UUMgmt with your actual resource group name and DcUmgmt022 with your VM name in the command.
Running this command will check the instance view of the VM and filter the results to retrieve information specifically about the VM Agent extension. If the command returns information about the Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics.VMDiagnosticsSettingsextension, it indicates that the VM Agent is installed and running on the specified VM in the specified resource group.
the above command gave this error "argument --query: invalid jmespath_type value: 'instanceView.extensions[] | [?type==`"Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics.VMDiagnosticsSettings`"]'" what it means
I apologize for the confusion. The error indicates that the JMESPath expression used in the --query parameter of the command is incorrect or not supported in the context of the az vm get-instance-view command.
To check the VM Agent connectivity using the Azure CLI, you can use a different JMESPath expression to filter the results. Here's an updated command:
bashCopy code
az vm show --resource-group UUMgmt --name DcUmgmt022 --query 'instanceView.extensions[] | [?publisher == `Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics` && type == `VMDiagnosticsSettings`]'
Please replace UUMgmt with your actual resource group name and DcUmgmt022 with your VM name.
This command uses the az vm show command instead, which provides a more suitable JMESPath expression to filter and retrieve the VM Agent information. It checks for an extension with the publisher name Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics and the extension type VMDiagnosticsSettings.
Running this updated command should provide information about the VM Agent extension if it is installed and running on the specified VM in the specified resource group.
the above command executed successfully but gave nothing in output
If the command executed successfully but didn't provide any output, it indicates that the VM Agent extension with the specified publisher and type is not found on the VM.
Here are a few possible reasons for not finding the VM Agent extension:
VM Agent not installed: The VM Agent might not be installed on the VM. By default, the VM Agent is installed on Azure VMs, but it's possible that it was removed or not installed properly. In this case, you may need to install or reinstall the VM Agent on the VM.
Different extension name: The extension name used in the command (