Lecture: February 27, 2007
australopithecine radiation 4-2 mya
austs may have been an intermediate stage or an ancestor in human evolution
wide radiation, diverse adaptations, abundant fossil evidence
Taung baby found by Raymond Dart in S. Africa, foramen magnum (FM) looks like a biped
Robert Broom – started excavating Sterkfontein - a limestone cave – formed by water seeping in, causing collapses and creating limestone casts around bones
leopards would bring the kills to the caves – many of which were australopithecines
a large amount of early hominid fossils came from there
Mary & Louis Leakey – digging in Olduvai Gorge and found another australopithecine in 1959
Laetoli footprints found in 1978
Lucy found by Don Johanson, important because it was relatively intact skeleton
Species info –
Sites, major fossils, discovery
Age, ecological context
Anatomy – cranial, dental, postcranial, body size / dimorphism (how different the male and female body sizes are)
Behavior – diet, locomotion, cognition, etc.
Species name: genus + trivial name, both italicized (i.e. Homo sapiens)
Rules of precedence - whoever gets to the species first gets to name the species, and if a species is named but turns out not to be a species then that name can never be used again (nomen nutum)
Type specimen (holotype) – the one fossil specimen that all new specimens must be compared to (no type specimen for homo sapiens)
2 types of australopithecines – gracile and robust
Gracile As
A. anamensis – 3.9-4.2 mya, E. Africa
A. afarensis – 3-3.7 mya, E. Africa
A. africanus – 2-3mya, S. Africa
A. garhi – 2.5mya, E. Africa
A. bahrelghazali – 3.5 mya, C. Africa
A. aethiopicus – 2.6mya, E. Africa
A. boisei – 1.5-2 mya, E. Africa
A. robustus – 1.5-2 mya, S. Africa
K. platyops – 3.5 mya, E. Africa
Ontogeny (development and formation throughout life) issues –
Humans develop at a slower rate than other primates
Takes longer for humans to develop all of teeth
People used to think that As progressed like humans, but more likely that they developed at stages like chimps
Reading: B&S, Ch 6
2 major concerns of primates in the wild – eating and not being eaten
Energy an animal requires based on
Basal metabolic rate – how much energy an organism uses while at rest
Active metabolism - how much energy used when active
Growth rate
Reproductive effort
Primates require the correct amount of water, amino acids (to make protein), fats, carbs, vitamins, and minerals
Primates must avoid toxins – most plants create secondary compounds that prevent them from being eaten
All primates have 1 primary protein source and 1 primary carb source
Each primate depends more on one food type than another – names for them:
Frugivore – depends on fruit
Folivore – leaves
Insectivore – insects
Gummivore – plant gum
Insectivores bigger than folivores who are bigger than frugivores
Fruits can be hard to find in rainforests because of short ripening time, few of one type of tree
Diurnal – active during the day, nocturnal – at night, cathemeral – both
Primates probably evolved from a nocturnal ancestor
Territorial primates defend territory and keep other males out, nonterritorial primates’ home ranges may overlap but encounters may be violent
Territoriality stems from resource protection and mate defense
Some primates have calls to alert others about predators, some primates of different species join together and keep watch for different types of predators
Sociality is common in primates but not common in mammals
Costs and benefits to socialization – better protection vs. competition for resources and mates
