Unit 1 computer users task Think over the following questions and give your answers

Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple, the Present Simple or the Present Continuous

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КН направление І курс осенний семестр 2015-2016 (1-4 Units) (1)
Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple, the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

  1. A: I am seeing Roger (see) at seven o’clock tonight.

B: Really? I thought he was out of town.

  1. A: ____________ (you/do) anything on Friday morning?

B: No, I’m free.

  1. A: I ____________ (go) to the cinema. There’s a new film on. Do you want to come with me?

B: What time ____________ (the film/start)?

  1. A: Helen ______________ (have) a party the day after tomorrow ___________ (you/go)?

B: As a matter of fact, I haven’t been invited.

  1. A: The new exhibition ____________ (open) on April 3rd and ____________ (finish) on May 31st.

B: I know. I ____________ (go) on the first day.

  1. A: Aunt Maggie ____________ (come) to visit us tomorrow.

B: I know. What time _____________ (she/arrive)?

  1. A: Excuse me, what time ______________ (the train/leave)?

B: At half past three, madam.

  1. A: Jim Lucky ______________ (give) a concert at the Olympic Stadium next week.

B: I know. I _______________ (want) to get a ticket.

  1. A: I’m really thirsty.

B: I _____________ (get) you a glass of water.

  1. A: Are you looking forward to your party?

B: Yes. I hope everyone _____________ (enjoy) it.

  1. A: How old is your sister?

B: She ______________ (be) twelve next month.

  1. A: What are you doing tonight?

B: I _______________ (probably/watch) TV after dinner.

  1. A: How do you feel about your exams?

B: I’m afraid I ______________ (not/pass) them.

  1. A: What would you like to drink?

B: I ______________ (have) a lemonade, please.

  1. Mr. Cliff Turner is a businessman. His schedule is very tough. He _____________ (fly) to Montreal on Wednesday. And on Thursday he ____________ (give) an interview to The Financial Times.

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