Unit 2 Looking into the Future 单元重点词汇导学案

It will also give you suggestions on a healthier diet and

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05.Unit 2 Looking into the Future单元重点词汇导学案(解析版)
9.It will also give you suggestions on a healthier diet and how to sleep better
①The interview with you is scheduled at 9 o’clock on Sunday morning and you are expected to talk about how to improve the Chinese students’ communication skills in English
②James was at a loss as to what to do and felt lost.
10.Your lights will come on the instant you enter the door along with your favourite music or TV programmes,and you will find your dinner already prepared for you.你一进家门,灯就会亮起,还有你最喜欢的音乐或电视节目(会自动播放),而且你会发现晚餐已为你准备好了。 
①Tom fell in love with Hangzhou the instant/moment/minute he arrived here.
For an instant,Catherine was tempted to give up. 
③I shall be back in an instant because I have something urgent to finish. 
句型剖析the instant是连接词。类似的还有:immediately,as soon as,directly,the moment,the minute,the second,instantly等,表示“一……就……”,引导时间状语从句。


1.persuade vt.劝说;说服
2.distant adj.遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的
3.efficient adj.效率高的;有功效的
4.preference n.爱好;偏爱
5.instant n.瞬间;片刻

6.available adj.可获得的;可购得的;(人)有空的
7.combine vt.&vi.(使)结合;混合
8.occupation n.职业;占领
9.oppose vt.反对;抵制;阻挠
10.absence n.不存在;缺乏;缺席


1.secure adj.安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的 vt.获得;拴牢;保护→security n.保护措施;安全工作
2.remote adj.远程的;偏远的→remotely adv.远程地
3.warn v.警告→warning n.警告;警示;先兆

4.constant adj.不断的;重复的;不变的 n.常数;常量 →constantly adv.不断地
5.normal adj.正常的→abnormal adj.不正常的;反常的
6.criticize vt.批评;批判→ critical adj.严重的; 关键的; 批判性的

7.potential adj.可能的;潜在的n.潜力;可能性→potentially adv.潜在地;可能地
8.relevant adj.有关的;有意义的→irrelevant adj.不相干的;不切题的

9.innovate v.革新→innovation n.创新;创造
10.predict vt.预测;预言;预料→prediction n.预测;预言


1.switch off/on 关/开(电灯、机器等)
2.remote control 遥控器;遥控
3.air conditioner 空调机;空调设备
4.daily routine 日常生活
5.early on 在初期;早先
6.catch fire 着火

7.in this sense 从这种(某种)意义上来讲
8.keep in touch (with...)
9.look into the future
10.pros and cons 正反两方面


1.句型公式: 将来进行时
However, in the not-too-distant future, we will be living in smart homes that will lock the door for us when we are away and remember to switch off the TV when we forget.然而在不久的将来,我们将生活在智能的家里。智能的家会在我们外出时锁好家门,会在我们忘记关掉电视的时候替我们关上。

It will also give you suggestions on a healthier diet and how to sleep better.

