2 – 5. The Judge Advocate General TJAG will a. Evaluate the legal aspects of the ASAP. b. Review laboratory forensic specimen handling procedures (chain of custody) and other drug- and alcohol-testing program elements for legal sufficiency when requested. c. Appoint a liaison to the ARD. 2 – 6. Commanders of Army commands, Army service component commands, and direct reporting unitsThe Commanders of ACOMs, ASCCs, and DRUs will a. Appoint a staff officer to serve as liaison with ARD on substance abuse issues and may request access to substance abuse compliance metric databases that support report reviews. b. Appoint a representative to coordinate the RRP, its policies and statistics with the ARD and serve on a HQDA risk reduction working group. c. During prolonged deployments (1) Determine optimal number of base area codes (BAC) and their alignment. (2) Provide detailed policy concerning random testing expectations and limitations. (3) Ensure ASAP capabilities are addressed in the personnel and/or medical operations plan or annex for deployments. Minimum services would include drug testing and clinical assessment however, based on mission, enemy, terrain, troops, time, civil considerations (METT – TC) and security, additional services may need to be provided.