For trigger method 2, a separate trigger point is not configured. To trigger an output, write a new value to the Snapshot of the output point itself. The new value does not need to be different than the previous value to trigger an output, but the timestamp of the new value must be more recent than the previous value.
Trigger method 2 may be easier to configure than trigger method 1, but trigger method 2 has a significant disadvantage. If the output is unsuccessful, there is no tag to receive a digital state that is indicative of the failure, which is very important for troubleshooting.
I/O Rate points are used to monitor the data collection rate of an interface. An I/O Rate point can be configured to receive 10-minute averages of the total number of exceptions per minute that are sent to PI by the interface. A value is considered an exception if it has exceeded the exception limits for a given PI point.. Since 10-minute averages are taken, the first average is not written to PI until 10 minutes after the interface has started. One I/O Rate tag can be configured for each copy of the interface that is in use.
For Windows and UNIX nodes, the 10-minute rate averages (in events/minute) can be monitored with a client application such as ProcessBook. For Open VMS nodes, the rate (events/minute) can be monitored with the PISysExe:IOMonitor.exe program or with another client program such as Process Book. The IOMonitor program is discussed on page DA-71 of PI System Manual I.
Create an I/O Rate Tag with the following point attribute values.
The default settings can be used for the remaining PI Point attributes.
When Compressing is set to Zero the I/O Rate Tag acts like a heartbeat tag for the interface, which can be examined easily in PI ProcessBook with markers turned on. If a value is not written to the I/O Rate Tag every 10 minutes, there is a problem with the interface communication. The I/O Rate tag provides a quick diagnosis of the health of the interface, since flatlining beyond a 10 minute period or a rapid decrease in the event rate could indicate a communication problem that requires further analysis.”