conventional threat has
been governmental in nature, comprised of conventional and sometimes nuclear forces arrayed in a static order of battle, developing their capabilities linearly over time, fighting by known rules of engagement,
with known doctrine, providing ample strategic warning of attack, and using known intelligence assets.
emerging threat is generally non-governmental, unconventional, dynamic
or random in event initiation, non-linear in its development due to the availability of off-the-shelf equipment, fighting without any constraints or rules of engagement, with unknown doctrine, with no established
indicators of attack, and with an unlimited fifth column.
Second, it is important to reflect on how the emerging threats, looked at in a different manner, require a completely different form of "intelligence" as well as a completely different form of "defense" organization.
High-Tech Brutes are the ones we understand, and are represented by the conventional powers. They practice medium
and high intensity warfare, have as their source of power money, and rely on physical stealth and precision targeting of munitions for their effect.
Low-Tech Brutes are the ones we are beginning to fear, and are represented by the transnational terrorist and criminal organizations. They practice low-intensity conflict, have as their
source of power ruthlessness, and rely on natural stealth and random targeting for their effect.
Low-Tech Brains are the "wild card" of history, and are presented by the Islamic Fundamentalists (who merit respect for their religious beliefs) and also cults (which do not merit religious status). They practice
Jihad, have as their source of power ideology, and rely on mental stealth and mass targeting for their effect.
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