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Impacts- Econ Bad- Russia- Arms Buildup

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Impacts- Econ Bad- Russia- Arms Buildup

And Russia spends every penny they can from their budget on arms- economic growth increases use
Warfare.Ru 9 (Warefare.Ru, http://warfare.ru/?lang=&linkid=2279&catid=239 , 9) ET

A government official said there would also be more short-range missiles, combat planes, helicopters, tanks and naval vessels. In all, Russia will spend nearly $140bn (?94.5bn) on buying arms. Russia plans a massive increase in its weapons procurement for three years beginning in 2009, with 300 tanks, 14 warships and almost 50 airplanes on the shopping list, a senior government official said on Monday. Vladislav Putilin, deputy head of the military-industrial commission, told journalists after a cabinet meeting the government planned to allocate 4 trillion roubles ($141.5 billion)in 2009-11 to bankroll equipment purchases to modernize its army. Putilin said that over the three-year period Russia's armed forces would receive more than 400 new types of weapons, including 48 aircraft, six spy drones, 60 helicopters, 14 warships, 300 tanks and more than 2,000 auto vehicles.

Impacts- Econ Bad- SE Asia Arms Build up

South asian countries use military growth to increase arms including missiles and jets
Global military 10 ( 3.17.10, Global Military News, http://www.global-military.com/southeast-asian-countries-to-purchase-weapons-and-the-possibility-of-war-greatly-increased-the-south-china-sea.html) ET

A report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s report on the security situation in South Asia, causing the relevant foreign media reports. British “Financial Times” reported that China’s military rise, the South Asian countries have increased their armaments, large-scale imports of modern weapons. The Reuters news agency predicts that due to recently discovered in the South Hey marine resources, making the conflict broke out between the countries concerned the possibility of greatly increased dramatically in some countries to buy modern weapons, but also neighboring countries and even caused a chain reaction throughout the region. Britain’s “Financial Times” published on March 15 article said that the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) Arms Transfers Project senior research fellow Simon – Weizmann Institute (Siemon Wezeman) Military analysts have warned that China is growing modernization of military forces, neighboring Southeast Asian countries have increased investment in national defense and procurement. In recent years, some Southeast Asian countries in recent years, “substantial” to buy advanced submarines, fighter jets and long-range missiles, its aim is to possible future rainy day conflict in the South China Sea, the region’s territorial disputes are likely to evolve into a war. He said: “Although the Southeast Asian countries have not publicly expressed concerns about China’s military buildup, but they are thought to this issue, and are used to purchase advanced weapons and ways to express their position. 15 years ago, in the South China Sea, the same conflicting time, these countries do not have the ability to compete. Now, if someone in the area and attack these fields, things will become very dangerous. ”Many Southeast Asian countries because of the armed forces resigned to the 1997 Asian financial crisis led to the situation of military equipment behind the building, in the recent economic upturn began to have to buy arms. According to the article, although these countries to buy advanced weapons from the driving force is the domestic, regional and more strategic considerations, most national governments, and not directly by name China as a direct target

Arms race in asia threatens extinction
Feffer 8 (John, co director of foreign policy in focus @ Institute for policy studies, 3.19.8, Asia Pacific Journal, http://www.japanfocus.org/-John-Feffer/2704) ET

The arms race in Northeast Asia and the Asia Pacific threatens to overwhelm all talk of peace in the region. Northeast Asia is where four of the world's largest military forces -- those of the United States, China, Russia, and Japan, three of them leading nuclear powers -- confront each other – in addition to the two Koreas that sit astride the most dangerous flash point. Together, the countries participating in the Six-Party Talks account for approximately 65% of world military expenditures, with the United States responsible for roughly half the global total.

Impacts- Econ Bad- SE Asia Arms Build up

These arms races will go nuclear and reignite conflicts in India and Pakistan, Korea, and Taiwan leading to extinction
Cirincione 2k (Joseph, president of Ploughshares Fund, Foreign Policy, 3.22.00) ET

The blocks would fall quickest and hardest in Asia, where proliferation pressures are already building more quickly than anywhere else in the world. If a nuclear breakout takes place in Asia, then the international arms control agreements that have been painstakingly negotiated over the past 40 years will crumble. Moreover, the United States could find itself embroiled in its fourth war on the Asian continent in six decades--a costly rebuke to those who seek the safety of Fortress America by hiding behind national missile defenses. Consider what is already happening: North Korea continues to play guessing games with its nuclear and missile programs; South Korea wants its own missiles to match Pyongyang's; India and Pakistan shoot across borders while running a slow-motion nuclear arms race; China modernizes its nuclear arsenal amid tensions with Taiwan and the United States; Japan's vice defense minister is forced to resign after extolling the benefits of nuclear weapons; and Russia--whose Far East nuclear deployments alone make it the largest Asian nuclear power--struggles to maintain territorial coherence. Five of these states have nuclear weapons; the others are capable of constructing them. Like neutrons firing from a split atom, one nation's actions can trigger reactions throughout the region, which in turn, stimulate additional actions. These nations form an interlocking Asian nuclear reaction chain that vibrates dangerously with each new development. If the frequency and intensity of this reaction cycle increase, critical decisions taken by any one of these governments could cascade into the second great wave of nuclear-weapon proliferation, bringing regional and global economic and political instability and, perhaps, the first combat use of a nuclear weapon since 1945.

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