Figure 6 Climate variability in the North Pacific during the months December-April. (a) Spatial pattern of leading Empirical Orthogonal Eigenfunction of MLD. (b) Principal component time series. PDO Index time series of Mantua et al. (1997) is overlain in red. (c) Projection of principal component time series on anomaly vector winds, wind speed (shading), and latent heat loss (contours drawn at -10, -6, -2, 2, 6, and 10 Wm-2).
Figure 7 December-April anomalies averaged across the central North Pacific box (180o-150oW, 35o-45oN) defined in Fig. 7. The scale for mixed layer depth is shown on left (m), while scales for SST (oC) and winds (ms-1) are shown on right. The correlation between anomalous MLD and wind speed is 0.61, while the correlation between anomalous MLD and SST is -0.48.