Virus Lytic Cycle (modification of Unit lesson portfolio) Use gizmo in linked in Lesson on page 3

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Copy of Copy of Bio A VirusLyticCycle U5L12
Number of healthy cells

Time (minutes)

Amount of time to decrease cells by 10


0 minutes






(Activity B continued on next page)

Activity B (continued from previous page)

  1. Analyze: What trend do you see in the third column of your data table?

  1. Explain: How would you explain this trend?

  1. Interpret: Select the GRAPH tab. Run the Gizmo again, and observe what happens in the SIMULATION pane when the graph shows a decrease in the viruses’ population size.

      1. Why does the number of viruses sometimes increase and sometimes decrease?

      1. Why are there zero cells when the simulation ends?

      1. How does a lytic virus kill the cells that it infects?

      1. The simulation shows infection for a single celled organism. Explain how a viral infection would be different for a multicellular organism.

      1. Sometimes when a virus enters a cell, it becomes dormant for a while. Discuss why might this make it difficult for a doctor to diagnose a viral infection?

  1. Extend your thinking: AIDS is one disease caused by a virus infection. The virus attacks immune system cells known as T cells.

Based on your observations from the Gizmo, how would you explain the data shown on this graph? Answer in at least three or more complete sentences.

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