthly menstruations and during pregnancy it has no equal. It restores the organs that make the blood, and hence is the best blood purifier. It is the only known remedy that cures Bright’s Disease. For diabetes, use Warner’s Safe Diabetes Cure. ---- For sale by druggist’s and all dealers at $1.25 per bottle. Largest bottle in the market. Try it. H. H. Warner & Co., Rochester N.Y. [New York

WARNER’S SAFE REMEDIES. Warner’s safe pills are an immediate stimulus for a torpid liver, and cure costiveness?, dyspepsia, biliousness, bilious diarrhea, malaria, fever, and ague, and are useful at ??? in ??? all diseases to cause a frequent regular action of the bowels. The best antidote for all malarial poison. Price, 25 cents a box. ---- Warner’s Safe Nervine quickly gives rest and sleep to the suffering, cures headache and Neuralgia, prevents epileptic fits, and is the best remedy for nervous prostration brought on by excessive drinking, over-work, mental shocks and other causes. It relieves the pains of all diseases, and is never injurious to the the system. The best of all Nervines, Bottles of two sizes; prices, 80 cents and $1.10. ---- Warner’s Safe Remedies are sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. H.H. Warner & Co. [company], proprietors, Rochester, N.Y. Send for pamphlet and testimonials. Ask your druggist for it. Sold by all wholesale druggists in San Francisco, Sacramento and Portland.
We are greatly extending and enlarging the former stock and [unreadable] of O.C. Ormsby, and, while extending thanks for past patronage, wish to state that we are now carrying a stock of drugs, medicines and goods pertaining [unreadable] business which will [unreadable] of the wholesale and retail trade of this entire region. We cordially invite investigation respecting our stock and prices.

O.C. Ormsby, B.F. Riter.

The weary sufferer who is patiently enduring the hot weather and longing for relief, gladly hails anything that will banish monotony or lessen [unreadable], Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure does both, and it is the true “Friend in Need” to suffering humanity. For the kidney, liver or urinary organs it is infallible.
WELLSVILLE CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION, Wellsville, Cache Co., Utah. Retail dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Hosiery, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. All kinds of Produce bought & sold. Everything at Bed-Rock Prices. Call and Examine Our Stock. John Hendry, Supt.
WHAT BETTER EVIDENCE Could the people ask to substantiate the morals of Dr. Pierce’s Family Medicine more than the fact that they have not only yearly grown in popular favor in this country, but the foreign demand for them has become so great as to necessitate the establishing a branch of the celebrated World’s Dispensary in London, England, that this blessing to the afflicted may be dispatched from that greatest commercial center of the world to every country and people. Golden Medical Discovery is a concentrated, potent, alterative, or blood cleansing remedy, that wins golden opinions of all who use it for all humors from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the formidable scrofulous swelling. Internal fever, soreness and ulceration, yield to its benign influence. Consumption, which is but a form of scrofulous affection of the lungs, may in the early stages be cured by a free use of this God-given remedy. See articles on consumption and its treatment in “Invalid’s Guide Book” – 10 cents post-paid Address, World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, NY. ---- Worcester, Mon, Feb 3d, 1879. Dr. R. Y. Firnor?: Dear Sir – With trembling hand, from my extreme age, being eighty-one, I write to inform you of the great benefit your Golden Medical Discovery and Reliefs? have been to me. Three years ago I was prostrated with pneumonia, and no one thought I would recover. By the use of those medicines I was raised to health, and by the blessing of God and your medicines I have enjoyed pretty good health since, though for years before this I suffered from weak lungs and a bad cough. Gratefully yours, MARY B. FISK. ---- From a Distinguished Physician. Prof. Green, a distinguished allopathic physician, wrote to the Medical Record of Atlanta, Ga., to the effect that after all other means had failed, he sent for the Kidney Cure, (Safe Kidney and Liver Cure), and to his astonishment cured a serious case of Bright’s Disease by administering it, and afterwards found it equally beneficial in other cases. He advised his brother physicians to use it in preference to anything else for kidney disorders.

WHEN YOU VISIT Salt Lake City do not fail to call at the agency for home made goods in the Old Constitution Building, and examine the stock of Flannels for Dresses and Plain and Twilled Flannels. New Styles in Shawls of different kinds. Waterproofs, Blankets, Linseys, Cloths, and all kinds of Woolen Goods, besides Trunks, Brooms, Soaps, and other home made goods at very low prices. Wholesale or retail. J.C. Cutler. nov4-tf.

WHITE HOUSE HOTEL. THE PROPRIETORS TAKE PLEASURE IN announcing to the public that they have remodeled and refitted The Hotel. The Dining Rooms are spacious, and the best meals will be served night and day. TERMS:

Single Meals .25

Hot Lunches (as per card) .25

Room and Board per day $1.50 to $2

Room and Board per week $10 to $12

Board per week $7

An excellent Bar and Four Billiard Tables attached. A. PODLECH? & CO. 6-ly
WHITE PRAIRIE FLOWER. Taken before retiring will insure a good night’s rest, with an awakening in the rosy morn to health, courage, and vigor. For coated tongue, bad breath, sick headache, or any disturbance arising from Dyspepsia or torpid liver, it is without a peer. Its action on disease is entirely different from any medicine ever introduced, quieting pains almost instantly. The hue and cry raised against it by patent medicine men, who have foreseen in its advent the destruction of their nefarious business, and the thousands of un-solicited testimonials flowing in from all parts of the New World, is a sure indication of its great merits. Trial size at all Drug stores. Half pound bottles, 70 cents. CHAS LANGLEY & CO, Wholesale Druggists, Sole Agents.
WILL SHORTLY HAVE a good stock of improved Buckeye Machines, Furst & Bradley plows, hay rakes, &c., &c., at Zion’s Board of Trade. 38 tf
WILLIAM BUDER, PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweler, THIRD STREET, Between Washington and Main Streets, Logan, Utah. Work done neatly and promptly and guaranteed.
Several versions