1. Meetings were held to update employees as soon as new information became .
2. , it will take some years before most new homes begin to use this new technology.
3. I always hear the moving songs of TFBOYS whenever I on the radio.
4. We worked without to get the assignment finished on time.
5. Through thinking, one is capable of analyzing insightfully, concentrating on the right target, and thereby making a wise decision.
6. It is vital that food is made to the famine areas.
7. An advertisement uses words and pictures to people to buy a product.
8. Many of these new are already available and being used in some homes.
9. Stone buildings do not easily fire, unlike those made of wood.
10. We must encourage if the company is to remain competitive.
11. Worried about the time , Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London. Her first was going to the Tower. It was built long ago by the Norman invaders of AD 1066.
12. The city is dotted with many small lakes, some natural and some .
13. The area is still very and undeveloped.
14. To sum up,it is wise to read news reports written from various perspectives and at different stages,which brings us to a more understanding of a situation.
15. As a middle school student, he should the school rules and traffic regulations.
16. I have a for sweet food over spicy.
17. We are aware of the problems and have taken every precaution.
18. The said that there would be a possibility of rain, which annoyed the boy.
19. A man named Peter his lost bag and took it away.
20. Sickness, with (= together with) terrible weather, contrived to ruin the trip.
21. Taking drugs is more dangerous than smoking cigarettes,because it is regarded as a .
22. 记住到了北京要和我保持联系。
Remember to me when you get to Beijing.
23. I think we should put as much on preventing disease as we do on curing it.
24. 没过多久,大卫就重新振作起来,继续他的使命。
David picked himself up again and continued his mission.
25. 我们在利用我们可利用的有限资源尽最大努力保护环境。(limited resources)
We are doing our best to protect our environment with .
26. 孩子们宁可骑自行车到乡下去,也不愿整天待在家里。(一句多译)
(1)The children to the countryside indoors all day.
(2)The children to the countryside indoors all day.
(3)The children to the countryside indoors all day.
27. 离开办公室时一定要关闭所有电灯。
Do when you leave the office.
28. 例如,如果水管漏水或发生电线短路,你的智能房屋将会探测出来,并给你提供相关的信息。
For example, if a water pipe , or if there is a short in the electrical wiring, your smart home will it and provide you with the information
29. 电视和电灯等电器可以自动开关。
Electric appliances like TV sets and lights can .
30. 那天晚上,她兴奋得睡不着,因为第二天她就要飞往北京了。 (过去将来进行时)
She was too excited to sleep that evening, .
31. 社交媒体充当了一个高效率传播信息的渠道。
It is social media serve as a very channel for spreading information.
32. 我老早就知道我想娶她。
I knew quite that I wanted to marry her.
33. , he did rather better for himself than I did.
34. 实际上,1000人在他的指挥之下。
Actually, he has 1000 men .
35. 谢天谢地,我已经学会短暂关掉大脑并且不再烦恼。
Thankfully, I’ve learned to my brain temporarily and let it go.
36. 下星期的这时候,我们将在那个工厂工作。
This time next week, we .
37. 她担心时间不够。
She is worried about the time __________.
38. 我们优先录用有经验的申请人。
We applicants with some experience.
39. 这个案子在没有确凿证据的情况下被驳回了。
The case was dismissed any definite proof.
40. 智能厕所将持续追踪你的健康。
Smart toilets will be of your health as well.
41. 我强烈建议你把工作和娱乐结合起来。
I strongly recommend that you (should)
42. Teenagers popular music, which has something to do with the age characteristic and time background.
43. 一句多译
a1.Most of the students on Sunday.
a2.Most of the students on Sunday.
44. 这样的智能家居将保障我们的安全,节省我们的能源,为我们提供一个更为舒适的居住环境。
These smart homes will keep us , save us and provide a more to live in.
45. 从这个意义上说,人工智能将在日常生活中起着很重要的角色。
, artificial intelligence will play an important role in daily life..
46. 从我们毕业以来,我一直都与他保持联系。
I him since we graduated.
Over the years, digital cameras have been getting smaller and smaller, 47 (make) it easier for people to snap a picture, 48 now researchers have developed the world’s largest digital camera.
It’s really beyond 49 (imagine) to think about its size. Standing at 1.65 metres tall and weighing almost three tonnes, the camera is powerful enough to snap 50 image of a golf ball from 15 miles away, and sensitive enough to spot objects 51 are 100 million times dimmer than those visible to the human eye. 52 (name) the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), the camera will help scientists to study and record 20 billion galaxies.
The camera will survey the southern night sky for a decade, creating a lot of data that scientists will consider to better understand dark matter. Dark matter is a(an) 53 (visible) substance that is thought to make up a large part of the universe.
The LSST camera has taken more than seven years 54 (build) and can produce super-sharp images at incredible resolution. The images 55 captures will be so big that it would take 378 ultra-high-definition TV screens to display one at full size.
At the moment, engineers are performing tests on the LSST camera. Once all the tests 56 (complete), the camera will jet off to its new home—an observatory high in the Andes mountains of Chile.