Still some debate as to primary reason why primates form social groups – protection v. resources
Scramble competition – when resources are distributed evenly across the landscape (ex. candy on the ground after busting a piñata)
Contest competition – when resources are limited and can be monopolized profitably (ex. musical chairs)
Dominance relationship – when a certain type of individual wins almost all the time
Female philopatry – the incentive to stay with one’s kin
Domination less important when between-group competition is stronger than within-group competition
Social organization evolution may be difficult to change
Inbreeding reduces viability of offspring, so males and females leave natal groups when reaching sexual maturity
Reading: B&S p269-73
Miocene temperature drop caused primates to have to deal with changing African environment
Hominins began appearing in fossil record 6mya, walked upright and ate new kinds of food, no longer just tree dwellers
5 factors distinguishing humans from apes
Walk bipedally
Dentition / jaw musculature is different
Larger brains in relation to body size
Develop slowly – long juvenile period
Elaborate and symbolic culture transmitted thru spoken language
Ardipithecus, Orrorin, and Sahelanthropus discussed (see lecture notes for more details)
Earliest fossils similar to humans
Reading: Swartz, Biomechanics of Primate Limbs
Anatomy of the primate postcranium important
force can cause bones to deform and (with enough force) break
(much of this reading is superfluous and covered in lecture)
Lecture: February 27, 2007
(1925) “Taung Baby” in South African limestone quarry; ancestor of humans
(1959) “The Nutcracker Man” in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania; stone tools, pushes back age of humans
(1974) “Laetoli Hominid 4”, Laetoli footprints in volcanic ash in Tanzania
(1978) “Lucy” in Hadar, Ethiopia
(1995) A. anamensis in Lake Turkana and Ethiopia
(1999) A. garhi in Bouri, Ethiopia
(2000) K. platyops “Man from Kenya with flat face”
Robust – big faces and big teeth; debate over whether australopithecine or paranthropus
“Black skull”
A. robustus
Kenyanthropus platyops
Year found
Place found
Omo, Ethiopia
E. African Rift Valley
South Africa
Lake Turkana, Kenya
2.6mya – 1.5mya
-huge chewing muscles
-huge teeth
-tiny brain
-open habitats
-big teeth (2-3 times bigger than chimps)
- crests; tall wide face
- huge, deep mandibular corpus
- huge cheek teeth
-small brain
-large, wide, flat face
-big cheek teeth
-small earhole
-clay expansion?
*doesn’t fit*
A. anamensis
A. afarensis
A. bahrelghazali
A. africanus
A. garhi
Year found
Place found
L. Turkana
and Ethiopia
Tanzania, Chad, Ethiopia, possibly South Africa
South Africa
(Taung, Sterkfontein, Gladysvale)
Bouri, Ethiopia
3.9-4.2 mya
-like chimp but bigger teeth & mandible, smaller canines
-Built up bone on medial side; indicates bipedalism
-notch in distal elbow (chimplike)
-bigger cheek teeth
-incisiform canines
-smaller incisors and canines
-sexual dimorphism
-chimplike body size
-more primitive than Sahel.
Foramen magnum location and zyg. arches
Lucy – longer arms than legs; bipedal
Dikika – 3yrs old (3.3mya)
Mandibular fragment shows thick enameled premolars and vertical symphosis
Different from afarensis?
-Like afarensis but megadontal
-projecting canines
-bigger, flatter molars
-strongly bicuspid (like homo)
-slightly larger brain than afarensis
-deep mandibular fossa
-post crania like A. afarensis
“Little Foot”
-large post-canines
-small brain
-prognathic face
-large browridge
-modern postcranial proportions
-bone smashing indicates stone tool usage
Lecture: March 1, 2007
Australopithecine Diets
How do we eat?