WM. DRIVER & SON, The Leading Druggists Of Ogden City, Offer special inducements to wholesale purchasers in the northern part of this Territory. They are constantly adding to their already Large Stock And will give satisfaction to their patrons both in Quality and in Price. A Full Line Of The Best Liquors Always on hand for medicinal and family purposes. Orders by mail from responsible parties promptly attended to. sept11-ly.

WM. DRIVER & SON, Wholesale and retail dealers in wines and liquors! The best brands always in stock. [Illustration] Wm. Driver & Son, Leading druggist of Ogden. Send in your orders and they will receive prompt attention.
WM. H. MILES, (Of New York City) Has Commenced the Manufacture of Brushes! in Logan, opposite the Tabernacle, and respectfully solicits the patronage of the public who prefer Home Products. Brushes Made To Order. Save Your Bristles & Horse Hair. Stencils cut for marking sacks, etc. ly.

WILSON & BRO. Manufacturers and Dealers in Doors, Sash Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Weights, Cords and Pulleys. 18 and 20 Drumm Street. (Large Brick Building, East Side.) Between California and Sacramento Streets, San Francisco, Cal. [California].

WOMEN NEVER THINK! If the crabbed old bachelor who uttered this sentiment could but witness the intense thought, ?? and thorough investigation of women determining the best medicines to ?? their families well, and would note their ?? and wisdom in selecting Hop Bitters as the best, and demonstrating it by keeping their families in perpetual health, at a minimal expense, he would be forced to acknowledge that such sentiments are baseless and false.
THE WONDER OF THE WORLD. Good news for all. Professor Herman’s world renowned vermin destroyer! Which is known to be far superior to anything yet discovered. For killing rats, mice, insects on poultry, ants, bugs, cockroaches, black beetles, fleas on dogs, blight and insects on plants, moth in furs, tick or scab on sheep or goats, also on cattle, etc. ---- This preparation has been applied with great success against the insects that attack the coffee plants, and would doubtless be equally efficacious with the tea plants. Sold in packets at 25 cents per packet or six packets, $1.25. ---- This powder is warranted free from all bad smell, and will keep in any climate. It may be spread anywhere without risk, as it is quite harmless to cats or dogs, as they will not eat it. Directions for use on each packet. Manufactory, Gravel Lane, Houndsditch, City of London, England. ---- The above discovery has gained for Prof. Herman a silver prize medal at the Intercolonial Exhibition at Victoria, Australia, of 1863, besides numerous testimonials. Sole agent, O. C. Ormsby, druggist, Logan, Driver & Son, druggists, Ogden City. 50-ly

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Z.C.M.I. has got a splendid lot of Lamps – Solid, Glass, Bronze, Brass, Porcelain Column, &c. Hand, Night, and Stand Lamps in many styles, to suit all tastes. When you want something good and ornamental, call and get a Parlor Lamp, Chimmeys, Globes, Shades, in tasteful designs, and the well known Illuminators, Lanterns, Headlight Oil – 175 test – best in the market. Oct3-tf
Caution!! Different versions!

Z.C.M.I. LOGAN BRANCH, Daily Receiving Large Quantities of Fall and Winter Goods, Consisting of Linseys, Flannels, Dress Goods, Cassimeres [cashmeres], Jeans, Ladies & Gent’s Furnishings, Shawls, Blankets, Notions, Hats, and Caps. A most complete stock Boots And Shoes! Staple Groceries & Hardware. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Dried Fruits, Lard, Bacon, Hams, Syrup, Tobacco, etc. Wooden Ware, Lamps, Glass and Queensware, Leather & Shoe Findings, Harness, Horse Collars, School Books, Stationery, Etc. Etc. Nails, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Mechanics tools, Screws, Locks, Butts, Rivets, and Burrs, Tin and Copper Ware. A Full Line of The Celebrated Monitor and Charter Oak Cook and Heating Stoves. Moses Thatcher, Manager, H.S. Eldredge, Supt. sept11-ly.

Caution! Different versions!

Z. C. M. I., Logan branch will offer at an early day a full line of agricultural tools consisting of shovels, spades, digging forks, hay and manure forks, hoes, rakes, mattocks, pruning knives and shears, wheelbarrows, &c., &c., &c. In addition to spring trade will have of dry goods, groceries, hats, hardware, boots, and shoes, leather, &c., &c. A larger and better assortment than ever before. Moses Thatcher, manager. H.S. Eldredge, Sup. Sept11-ly

ZION’S BOARD OF TRADE Logan City, Cache Co., Utah. Agent for the Improved Studebaker Farm & Spring Wagons, Buggies and Carriages. Buckeye Machines, Furst & Bradley plows, harrows and cultivators; South Bend chilled plows Keystone and Furst & Bradley hay rakes. Also dealers in Iron, Steel, Bolts. All kinds of Hardwood and Wagon material, Farm and Freight Fixtures. Examine prices before purchasing elsewhere. Fred. Turner, Superintendent 4-11

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