o most U.S. Embassies were well beyond the round-trip range of the CH-46 from a naval platform at the five fathom line
even at optimal performance; o most countries in the Third World can out-gun the standard U.S. Navy five-inch gun with their existing shore batteries; and o we are completely lacking in digital imagery and 1:50,000 combat charts for operations in 90%
of the world, as well as 200 ship-years behind in shallow-water (100 fathom and less) hydrography.
Why is this so important? The sad fact is that policymakers are often ignorant of the realities of the military, civil, and geographic elements in relation to one another
and the levels of analysis, and this ignorance leads to woefully inadequate estimates of what it will take to achieve stated objectives. At the same time, the military is uninformed as to the "intangible"
aspects of the situation, and generally is not trained,
equipped, and organized for operations which require that they deal with people rather than kill them.
TECHNOLOGY IDEA: Post the Marine Corps study as a public document.
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