Ingestion – food in front of mouth (often incision)
Stage I transport – food goes to post-canine region
Oral transport – tongue shuttling food
Mastication – breakdown of food by (pre)molars (“chewing”)
Cheek teeth as pestles; move up and inward
Cusps = pestle; valleys = mortar
Unilateral mastication – chew on one side at a time (balancing side – side you are not chewing on and working side – side on which you are chewing)
Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) has 2 degrees of freedom:
1) Abduction (opening), Adduction (closing) vertical motion
jaw closing muscles: temporalis (side of temporal lobe)
masseter (along cheekbone)
medial pterygoid (jaw joint to nose)
lateral pterygoid (jaw to ear)
jaw opening muscles: most important = diagastric
2) Translation (protrusion and retrusion) horizontal motion
Stage II transport – formation of bolus, then to back of oral cavity
Deglutition (swallowing)
Humans: epiglottis and soft-palate are not in contact; shared space for food and air which means much more likely to choke (only mammal for which this is true)
Salivary glands (amylase enzyme breaks down starches)
Stomach churns food and excretes acids to break it down
Small intestine – enzymatic breakdown
Liver secretes enzyme to remove waste and filter food
Long intestine – fermentation (microbes); primary water absorption
Humans: short long intestine and long short intestine (hi calorie, lo fiber diet)
Apes: opposite
Evidence for Australopithecine diet:
Tooth size, shape Tooth microwear Archaeology
Force generation Isotopes
Force resistance
1) Tooth size:
A. Boisei – teeth 3x larger than humans
Megadontia quotient (tooth size per body mass)
Boisei < A. Africanus < A. Afarensis
Why have big teeth? – bite-force equivalent (bite force/surface area)
Very low bite force for humans (7.9) v. male chimp (13.1)
v. A. Bosei (22.1)
Stresses, however, are about the same (Boisei spreads stress over large surface area)
2) Tooth shape:
- Spatulate incisors
- Incisiform canines
- Big front teeth – stripping pith (major fallback food)
- Molarized premolars; more “square shaped”, bigger; cusps
- Enamel thickness
Humans have slightly larger enamel compared to other A.
Prevents your teeth form wearing down; grinding
More cycles, harder food
3) Force generation and force resistance:
-- adaptations for chewing so much (spend most of their day eating) –
Force generation:
- cross-sectional area of muscle tells you how many muscle fibers you have, the more the thicker
cross sectional area of temporalis (in the skull) shows you how thick the chewing muscles are
orientation of temporalis (posterior v anterior)
force on front of teeth – posterior orientation
force on molars – anterior orientation (hominids)
-Mechanical advantage
(3rd class lever system)
condyle higher increases force
pull zygomatic forward, moves masseter forward, increasing length of in-lever and creates more force
facial retraction and rotation
pull teeth inward to create shorter in-lever
-Wide zygomatic arches
sideways movement of jaw
tougher food generates horizontal motion
Force resistance:
resist generated force in order to not create microcracks
Mandibular strains (wishboning, twisting, bending)
Resist strain by putting mass in the plane of the strain
Facial twisting and bending
Make it more flatter, wider, and taller to resist force
Anterior nasal pillars
Putting it all together:
Chewing with high forces, but similar occlusal stresses
Big, thick teeth
High buttressed faces, mandibles
--- BECAUSE eating tough and hard foods (USOs and seeds)
Gracile (fruit/pith/USOs) v. Robust – tough diets, huge muscles etc. (fiber/tubers/seeds)
4) Tooth microwear:
Pits: harder, more brittle foods (seeds, nuts, bone)
Scratches: shearing tough food items (leaves or meat)
Both: intermediate foods (fruit) or mixed diets
--Strippers (Africanus) have more scratches than biters.--
Molars: more scratches (gracile)
more piths (robust)
Incisors: more wear (gracile)
Less wear (robust)
5) Isotopes:
Carbon12 = stable, C13 also stable and C14 is radioactive
C3 plants – leaves, fruits, corn (browse)
C4 plants – grasses (graze)
Differences btwn C3 and C4: C4 plants have more C13
Sterkfontein: baboon and cerc. are closer to browsers and A. africanus are more in the middle – ate a wide range of foods, but not sure which
Swartkrans: same picture with robust australopithecines (Homo A. robustus)
Final thoughts: dietary shitft – less frugivory? More tough plants?
