Welcome To Options Trading For Newbies Hi, I’m
Eric Levitt, the founder of TheOptionsNerd.com.
was right where you are today and I know
firsthand that for newbies, options can be both scary and frustrating.
After 15 years of witnessing thousands of investors take control over their financial future, I feel confident saying
that when used correctly, options can be the most profitable tool you have to make money in today’s fast moving stock market!
The statement might be bold, but after you consider the
lessons I teach in this guide, you will get it!
Most of the negativity surrounding options trading are based on myths from back when there was little regulation. That has changed over the past 25 years.
Absolutely anyone can learn the basics of options and start making money pretty quickly!
All you need is to develop a foundation, learn a few simple strategies and you will be off to the races.
Of the thousands of investors I've
helped over the years, most of them started with no experience. My mission has been to help them develop the tools they need to go out, and take control over their financial future. The goal
of my guide is to teach anyone, regardless of their skill level, how to use options safely and effectively. Hopefully, after reading this guide you will understand how to increase your income using this great tool.
Options have a financially transformative power unlike anything else I come across. This guide
has a lot of unique ideas, as well as some ideas I pulled from the fantastic resources I personally rely upon day in, and day out.
Enjoy this guide. Share it and remember - I have your back. Eric Levitt, TheOptionsNerd.com