The message also indicates that cache synchronization is enabled with a time period set to 250ms.
21-Nov-06 16:57:51 PI-WriteSeconds 1> Begin synching cache file: c:/pipc/interfaces/test/test_freebird_abc_1_ptcache.dat
The UniInt Cache Manager has loaded point information from the cache, entered the control loop, connected to the PI server and begun cache synchronization. The digital cache has also begun synchronization.
The UniInt Cache Manager has completed point and digital cache synchronization. Updates will be sent to the interface.
Configuration Errors
22-Nov-06 16:21:19 PI-WriteSeconds 1> Error = -1: Point caching configuration error. The PI SDK is being used to retrieve point attribute information. Unable to utilize point caching while in this mode. Disable cachemode by removing "/cachemode" parameter from the startup command file and restart the interface. Stopping Interface
The UniInt Cache Manager has determined the PI SDK is being used to retrieve point attribute information while attempting to start the interface in a disconnected startup mode. Therefore, caching will be disabled and the interface will be shutdown.