Shift between graciles and orbusts (more tough) - meat
Readings: B&S, Chapter 7
Chapter 7: Primate mating systems
Primate females always provide extensive care for young; males occasionally (mostly in monogamous bonds)
Males do not care for offspring when can be using resource to acquire additional mates or when extra care would not necessarily increase offspring fitness
Females invest heavily in ea. offspring; reproductive success depends on ability to obtain enough resources to provide for herself and offspring
High-ranking females reproduce more successfully than low-ranking females- fight to gain access to food and other resources
Tradeoff between number of offspring and quality of care provided
Shift in nature of care/attention; less as offspring grow
Male reproductive habits dependent on distribution of females
Sexual selection leans to adaptations that allow males to compete more effectively for access to females; often stronger than natural selection
Intrasexual selection (competition among males)
Favors large body size, canines and weaponry
In multi-male, multi-female groups where females mate with many males, sexual selection favors higher sperm count **hence Lieberman’s references to the benefits of larger testicle size**
Intersexual selection (female choice)
Favors: 1) increased male fitness, 2) good genes providing increased offspring fitness, 3) traits making males more conspicuous to females
Only a few morphological traits developed to attract females
Substantial variation in reproductive success of males over the course of their lifetimes
Infanticide as sexually selected male reproductive strategy; linked to changes in male membership and status, shortens IBI, don’t kill own offspring
Substantial reproductive benefits
Female response: enlist aid of other males for protection or attempt to confuse males about paternity
Reading: B&S, Chapter 11
Chapter 11: From Hominoid to Hominid
Spread of woodland and savanna led to evolution of first hominids 6mya
Differences between humans form other hominids: bipedalism, larger brains, slower development, dental morphology, cultural adaptation (Ie. Language)
A. ramidus similar to humans and chimps (foramen, locomotion, sm. Canines)
Orrorin Tugamensis similarity to females
Australopithecus, Paranthropus and Kenyanthropus lived in Africa between 2-4mya
A. anamensis – bipedal but more apelike skull
A. afarensis – E. Africa 3-4mya and is best known of the australopithecines
Derived features shared with humans but ancestral traits include brain size similar to apes
Bipedal but not necessarily same efficiency of stride
Laetoli footprints indicate another bipedal species in E. Africa at same time as A. afarensis
A lot of time in trees
Sexually dimorphic in size
A.africanus found in South Africa 3-2.2 mya
Matured rapidly like chimps
A. garhi around 2.5mya in E. Africa
A. habilis/ rudolfensis
Larger brain and more humanlike teeth ** probably not on test**
Assigned to australopithecines because not as similar to homo
Paranthropus aethiopicus = hominid with teeth and skull specialized for heavy chewing
Paranthropus robustus = more recent species found in S. Africa, very robust
Kenyanthropus platyops = E. Africa between 3.5mya and 3.2mya
Reasons for bipedalism:
Efficient form of ground locomotion
Erect posture allows hominids to keep cool
Leaves hands free
Harvesting of fruit from small trees
Increased seasonality in rainfall favors a greater dependence on foods available during dry season; corns, tubers, and meet
Chimps as effective hunters but rarely scavenge
Early hominids using tools like chimps did
Chimps share food but very rarely except for mothers and offspring sharing
Early hominids lived in multi-male, multi-female groups with little male investment in offspring
Lecture: March 6, 2007
Australopithecine Locomotion
Last common ancestor, something between chimps and humans, around 6 to 8 million years ago
Chimp-like early hominids – like chimps, with bigger, thicker cheek teeth, might be bipeds
Gracile and robust Australopithecines
How do we stand and locomote bipedally?
How does one shift from quadrupedialism to bipedalism? (What are adaptations for bipedalism?)
What was early hominid bipedalism like? (and how would we figure it out?)
When and how did bipedalism evolve?
Why did it evolve?
Problem – what’s the relationship between form and function (of the bones we find)?
Form affects function is by performance – i.e. if I make my legs longer, I can walk more effectively and use less energy affected by natural selection and sometimes by habitual activity (i.e. running not making your legs longer, but thicker, yet still more efficient)
typical quadrupeds: run and walk on their toes, fore/hind limbs are about the same length, short digits, narrow chests, immobile shoulders, small tails
Arboreal quadrupeds (monkeys) have special adaptations – tend to run on feet rather than just toes, very long olecranon process, scapulas are more on the side (shoulders more mobile)
We evolved from arboreal, suspensory quadrupeds (apes) – very mobile shoulder and hip joints, usually no tails, much shorter olecranon process, very long arms and fingers, mobile wrists, and stabilized trunks due to shorter lumbar regions
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