1. available
2. Nevertheless
3. switch
【解析】考查动词。句意:每当我打开收音机,我总是听到TFBOYS动人的歌曲。根据句意可知,此处表示“打开收音机”,应用动词短语switch on,句子陈述习惯性的动作,应用一般现在时。故填switch。

4. cease
【解析】考查名词。句意:为了按时完成任务,我们不停的工作。结合句意可知,空出应使用不可数名词cease,作介词without的宾语,构成without cease这一固定用法,表达“不停地”之意。故填cease。

5. critical
6. available
【解析】考查形容词。句意:一定要把食品送到遭受饥荒的地区,这是至关重要的。be available to可被……利用或得到的,所以此处用形容词作主语补足语,故填available。
7. persuade
【解析】考查动词。句意:广告用文字和图片来说服人们购买产品。结合句意表示“说服”动词为persuade,且根据上文use sth. to do sth.可知,应填原形。故填persuade。
8. innovations
9. catch
【解析】考查动词。句意:石头建筑不像木头建筑那样容易着火。表示“着火”短语为catch fire,且为否定陈述句,应用动词原形。故填catch。
10. innovation
11. available delight
【解析】1. 考查形容词。句意:由于担心时间不够,张平玉列出了她想去伦敦看的景点名单。结合句意表示“可获得的,有空的”,且作宾语time的后置定语故应用形容词available。故填available。
2. 考查名词。句意:她的第一个乐趣是去伦敦塔。结合句意表示表示“乐趣”,且根据上文Her first为形容词修饰名词作主语,可知此处应填名词delight。故填delight。
12. artificial
13. rural
14. accurate
【解析】考查形容词。句意:总之,阅读不同角度、不同阶段的新闻报道是明智的,这将使我们能够准确的了解情况。根据句意及句子结构可知主干完整,缺少对名词“理解”的修饰词 ,根据前句可知“不同角度和阶段,可以准确的理解”。accurate“准确的”为形容词,符合题意,故填accurate。
15. obey/observe
【解析】考查动词原形。句意:作为一名中学生,他应该遵守校规和交通规则。动词obey/observe (遵守),情态动词should后接动词原形。故填obey/observe。
16. preference
【解析】考查名词。句意:比起辛辣食物我更喜欢甜食。根据句意可知,此处意为“更喜欢”,表达为have a preference for,应用名词preference“偏爱,偏好”,作宾语。故填preference。
17. potential
18. forecast
19. recognised
【解析】考查动词时态。句意:一个名叫彼得的人认出了他丢失的包,把它拿走了。空处和“took away”并列,根据句意用动词recognise作并列谓语动词,讲述过去的事情,用一般过去时recognised。故填recognised。
20. combined
21. crime
22. keep in touch with
【解析】考查固定短语。结合句意表示“保持联系”可知短语为keep in touch with,上文为短语remember to do sth.。故填keep in touch with。
23. emphasis
24. It didn't take long before
【解析】考查固定句型。“没过多久”表达则为It didn't take long before+从句,根据picked可知,为一般过去时。故填It didn't take long before。
25. the limited resources available
【解析】考查固定短语和形容词。空格处在句中作with的宾语,结合句意“可利用的有限资源”是the limited resources available,其中形容词available作定语时放在被修饰名词之前或之后均可。故填the limited resources available。
26. preferred cycling to staying preferred to cycle rather than stay would rather cycle than stay
【解析】考查固定句型。表示“宁愿做……(前者)也不愿做……(后者)”时,可用prefer doing...to doing...句型,还可以用prefer to do...rather than do...句型,也可以用would rather do...than do...句型。故答案为preferred cycling;to staying;preferred to cycle;rather than stay;would rather cycle;than stay。
27. switch off all the lights
【解析】考查动词短语和强调句。表示“关闭”应用动词短语switch off,表示“所有电灯”应用all the lights,此处使用助动词do强调谓语,所以其后动词应用原形。故填switch off all the lights。
28. starts leaking, detect, relevant
【解析】考查固定短语、动词和形容词。根据汉语提示,“漏水”用leak表达,“探测”用detect表达,“相关的”用relevant表达。“开始做某事”是start doing sth,此句是主将从现,主语是a water pipe,是单数,所以start用单三形式。will是一般将来时,后接动词原形。故填starts leaking, detect, relevant.
29. be
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